The Problem Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View

The Problem Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View
The Problem Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View

Video: The Problem Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View

Video: The Problem Of The Origin Of Man - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

Before you is the upper branch of a person's “pedigree” familiar to us from school. According to the official point of view, this was the way it evolved. However, in reality, this version is based on extremely scarce archaeological finds and many hypotheses that have no real basis. And ready to crack at all the seams at any moment.


For example, there are already versions that the Neanderthal was not at all the “predecessor” of the Cro-Magnon and was not ousted from the evolutionary tree by this very Cro-Magnon. According to one version, the Neanderthal was a dead-end branch. According to another, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are not representatives of different species of a human ancestor, but … only individuals of different sexes, but of the same species!.. And this option finds archaeological confirmation: in the Middle East, a “settlement” was found, in which simultaneously on for a long time, both Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons coexisted quite peacefully.

The battle of supporters of different views on the relationship between the Neanderthal and modern man continues. And constantly there are messages about various arguments in support of one or another (even directly opposite) theory. For earlier hominids, the situation is even worse …

In general, the modern picture of the origin of man is in a very precarious position. Even in the opinion of professionals, a single archaeological find may be enough to turn all our ideas about human prehistory …

And in such difficult conditions, official science not only does not strive for the completeness of the primary empirical material, but also diligently ignores or avoids facts that in no way want to fit into any of the available “academic” hypotheses. Unfortunately, the press on her part in relation to such facts is so great that it is very difficult to verify the reliability of specific facts and one has to refer even to very dubious sources. But this cannot be done, so below is some information from similar sources; information that completely confuses the picture of human origin …


Excerpt from Michael Roberts' letter to the British Archeological Society Magazine (BASM) regarding the publication (BASM 2002, vol. 159, p.8).

Promotional video:

Let's leave aside the question of the origin of the found skeletons. But the very fact of the presence of 9 such "mutants" in one place, strictly speaking, should be taken into account in normal scientific research, and not be hushed up …


In the mythology of different peoples around the world, there are a lot of legends about some giants who once lived on our planet. Modern evolutionary theory adheres to the exact opposite point of view, believing that human growth has only increased in the course of evolution. At the same time, here and there there are reports of discoveries of some clearly gigantic remains, which are ignored by academic science entirely.

“In 1935, Dutch archaeologist Ralph von Königswald discovered human teeth in Hong Kong, each 5 times larger than the teeth of modern humans. The approximate weight of their owner is 500 kg, their height is 5 m.

The four-meter skeleton was found in Georgia near the village of Udabno. In the American state of Nevada, there are human footprints 51 cm long with a distance between adjacent tracks of 1.5-2 m.

In 1999, on the western shore of Lake Turkan, Kenya, the remains of an upright creature that lived 4 million years ago were found. His skull is featured in Nature magazine in March. By morphological features, this creature is much closer to humans than those “ancestors of people” who lived 30 thousand years ago”.

The source of the photo, unfortunately, is very dubious: “Speed-info”, N 9, 2001.


Participants of the filming expedition of the program “The Underwater World of Andrei Makarevich” on the island of Ponape (Micronesia) managed to meet a man who, as a teenager, helped archaeologists from an American expedition in the 70s of the last XX century. Archaeologists have examined the remains of an ancient settlement that are now located on land belonging to this eyewitness. He said that the Americans found remains here, similar to human ones, but twice as large as usual!..

The archaeologists marveled, measured the bones and … buried them back.

The members of the expedition managed to find the report of this expedition. It was possible to find in it a mention of strange bones. However, for some reason archaeologists did not indicate the size of the bones!.. However, such a strange behavior of those whose measurement of finds should be the alphabet of research is fully explained by the fact that their colleagues (as well as the people who funded their research) would hardly approve of such information that does not fit into any framework of the accepted picture of history.


In the late 1950s, during road construction in southeastern Turkey in the Euphrates Valley, a number of gigantic burials were excavated. In two, femurs were found about 120 centimeters long. Joe Taylor, director of the Crosbyton Fossil Museum, Texas, USA, carried out the renovation. The owner of a femur of this size was about 14-16 feet (about 5 meters) tall and a foot size 20-22 inches (almost half a meter!). When he walked, his fingers were 6 feet above the ground.


At the end of the 19th century in Ireland, in County Antrim, a mummy was found 3.70 meters high. It is noteworthy that the found creature had 6 fingers on each limb!.. The mummy was shown at exhibitions in Dublin, Liverpool and Manchester. Later, her traces were lost. Only a photograph remained, published in December 1895 in one of the British magazines.

There was even a scientific article about the prints of giant feet with feet of more than a meter on the island of Tarawa (Kiribati) - in the Journal of the Polynesian Society. According to local legend, the footprints were left by a giant, so tall that he could easily pick coconuts from the tops of palm trees. And according to another legend, he was one of those celestials who once went down to the islands …

(In Daniken's message about these tracks, 6 fingers are also mentioned, but Daniken is a very dubious source, already repeatedly caught in outright falsifications.)


The most famous phenomenon of this kind is the imprint of a bare left foot, unknown how appeared on the almost sheer slope of a granite rock in the South African province of Transvaal. The size of the foot matches the Kiribatian one: the length of the track is 1.3 meters. It is estimated that a humanoid creature with a foot of this size must have been ten meters in height. A similar footprint, only the right foot, exists on the island of Sri Lanka …

It is curious that even twenty years ago, official science tried to attach an individual to the human evolutionary tree under the code name "gigantopithecus" (although less exotic in size, but allowing its growth to almost 3 meters). Now this name is disappearing in a strange way from the “academic” version …


In 1999. British paleontologists discovered in the Gobi Desert (Uulakh, Southern Mongolia) in a rock aged 45 million years the fossilized remains of a certain humanoid creature with a very specific body structure. According to a number of signs, his cranium indicates a close relationship with the first great apes who lived 6-8 million years ago. Other anthropological signs clearly allow linking the find with highly developed Homo Sapiens. The features of the structure of the skull indisputably indicate that this creature was to a certain extent intelligent, since it possessed the organs of speech, and therefore could speak (the assessment of intelligence was carried out according to this parameter). The structure of the skeleton of this creature is close to that of a human. But the hands are disproportionately large. The reasons for this anomaly are not clear. And yet - the growth of this humanoid is about 15 meters. The lower limbs are about seven meters long …


American paleontologists are generally skeptical about the find. Dr. Alain Parker, considered an expert in these matters, with his inherent stubbornness, declared: even if it sounds trite, it cannot be, because it can never be. The journal Nature has suggested that the Uulakh find is a highly professional and costly hoax created by talented experts.

But Dr. Townes from Great Britain is more modern and realistic than his American colleagues. "Maybe. and even most likely - he asserts - we are not dealing with the extinct human race millions of years ago, but with something else, unusual for our nature. " Ufologists will certainly appreciate this position.

On the pages of the British newspaper Globe, paleontologist Daniel Stanford assesses the event differently: “It looks like we will have to revise the entire history of the planet known to mankind. What we found completely contradicts the scientific picture of the world that existed until now. According to Stanford, the fossilized remains of the giant were found by accident. The expedition explored a dinosaur cemetery in an inaccessible mountain gorge, and here a wall with deposits suddenly opened in front of one of the paleontologists on which the skeleton of a giant who died tens of millions of years ago is clearly visible. Local legends about a bony demon living in the gorge also speak in favor of the reliability of the find.

("Science and Religion", N 8, 2003)


With traces of humanoid creatures, there is generally a complete leapfrog …


For example, in the Valley of the Dinosaurs National Park, in the US state of Texas just south of Dallas, the Palexi River flows. In the hot summer months, it becomes very shallow, and a strange picture appears: the bottom of the river is strewn with fossilized prints of three-toed dinosaur paws, next to which are often visible equally distinct traces of five-toed feet, similar to human ones. You cannot call them gigantic, but by the standards of modern people they are too big: in length, many tracks reach 55 centimeters, although there are smaller ones. The footprints on the Palexi River are approximately 140 million years old. The coexistence of humans and dinosaurs from the point of view of modern science is so incredible that most scientists prefer to consider human footprints in the bed of the Palexi River to be fake. Meanwhile,in the "Valley of the Dinosaurs" year after year, more and more human footprints are discovered, raking them from layers of silt and debris of rocks …


Despite all the absurdity, from the standpoint of modern official history, the simultaneous existence of man and a dinosaur, in addition to strange traces, there are other indirect evidence in favor of this hypothesis.

According to Dr. Johannes Fibag from Germany: "If the imprints on the Paleksi River and other similar formations of geological age are genuine, then we can only talk about traces of extraterrestrial intelligent beings." The opinion is weighty, since it belongs, perhaps, to the best foreign researcher of the problem of “ancient astronauts”, who is also a professional geologist. There is, however, a very simple but extremely inconvenient question for this version: did alien astronauts really walk on Earth barefoot?

Another thing is the prints, similar to the footprints of shoes, but which have come down to us again from those times when not only a “man wearing shoes”, but also a man in general could not be on our planet. Such finds are rare, but they do happen. For example, in the Gobi Desert, an imprint was found that looks like a trace of a grooved sole with a heel. In the US, in the state of Utah, a pair of fossilized footprints of "shoes" of quite human size were found - 32.5 centimeters in length, also with heels … and at least 400 million years old. In a seam of coal from the state of Nevada, a footprint was preserved, on which a seam was allegedly even imprinted. Prints of human feet surrounded by dinosaur footprints were recently discovered in Turkmenistan. And the most elegant riddle of this series of facts is presented by the same channel of the Paleksi River: the print of a bare foot,and just a meter away from him - the footprint of the shod … The size of the foot of the one who walked barefoot is almost half the size. Did the Earthling disciple accompany his heavenly teacher? This idea was not jokingly expressed by Erich von Daniken …


All these strange facts, of course, require a thorough check both for the authenticity and correctness of the interpretation (as the same human traces, for example) and for the correctness of the dating. But in any case, they require an explanation, and not throw aside just because they violate the coherent picture of the world. Facts are facts. And so far they fit well enough not only into the alien version, but also into the hypothesis of time travel, as well as into Everett's theory - the theory of the multiplicity of universes. They do not fit only into the version of official science, which therefore does not want to seriously engage in such "illegal" facts.