The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View
The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Video: The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Video: The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View
Video: Independent audit reveals bad bookkeeping at Pentagon 2024, June

As one of the authors of the American edition of Veterans Today Ian Greenhalkh writes, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, as a result of which the Pentagon building was damaged, was "an incredibly cynical elimination of the Pentagon accounting department, which could find out the fate of the missing $ 2.3 trillion, about which literally the day before said (at the time) Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld."

General Myers, newly appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was a key figure in this endeavor.

Veterans Today staff know Myers and his family well, Greenhalkh writes, and saw him launder money through his daughter and son-in-law.

That morning, Myers called a meeting of auditors, after which he himself did not show up.

“It was not such a difficult operation,” notes Greenhalkh, and then ironically describes everything point by point:

  1. Announce the $ 2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon and open an investigation immediately.
  2. Gather all of the Pentagon finance staff in the accounting department the next morning for an emergency meeting.
  3. Kill them all so there is no investigation. Since the people who are about to die are in a large room in a building with blast-proof walls, you will need a cruise missile with a nuclear warhead.
  4. Scatter the wreckage of the old plane on the lawn outside, chop down some lamp posts, and tell your CIA men to tell the media that a plane hit the Pentagon.
  5. Confiscate all videos from more than eighty surveillance cameras that recorded the impact of a cruise missile, and after 20 years release just a few frames.
  6. Get off the water as everyone watches the World Trade Center buildings collapse in shock. Blame the "crazy Arabs" for everything and calmly retire.
