Biologist Michael Rampino: "Dark Matter Causes Cataclysms On Earth" - Alternative View

Biologist Michael Rampino: "Dark Matter Causes Cataclysms On Earth" - Alternative View
Biologist Michael Rampino: "Dark Matter Causes Cataclysms On Earth" - Alternative View

Video: Biologist Michael Rampino: "Dark Matter Causes Cataclysms On Earth" - Alternative View

Video: Biologist Michael Rampino:
Video: Scientists Were Hunting for Dark Matter...and Then This Happened 2024, September

Mass extinctions and huge geological changes on Earth are the result of exposure to dark matter. This is the conclusion reached by a scientist from the United States. According to him, the passage of our planet across the galactic disk and through it causes various cataclysms. The study was published in Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Biology professor Michael Rampino of New York University explains regular geologic shifts and mass extinctions - such as the destruction of dinosaurs by an asteroid collision - the Earth's passage through clumps of dark matter.

Previous studies have shown that the Earth orbits the center of the Galaxy, making one revolution every 250 million years. The planet moves in a wavy trajectory, crossing the galactic disk every 30 million years.


The galactic disk is the plane of the Milky Way. In addition to many stars, clouds of gas and dust, it contains a high concentration of dark matter - elusive subatomic particles that make up about 27 percent of the universe.

After analyzing the Earth's movement in the Galaxy, Rampino found that encounters with dark matter coincided with cometary impact and mass extinction of species. The researcher believes that dark matter in these parts of the galaxy changes the orbits of comets, which are usually far from Earth. As a result, some of the comets begin to approach our planet.

In addition, according to the scientist, dark matter can accumulate in the Earth's core. The annihilation of dark matter particles generates significant amounts of heat, which can cause a volcanic eruption, a reversal of the magnetic field, or a change in sea level. This could be an explanation for the geological events that occur on our planet every 30 million years.

The results of the study show that the cycles of geological and biological evolution on Earth partially obey the rhythms of the Galaxy. The scientist believes that his work will change our understanding of the evolution of the Earth.

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