25 Creepy Kids Quotes - Alternative View

25 Creepy Kids Quotes - Alternative View
25 Creepy Kids Quotes - Alternative View

Video: 25 Creepy Kids Quotes - Alternative View

Video: 25 Creepy Kids Quotes - Alternative View
Video: 25 Creepiest Things Kids Have Said to Their Parents 2024, October
  • My brother somehow gave out when he was little. His uncle carried him in his arms, and he told him: "Do you remember when you were little, I also carried you in my arms?" Nika Ozz
  • From the stories of my grandmother. I was 5-6 years old. I ran to a nearby garden for apples. I always chose the reddest, ripe ones. One day my grandmother, not seeing me in the yard, decided to look in the garden. The garden was abandoned, so my grandmother had to look for me for a long time, and then she heard a dialogue: I was talking to someone. According to my grandmother, these were phrases like "Bring me only red apples", "I don't like green ones." When she asked who I spoke to, I replied that with my neighbor, grandmother Lena, who constantly treats me to apples. My grandmother was so scared that she was even ready to move to another village. Because grandmother Lena died more than 15 years ago. She was lonely, her sons and her husband died during the Second World War. The only thing she did was her big apple orchard. Valeria Berkuta
  • My son says that he is Eugene Onegin. He says, they say:

    “Alas, for all sorts of fun

    I ruined a lot of life!

    But, if morals did not suffer, I would still love balls."

    He can't read, he can't walk either, but all the time he speaks in poetry about Natalia. Sasha Popov

  • As a child, at the age of 3-4, my brother constantly told stories about how he served in the army and was a tanker. At first we laughed - what a dreamer. Until one day he told how he burned down in a tank. Our great-grandfather was a tanker and in 1943 he burned down in a tank. At that time, my brother knew nothing about my great-grandfather. And now my brother is already over 20, he is a copy of his great-grandfather. Ekaterina Godyna
  • When I was 6 years old, my twin brother and I were sent to play in the back bedroom of our grandmother's house. When we got there, we saw an old woman sitting in a chair and smiling at us. We got scared, rushed downstairs asking who this old woman was. My grandmother said that this is her mother and she will not harm us. She died in this room about 20 years ago. Robin daines
  • My friend's 3-year-old son once entered the bathroom while she was taking a shower and suddenly said, “Mom! Do you remember when you pushed me off the bike and I hit my head? " My friend started to cry. When she was a child, one day she accidentally pushed her brother off a bicycle. This brother died in a car accident 10 years before the birth of her son. Cristiane Cris Machado
  • My child at 4 years old said that he knew me before he chose. He once said that he remembers playing the guitar. Somehow I accidentally heard one not very popular song on the radio, shouted that it was his song, he played it. Googled: the lead guitarist of this group died 3 months before the birth of his son. Apple
  • At the age of 4, my son told me how my father loved me, who died long before his birth. When I asked where he got it from, he said: "I remember that, because he is me!" Gulya Bessonova
  • My niece had 3 imaginary friends: Larry, Mo and … Danny. Danny was my son who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 2 years before my niece was born. Michelle edeburn
  • My 2-year-old son asked at lunch: "Mom, does this clown eat with us too?" Me: "What clown ?!" And then the son points to an empty chair. That day, before going to bed, I went through the whole house with a sage on fire, imagining myself an exorcist. Stefanie Dürr
  • When my sister accidentally dropped her father's box with threads and buttons, her daughter shouted: "Mom, pick it up quickly, grandpa is watching!" Our father died long ago. The niece was 5 years old, she scared us very much. Nastya Sheremetyeva
  • When my daughter was 4, she asked me if I remember her. I said, "Of course, you are my girl." To which she replied that she was my best friend, that she is Peggy. She began to remember how we had fun, remembered the names of her sisters and how she died. Peggy died 20 years ago when she was 16. A couple of years after this shocking dialogue, we went to my hometown. There my daughter asked to show her her old house, telling us how to get there. It was rather strange, but I know that everything is fine with my friend. Nancy Jarabek
  • When my youngest daughter passed away, her 7-year-old sister came up to me and said: “Mom, don't be sad, she will come back. Not what she was, but will return, just wait. " When I asked how she knows this, she replied: “I just know, Mom. Grandpa will take care of her until she returns. " To this day, it does not leave my head. I hold on to this hope and therefore continue to live. Cami souza
  • Sasha was 3 years old, we were traveling by bus to the other end of the city. We went to this part of the city for the first time. The cemetery fence flashed through the window. Sashka jumped up: “I know this place! Here my mother was buried! " Then he looked at me in bewilderment and quietly added: "Well, another mother, Mikhailovna …" I have never been to the cemetery - neither this nor any other - in this life. Anna Klimenok
  • On a news site, information about two drowned children came across, and next to them was a photo from their life: they were standing somewhere in an apartment, hugging. My 4-year-old son saw the photo and asks: "Why is there water around them?" For reference: he cannot read. Mariya Stanchevskaya
  • At the age of 4, my son did not want to go to learn to swim. I came up every 2 minutes and said: "Stop sitting on the beach, go, Lesha will teach, he is a professional swimmer." After 5 minutes, Lesha began to drown with another 4-year-old boy. My son raised a panic, but only a little boy could be saved. The teen's mother arrived, and my son assured her that Lesha got out of the water and left at the moment when, in a panic, everyone was saving them. When the body was found, the doctors established that death occurred within 5 minutes, that is, before my son saw him go ashore. Evgeniya Boldina
  • My 2-year-old son, having seen a photo of my mother-in-law, told how he was in her heaven with a bunch of other babies (named everyone by name who had already been born). His grandmother died 3 years before his birth. Natalia Waschtschenko
  • My niece a week before I found out that I was in a position, gave me a paper angel and said something like: "Here it is, this is your angel now." I asked: "Who is he?" And in response: "Angels are not yet born children." Lara Zorina
  • My 3 year old daughter told me that God sent her to me because she misbehaved. Aizhan khamit
  • My daughter was 3 years old. During this period, I lost my child and cried constantly. Once she came up to me and said: "Mom, if you want to return my brother, you need to try again, because we are given 3 opportunities to return to the same parent." Sandra orozco
  • When my 3-year-old baby drowned, my oldest 5-year-old son entered the room where I was crying. He asked me to stop crying and said that Derime would return. And he will return with a friend. 18 months later, my twins were born. Two sons. Bukky Obazenu
  • My mom says that when I was 3, she hit me and I said, "When I was your father, I didn't hit you." Eric Yamauti
  • When my son was 3 years old, we went to the cemetery to put flowers at the monument to my father. My husband put the flowers down, but then my son said: "Grandpa didn't like these flowers." We went to a flower shop, my son chose another flower pot himself. We returned to the grave, laid flowers, and the son replied that now grandfather likes it. Éden Hassan
  • While lulling my son, I once told him that I love him. He replied half asleep that he loved me more - from the moment he chose me. Patty negrita

Agree, the stories are surprising, to put it mildly. Do you think there is any logical explanation for such childish claims?