Color Is Capable Of Evoking Certain Emotions In A Person - Alternative View

Color Is Capable Of Evoking Certain Emotions In A Person - Alternative View
Color Is Capable Of Evoking Certain Emotions In A Person - Alternative View

Video: Color Is Capable Of Evoking Certain Emotions In A Person - Alternative View

Video: Color Is Capable Of Evoking Certain Emotions In A Person - Alternative View
Video: Color Psychology - How Colors Influence Your Choices and Feelings 2024, June

Take a moment and look at your favorite color. Does it remind you of happy memories, or does it make you feel certain emotions? These are the questions that are related to the psychology of color perception. Scientists are working to understand our complex psychological relationships with different shades of colors.

G. F Smith has produced a comprehensive report centered on one main message: Can we find a color that perfectly reflects our contemporary global culture and society as a whole?

G. F Smith, together with the University of Sussex, decided to determine the world's favorite colors and conducted a survey in which 25,596 people from more than 100 countries took part. Participants were asked about their favorite color and what words they associated with that particular color. Anna Franklin, a color psychologist and professor at the University of Essex, led this research.

The most common words that people associated with their favorite colors were “happy”, “calm”, “bright”.

Researchers have found that certain colors have universal appeal in terms of what they make people feel and what emotions they evoke. For example, people tend to associate shades of red, blue, and orange with strength, but navy blue, pink, and turquoise have been associated with calmness.

Green has been associated with the feeling people get when they think about the future, while luxury has been associated with purples and whites.

“Color has always been intrinsically linked to our culture and woven into our consciousness. The results of our research will inspire people around the world to think differently about the role and value of different colors in our lives,”said John Haslam, CEO of G. F Smith Joint.


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I'm a very calm person in life and I like the colors more: black and blue. so in this regard, the conclusions of scientists fit me. The influence of colors on the psycho-emotional state of a person has been studied for a long time. For example, back in the days of the USSR, it was found that each color evokes certain emotions. it is for this reason that the walls in state institutions were painted in certain colors.

In hospitals in blue, as well as in the porches, and even in apartments in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Calming color effect. I will say even more - there are studies that directly link human health to color. There are even methods of treating various diseases with "color therapy" and this method really works.

It would be nice if scientists focused their efforts on a deeper study of the possibilities of using color specifically for medical purposes. why stuff a person with mountains of pills, if, hypothetically, you can cure him simply with the help of different color shades.

True, now the entire medical industry is sharpened for maximum profit, and not on how to quickly help a patient.

It is unlikely that pharmaceutical companies that earn billions of dollars from the sale of ineffective drugs will agree to lose these super-profits and introduce innovative methods of prevention and treatment of various diseases.