The Myth Of The "Mongoloid" Nature Of The Russians Was Invented By Hybrids - Alternative View

The Myth Of The "Mongoloid" Nature Of The Russians Was Invented By Hybrids - Alternative View
The Myth Of The "Mongoloid" Nature Of The Russians Was Invented By Hybrids - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of The "Mongoloid" Nature Of The Russians Was Invented By Hybrids - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of The
Video: Scientific racism | Wikipedia audio article 2024, September

As always happens, according to popular wisdom, it is the thief who always shouts louder than anyone: Stop the thief! "The same can be said about those" figures "who invented the myth that Russians are a mixture of different peoples, including Mongoloids …

However, genetic and anthropological studies just say the opposite: it is the Russians with their haplogroup R1A1 who are the most purebred Caucasians, along with other Slavs and East Germans (who are, in fact, Germanized Slavs). But even the West Germans (with the exception of the indigenous Bavarians) retained much more Caucasoid genes than the same Anglo-Saxons, who, in fact, are representatives of a hybrid race, which, in addition to Caucasians, also absorbed the genes of Arhantropus.

And that is why they hate the Slavs, but especially the Russians, already at the genetic level. From this one can understand why the Anglo-Saxons throughout their history, openly or secretly, but always intrigued against Russia and Russia, pushing other European and even Asian peoples to attack our country. Hatred of Russians, aggressiveness and striving for world domination at any cost are all the result of the presence of the animal genes of archantropians. They also force Anglo-Saxon politicians to lie and actively use "double standards", especially in relation to Russians and Russia.

And the fear that their genetic inferiority will be revealed to the whole world makes them for centuries come up with all sorts of fables about Russians and Russia-Rus, one of which is the myth of the mixed origin of the Russian people and its "Mongoloid" nature. By the way, just with the help of this myth, the Anglo-Saxon special services "brainwashed" the Ukrainians after 1991, frightening them with a new "invasion of the Mongoloid Russia-Horde."

But how are things really? Yes, everything is exactly the opposite! For example, here are some interesting studies mentioned by the traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov in his book "Sealed with Seals":

… In recent decades, Russian and foreign scientists have carried out genetic research, which fully confirmed that it is Russians (together with Belarusians and Eastern Ukrainians) who are the most purebred carriers of the haplogroup R1A1, and, consequently, the research and conclusions of V. Bunak N. Cheboksarov, V. Deryabin, V. Alekseeva, A. Zubova were fully confirmed.

Today, three characteristic “areas” of habitation of people with the greatest admixture of non-Caucasoid genes have been identified, which quite clearly coincided with some traditional “foci” of Russophobia: Western Ukraine (with the adjacent territories of Poland), Bavaria and England. Thus, it is possible to draw characteristic conclusions regarding our "liberoids" who hate everything Russian, abuse the Russian people and work for the enemies of our state. It is quite obvious that the mystery of the manifestation of the disease of admiration for the West should be sought all in the same animal genes of archantropians.

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