Mysteries Of Lake Inyshko - Alternative View

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Mysteries Of Lake Inyshko - Alternative View
Mysteries Of Lake Inyshko - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of Lake Inyshko - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of Lake Inyshko - Alternative View
Video: THE LAKE BODOM MYSTERY 2024, September

There are many lakes in the South Urals, it is not for nothing that the local region is called "Lake District", but among the great variety, the seemingly inconspicuous Lake Inyshko stands out as a kind of individual. Local historians, lovers of secrets and mysticism, the lake is designated as a reservoir with an interesting history and a fairly rich mythology. There are many stories associated with Lake Inyshko in local legends. Several years ago, residents of the surrounding Miass caught … a jellyfish in the waters of the lake!

Inyshko is nestled among the ship's pines and wooded hills, 300 meters from the northern shore of another attraction of the Southern Urals - Lake Turgoyak. It would seem that two lakes are separated by a small piece of land (if you stand on this hill, then both lakes will lie in full view). And everything they have in common: the isthmus, and tall pines, and mountains … But this is where the similarities end. And if Turgoyak is unpredictable: in the area of the city beach, the sun can shine, and over the island of Saint Vera at this time lightning flashes and thunder roars. In addition, the clear water in Turgoyak remains cold even on hot summer days. Inyshko, in contrast to the raging Turgoyak, is a peaceful lake. The calm water here is brown in color, like a cooled magic brew. There is an explanation for this: the unusual structure of the bottom, consisting of several tiers. The lowest is a mixture of silt and sand,the rest of the "floors" are formed by interlacing of tree roots and a peat layer. The southeastern shore of the lake is remarkable: firstly, this is the only wetland area, and secondly, there is a stone pyramid, possibly of man-made origin. Similar objects are found on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and at the moment they do not have an unambiguous description of their origin.

Place names

The name of the lake has several interpretations, especially popularly associated with the name of a certain Inysh, who is allegedly an associate of Yemelyan Pugachev, who operated in these places. Inysh's name appears in one of the most famous legends about the stolen gold hidden at the bottom of the lake, but we will talk about this legend later.


If we approach the understanding of the meaning of the name from the point of view of science, then with a phonetic (by sound shell) hydronym resembles another Bashkir word - "yenesh", which means "about", "near". This explanation is very suitable for geographic realities: lakes Inyshko and Turgoyak are separated by a narrow isthmus, and the first is located very close to the second. Another version of the interpretation of the name is reduced to the translation of the Bashkir word "inesh", meaning "small". Yes, the reservoir is small, but, as noted by linguists, the Bashkirs themselves use this word only to name streams and rivers.


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Thus, the translation of the name symbolizes the location of the lake and its modest geographical parameters. As a rule, the Bashkir aborigines were deprived of eastern romanticism, and all the names had a straightforward interpretation, however, in our time, some of the researchers, on the contrary, are trying to fan any such toponym with a kind of romance, apparently for greater interest. After all, it is much more interesting if the lake was named after a rebel who hid a barrel of gold at the bottom, rather than actually reflecting its location and size.

Lake Inyshko legends

The most famous legend told by local residents about Lake Inyshko is associated with the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev in 1773-1775. It says that when Pugachev with his army walked across the Urals, he once set up his camp on the shore of this lake. The local rich decided to pay off from him, collected 2 barrels of gold, and brought it. Pugachev refused gold, because it is the blood of the people. The barrels flew into the lake, pushed through the upper bottom and, they say, still lie somewhere under the peat, and enterprising people are trying to find them in various ways.


The legend has the status of "folk", but indeed, near Turgoyak there is a Pugachevskaya mountain, and even a Pugachevskaya cave. In S. Vlasova's book “Turgoyak. Reserved corners of the South Urals "in the story" Treasures of the Crystal Mountains "these events on Inyshko are described as follows:

“It was a long time ago. Tsarina Catherine then ruled. Among the Ural mountains of impenetrable, dark forests, settlers first settled on our lake Turgoyak. They drove settlers from different places: some spoke from near Tula, and who assured that there were people from the steppe regions. The settlers settled in these places. We fell in love with the Urals. No wonder the old people said: "Where I worked, I was born there for the second time." But life was hard for the settlers. Headphones, clerks and wardens hung over them like flying gnats. I had a chance to work under the lash: chop wood, burn coal, drive tar and take it to the plant in Zlatoust. And I had to work from dark to dark. Where to go? Where can you find the truth? But one day a warrior rode up to Turgoyak. He brought good news with him: beyond the Urals, the people rebelled, and in the head of the rebels Pugachev was the ataman. Time passed. They have already become bolder to talk about it, openly, out loud,without fear of wandering and headphones. And the rumor about Pugachev spread like a wave across the Urals, without fear of anyone. Soon the Pugachev troops appeared. Russians, Bashkirs, Kirghiz, Kalmyks, Chuvash walked and drove. They had Catherine's state-owned rifles, lances, stakes, bows, axes and just clubs. These people moved through the forest, for the first time paving the way to the mountain, now Pugacheva. We stopped on a wide fir near the mountain. Gryaznov was the chieftain of the warriors. Soon, work began to boil in the camp. Bonfires blazed, tents, huts and simply dugouts appeared. The Pugachevites stayed here until the coldest days. We were saving strength. And the strength grew. More and more people arrived: they came from neighboring villages, from loggers, Bashkir auls. They helped as much as they could. There were two friends in the Bashkir detachment: one was Bokai, and the other was called Inish. Both clever, brave guys knew Russian. Ataman Gryaznov appreciated both of them. I trustedentrusted the most difficult cases. Cold winds blew towards autumn. The lake was very agitated. A messenger from Pugachev galloped into the camp of the vigilantes. Pugachev ordered Gryaznov to hastily withdraw from the camp, lead the troops to Zlatoust, and bury the good in a safe place so that it could not fall into the hands of the villains. And the good was not small: an oak barrel for five buckets - full of gold. The ataman thought. Where to bury the gold? And Gryaznov decided to hold advice with Inysh, his faithful assistant. I ordered to call him. Inysh came to the chieftain's tent. Gryaznov put his hand on his shoulder, looked into his eyes and said: “Help me with advice and deed. Tell me, where can you bury the treasure? Where to find a safe place so that the villains do not get it? " Inysh thought, and then went to the chieftain: “We know such places. That side, you see, is a dark urman. This urman is on the mountain, and gold lies in the urman. There is a barrel to drag nada. There is no bottom in the lake. And the lake cannot be found. There is no road there. Let's make our own road. " In the morning, when the whole camp was still asleep, the wheels of the cart rattled. Horses dragged the treasure up the mountain. Inysh walked ahead and showed the way, the warriors followed him, clearing the road from the dead wood. Gryaznov and Bokai rode nearby on horseback. The path to the lake was not long, but difficult. I had a chance to clear the urman, go around the swamps, and only when the sun began to set behind a nearby mountain, they brought the treasure to the place. The raft was folded from dead wood. They rolled a keg onto him. Ataman Gryaznov, Inysh and Bokai ascended the raft. They took the poles in their hands and pushed them away from the shore. We swam to the middle and rolled the barrel into the water. The next day, the detachment of Ataman Gryaznov left the camp. Time has passed. The queen drove her troops from everywhere, overpowered the rebels. Pugachev himself was executed, and his people scattered through the forests. And rumors about the treasure spread all over the world. One rich bai named Sadyk lived in these places. He had great wealth, but everything was not enough for him. Long thought, the rich man how to take the treasure. And thought up. Lake on the mountain. You can dig a ditch and the water will leave by gravity. Drain the bottom and reach the treasure. Sadyk returned home joyful. He gathered many people and ordered them to dig a ditch. They began to dig a ditch. The work went well at first. The deeper, the more difficult it became to work. A lot of bows broke, a lot of people left, but everything remained the same - the shovels did not go into the ground, as if a stone lay there. People refused to work: “We can't do it anymore. Shy himself. Al do not see, went blind. This lake has no bottom. The granite itself is gnawing, and we are leaving. Sabbat! " Sadyk never got the Pugachev treasure. As if two granites guarded this treasure. One granite lay in the ground,and the other stood in front of Sadyk like a wall of living people. Since that time, the lake is called Inyshka, and the place where Bokai lived between two kurens - Small and Big Bokai. And the mountain is still called Pugacheva. " Indeed, there is Mount Pugachevskaya on the banks of Turgoyak, and in the morning there is a thick fog over the Turgoyak and Inyshko lakes.

Glowing water lilies

Another legend is associated with the numerous water lilies that grow on the lake. Legend has it that if a girl picks a luminous water lily on a full moon and carries it on her chest until morning, then she will be guaranteed unearthly love and happiness. There are many water lilies on Inyshko, but you need one that glows. The water in Inyshka warms up well in the summer, which causes the active growth of aquatic plants. There are even romantic water lilies and water lilies among them. Their flowering time is not too long, but at least once in a lifetime it is worth admiring this wonderful phenomenon.

Freshwater sensation

In September 2004, in Inyshka, an employee of the Boating Station “Golden Beach” caught a jellyfish and took it to the Ilmensky Nature Reserve. According to her, in the summer there were a lot of them, but no one paid attention to them. The jellyfish, according to Alexander Rogozin, an employee of the Ilmensky Reserve, turned out to be a species of Soverba craspedacust (Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankaster, 1880), periodically found in different regions of Russia and Europe. The homeland of this jellyfish is in the fresh waters of South America, but it has spread widely across North America, and now Eurasia, where it, in the stage of an egg or larva, enters with the ballast of ships, yachts, on the paws of seagulls and other seabirds, in aquariums, etc. … She could get to Inyshko together with the equipment of divers or yachts. This jellyfish can not cause the slightest harm to a person - neither burns, nor allergies,feeds on the smallest animals - plankton.


How to get to Lake Inyshko

From Chelyabinsk: take the M-5 highway to Miass, drive through the city, reach the village of Turgoyak, and from there follow the signs to the Golden Beach. In front of the beach there will be a fork, where we follow the sign "Golden Sands", at all the forks we turn right and find ourselves on the lake, the road goes along the entire coast.

From Yekaterinburg: drive along the Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk highway, turn off the highway after Tyubuk towards Kasley, pass Kasli, Kyshtym, Karabash, Novoandreevka, enter the village of Turgoyak and follow the sign "Golden Beach".