Where Did The Alien "Aleshenka", Found In The Urals, Disappeared 20 Years Ago? Alternative View

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Where Did The Alien "Aleshenka", Found In The Urals, Disappeared 20 Years Ago? Alternative View
Where Did The Alien "Aleshenka", Found In The Urals, Disappeared 20 Years Ago? Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Alien "Aleshenka", Found In The Urals, Disappeared 20 Years Ago? Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Alien
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Incident - Part One 2024, July

May 2016 marks 20 years since the famous humanoid was found in the Ural town of Kyshtym. Journalists "KP" find out who this creature really is, and where it went.

“One night in May, during a severe thunderstorm, an inviting otherworldly voice suddenly sounded in Tamara Vasilyevna's house, ordering the woman to immediately go to the cemetery. Wrapping herself in a cloak and crossing herself three times, Tamara Vasilievna stepped into the thundering hell of a night teeming with lightning. Having strayed with a kerosene lantern among the graves, she suddenly saw what she had come for - a small gnome-like creature looked out of the thick grass with huge bulging eyes and seemed to cry for help. Tamara Vasilievna, obeying the command from above, took the creature in her arms and carried it home …"

This is a fragment from an article by our senior "Komsomol" colleague Nikolai Varsegov. In 1996, when this devilry just happened, he flew from Moscow to Kyshtym and conducted his own investigation. A small Ural town then spoke of only one thing - about the old woman Tamara Prosvirina, with whom an alien lived for a month at home. Grandmother affectionately called him Alyoshenka. Then the woman suddenly lost her mind, and she was admitted to a mental hospital. Without her nurse (she treated Alyoshenka with cottage cheese and condensed milk), the humanoid died of hunger. And soon, under mysterious circumstances, the body of the alien guest also disappeared.

Actually, the whole long-term myth about “Kyshtym Aleshenka” is based on this loss. No body - no action. And in our case, there is no DNA examination. If a humanoid mummy was in place, geneticists would have carried out all the necessary tests long ago and found out that, for example, we are not alone in the universe. Or maybe this is quite an earthly kid, disfigured by radiation in addition to the alcoholic inclinations of his parents. Or what is simpler is a papier-mâché dummy created by local jokers.

It is still unknown what kind of creature it was.


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN

Our "Komsomol" colleague Nikolai Varsegov, at the end of his article, suggested that the woman who last held Alyoshenka in her hands sold the mummy for thousands and thousands of dollars to some eccentric American millionaire. And now he lives happily ever after in Florida. But we found out that this mysterious lady did not emigrate anywhere. He lives quietly in the Sverdlovsk region (and, by the way, does not bathe in luxury). And that means that the thread leading to Alyoshenka did not break at all. Still, there is a chance to find the body of a "humanoid" and reveal one of the main ufological secrets of the late 20th century!

Promotional video:


This mysterious woman who took Aleshenka away is Galina Semenkova, an employee of the pseudoscientific organization "International Academy of Frontal Problems". They used to call themselves "UFO Contact".

The organization allegedly is engaged in scientific research in the field of "energy-information exchange". In fact, it is rather a sect. The reference book "Religions and Sects in Russia" says: "The Academy" is a dangerous organization of the occult direction, the leaders of which practice active experiments with the psyche of people. " Adepts of the teaching devoutly believe in aliens. Moreover, many of them claim to have had multiple personal contacts with them.

Alyoshenka's height is 25 centimeters


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN

We managed to get a cell phone from Semenkova. But all her acquaintances, with whom the journalists of "KP" spoke, in one voice said that Galina Ivanovna - oh, what a secretive woman. Even with loved ones, she is not very talkative. And then the correspondents of the federal edition call and demand passwords for the appearance of an alien. Here you need to act more cunningly. Semyonkova of the alien in 1996 was given away by the investigator of the Kyshtym police Vladimir Bendlin. We will ask him to call Galina Semenkova in our presence. And at the same time we ask the detective: what the hell did he give the most important piece of evidence in his life to charlatans from the high road? In general, we went to Kyshtym.

At the mention of this seemingly cozy town, ecologists and “greens” immediately have their hair on end and involuntarily the eyes begin to twitch. In 57, 11 kilometers from Zimovka (as Kyshtym is translated from Bashkir), there was a serious accident at the Mayak chemical plant. Due to the failure of the cooling system, a container for storing radioactive waste exploded. A harmful cloud (thanks to a favorable wind) quickly flew to Kyshtym. Since then, there is no need to talk about a successful gene pool of the Kyshtym people. So, maybe our mysterious Alyoshenka … Anything can be. But without Alyoshenka's body, we will again slip into hypotheses and conspiracy theories.

Our alien hero, who disappeared without a trace, lived in this house.


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

The 53-year-old former investigator Bendlin now works for a private security company. Ural "Fox Mulder" calls, apologizes, says - "there is a blockage at work." And asks to postpone the meeting for the evening. We don't mind. Since we are in Kyshtym, we need to see with our own eyes the house where the alien lived.

This is the very outskirts of Kyshtym, but far from a ghetto. A neat four-story apartment building. Numerous children are playing catch-up, on the benches, pacified old women are gnawing seeds.

Many residents of Kyshtym still remember the mistress of Aleshenka Tamara Vasilievna


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

- Will you torture about Alyoshenka again? - slyly squint grandmothers, having learned that we are from "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Have you seen him yourself?

Instead of answering, they exchange glances and continue to pensively click the seeds. Finally, one cannot stand the prolonged pause.

- But who knew that it was an alien? You see, Prosvirina became completely bad by the spring of 1996. Before that she worked as a seamstress-milliner, she was an intelligent woman, it is a pleasure to talk to her. And as the son of Lech was imprisoned for the theft, it was as if something had jumped at her. And the clinic itself began in May. Tamara began to go out into the street with someone, tightly swaddled. And he also says to us: here is my baby, Alyoshenka. And what is there in the diaper does not show. Well, we decided the toy is probably there. The grandmother has completely lost her mind because of her unlucky son - she is now talking with a doll, but she thinks that with her son …

The women watched this picture for three weeks, but they called an ambulance.

“The doctors came, examined Tamara and took her to a mental hospital (there Prosvirina will be diagnosed with schizophrenia - ed.),” Another grandmother joins the conversation.

Did the doctors find the doll?

- It turned out not to be a doll. When Tom was taken out on the street, I was just returning from the store. Well, I asked the doctor if someone was swaddled in the apartment? And he says: "She wrapped the cat in a sheet." I say: “So you have to let her out of the apartment. Will die after all! " And the doctor waved his hand: "The relatives will come and do everything." Who knew that Prosvirina's daughter-in-law had left for the shift and only two weeks later would come to see if everything was in order with the apartment …

Alyoshenka lived on this couch


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN


The only friend of Tamara Prosvirina, her namesake Tamara Nauomova, still lives in the same house. She is the last surviving witness who saw Alyoshenka alive. Neighbors warn us that Tamara Sergeevna recently suffered a stroke. Therefore, one should not expect a coherent story from a woman about the affairs of bygone days.

They just talk in vain! Naumova turned out to be a lively 75-year-old woman who is not averse to abusing strong words. Only a poorly moving right hand reminds of a recent illness.

Here is [wow] yourself! 20 years have already passed, - exclaims the old woman, who did not even think about how long ago the story with the humanoid happened. - And I remember that it was all yesterday. Where did Tomka get it from, I have no idea. No matter how much she tortured her, she did not tell. It all started with the fact that Tamara came to visit me and said that she had a baby Alyoshenka. Once she came and told me, second, third. Well, of course, I wondered who she was talking about. So I asked to go to Prosvirina's home - to look at this cub. At first Tamara did not want to let him in. Says: "You will steal it from me!" But then I got a little better at it. We went up to her. And there is THIS on the sheet. Height 30 centimeters. Brown body. No hairs. The eyes are large, bulging. His eyes were conscious. He moved tiny sponges. And squeaked so disgustingly. Apparentlyasked Tamara to feed him. I told Tomka: "Give him to the police." And she screamed: “What are you doing ?! This is my son!"

When Prosvirina was taken to a mental hospital, why didn't you sound the alarm? After all, you knew that this creature remained at her house

- You are so smart, to eat your mother! It was early June in the yard. I already lived at the dacha. Then I came to visit the apartment, and then everyone was running around with the dead Alyoshenka.

Probably no one else lives in Tamara Vasilievna's apartment after this?

- And why is that? Tomkin's son was released from prison, immediately sold the living space. In general, there were no problems with customers. True, the owner of the apartment recently died. Heart attack…

Tamara Naumova is the last surviving witness who saw Alyoshenka alive


Photo: Alexey BULATOV


Bendlin is still busy. But retired forensic scientist Lyubov Romanova is free. It was she who, in 1996, conducted the first and last examination of Alyoshenka's body. To endear a stern woman to ourselves, we buy her a cake in the store.

“I hate cakes,” Lyubov Stepanovna says coldly instead of greeting, noticing a parcel of dessert in our hands, but immediately changes anger to mercy. - Come on in.

Romanova worked as a forensic expert for 30 years. She is a leading Kyshtym specialist in her field. So her scientific opinion is worth a lot.

- Volodya Bendlin brought me this little man, - recalls Lyubov Stepanovna. - Of course, he struck me. I am one hundred percent sure that this is not a child. After the accident at Mayak, children with mutations are sometimes born here. Trust me, I know what they look like. But that was not the case. And the body smelled unusual. The smell is inexplicable. Some kind of inorganic. But nevertheless, it was immediately obvious that these were the remains of a living creature. A helmet-shaped head, huge eye sockets, no auricles, no parietal or temporal bones. The creature had only four bones and a crest crowning its skull. Dry skin remained on the shoulders and chest. I did not find genitals and anus.

Did you do an autopsy?

- I wanted, of course, to take autopsy material and do a histology. But we had no right. Because we didn't have a police order. And without this, "fate" has no right to conduct any research.

I mean, there was no decree? Was Bendlin unofficially engaged in Alyoshenka?

- Guys, ask Volodya yourself. I've already told you too much.

Lyubov Romanova in 1996 conducted the first and last examination of Aleshenka's body


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

Still, having convinced us to accept the ill-fated cake with a perky mastic chanterelle, we say goodbye to Romanova and, puzzled, wander down the stairs to the exit from the entrance. In my head there are thoughts about the inorganic, but alive Alyoshenka. A phone call comes out of his reverie. Bendlin is finally done with work and is waiting for us at home!


- So, Bendlin found Alyoshenka's body? - on the way to the detective we are conducting small talk with the taxi driver. The taxi driver, like the whole of Kyshtym, knows the history of his main attraction in great detail.

“No, many people think so now,” the driver Grigory Viktorovich grins. - And in fact, he actually connected later …

33-year-old ambitious investigator Bendlin sets about questioning witnesses in his most mysterious case


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN

In order not to retell once again how Alyoshenka fell into the hands of Vladimir Bendlin, we will quote the classic. That is, the senior "Komsomol member" Nikolai Varsegov:

“The investigator of the Kyshtym GUVD Yevgeny Mokichev (Bendlin's partner - editor's note) opened a case against citizen Nurtdinov, who stole a coil of copper wire from the state. Sincerely wishing to distract the investigator from the sad thoughts about crime, the suspect suggested that they come to his house, where he would show the captain something against the background of which it is generally not ethical for intelligent people to talk about a pitiful coil of wire. "What else did he steal there?" Thought Mokichev and agreed with the proposal … At home Nurtdinov artistically showed the investigator a shriveled humanoid mummy, from the sight of which the captain really immediately forgot about the stolen wire."

- Mokichev told his colleague Bendlin about the mysterious find. He himself didn't want to mess with the devilry. And Bendlin immediately became interested and began to dig - we are again in Grigory Viktorovich's car. The taxi driver continues to educate.

- And who is Nurtdinov?

- An acquaintance of Tamara Prosvirina's daughter-in-law (son's wife). When she arrived from the watch, she learned that her mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital. I decided to check her apartment. And in order not to be bored, she took with her an asocial friend Nurtdinov. In the old woman's apartment they found Alyoshenka's body. Well, Nurtdinov don't be a fool, he took this creature for himself. Daughter-in-law Prosvirina did not mind. And so that the corpse did not stink, he dried it in the sun. So the mummy turned out.

Archive number of "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The first material about Alyoshenka was written by Nikolay Varsegov


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV


- You see how Tamara Vasilievna moves her jaws. Those who saw Alyoshenka alive say that he did the same. And already in the mental hospital, Prosvirin began to copy his facial expressions - we are sitting in Bendlin's apartment. A former policeman, and now a security guard, shows us an archive video of the "humanoid" mistress. In July 1996, Vladimir asked the doctors he knew to remove the old woman from the hospital. Prosvirina, stretching her jaw very specifically, says: “I felt sorry for the baby. So I took him home. " When the doctor informs the patient that her Aleshenka is dead, Tamara Vasilievna sighs: “I asked to let me go. She said I had a child at home. And the doctors are not in any way …”The pensioner pauses. Tears choke her.

And yet why did Tamara Vasilyevna go to the cemetery at night that night when she picked up Alyoshenka? - we ask a natural question to Bendlin

- Yes, she did not go to any cemetery, - he waves it off. - And Prosvirina did not hear any voices. She began to tell these tales only later in the hospital, when she was stuffed with drugs. And she told her daughter-in-law clearly: she went to the well for water. And while I was picking up a bucket, I heard someone squeak under a pine tree about ten meters away. Alyoshenka was under the tree.

Here Tamara Prosvirina found Alyoshenka


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

Why didn't you open a criminal case on the fact of the death of a person? After all, it could turn out that this is a child abandoned by his parents because of his congenital deformity

- The boss forbade me to do it. He asked how many things I have in production. There were several cases. Then the chief said that I was a red tape, and demanded that I did not engage in any nonsense. I had to investigate Alyoshenka's story in my spare time. It was impossible to keep the little body at work - the boss would have fired right away. So he took him home. We had two refrigerators in our apartment. One with groceries, the other - old - just in case stood. So I put the humanoid in it, in the freezer. Better not ask what my wife told me then. Our relationship with her has deteriorated worse than ever. This is understandable: there are children at home, and it is impossible to understand which creature lies nearby. What if it's contagious? Although I measured the radiation. Everything was normal. I told the peasants in the yard about domestic scandals, I thought about what to do with Alyoshenka. And one day a friend brought me an ad from some local newspaper. It read "UFO Contact". “Star Academy. Branch in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. Alien connections. " Well, I called them.

Now Vladmir Bendlin works in security


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

Maybe it was more logical to bury Alyoshenka somewhere in the forest? Why did you have to give the body to some sectarians?

- Well, their ads seemed representative enough to me. I called the phone number indicated in the ad. He said that I have the body of an alien. And after 2 hours a brand new black BMW stopped at my house. Their chief was a woman. She even had a badge “Star Academy. Galina Ivanovna Semenkova ". She promised that Alyoshenka's body would be given for examination, DNA analysis would be done to find out whether he was an alien or not. I requested that the results of the study be sent to me immediately. But a month passed, then another, and from "UFO-contact" - no hearing - no breath. I called on the phone on which I originally contacted this organization. But no one answered the phone. And I really want to know who this Lech is! But, they say, this Galina Ivanovna has disappeared without a trace.

Bendlin sighs dramatically and scratches his mustache. It can be seen that over the past 20 years he has told this story more than once or twice.

- We have Semenkova's cell phone, - we go on the offensive. - Let’s call her on the speakerphone now. And ask directly where she does the body of Alyoshenka. Just don't say that there are journalists nearby.

The Ural "Mulder" starts to get noticeably nervous.

- I don’t even know. It's somehow uncomfortable, - Vladimir mutters.

After much persuasion, he finally agrees. We dial Galina Semenkova's cell number and turn on the speakerphone.

“I’m listening to you,” a woman’s voice says.

- Is this Galina Ivanovna? Bendlin says uncertainly. As if we were not facing a former senior police investigator, but an outdated fifth-grader talking to his strict teacher.

- Yes, this is Galina Ivanovna, - an even voice rushes from the other end of the tube.

- And this is Vladimir Bendlin, Kyshtym. Remember this one? Bendlin smiles ingratiatingly. One might think that it was not him who was deceived by Semenkova's organization, but he himself is to blame for something.

- I remember you, of course, - Galina Ivanovna answers measuredly.

- And then the correspondents arrived. They are standing nearby. Your number was dialed, - all the same innocently smiling, Vladimir suddenly adds. - Can you tell me anything about Lech?

- What can I tell you about him? I thought the topic was closed for a long time. Aliens took Alyoshenka when we were taking him from Kyshtym to Kamensk.

- Well, I see, - Bendlin says happily, as if he knew the ultimate truth. - I thought so.

Unable to withstand the violence against common sense, we grab the phone from Bendlin.

- Galina Ivanovna, what really happened to the mummy that you took away?

Semenkova hangs up …


Either Bendlin acts in concert with the "Star Academy" (it's hard to believe that an experienced follower just took and gave the body of an alien to the first sectarians who came across), or he is actually naive and simple, like five kopecks. In any case, it became obvious that he himself would not get anything out of Semenkova. But (a good idea comes after) why do we need a real Bendlin if we have a whole prank Lexus who is ready to impersonate Bendlin? This telephone joker split Mikhail Saakashivli, Vitali Klitschko and Alexander Lukashenko. And Elton John was convinced by Lexus that he was talking to Vladimir Putin. In general, hold on, Galina Semenkova! Now you will tell us everything.

But, black hole, take it! Even the famous pranker failed. On behalf of Bendlin, he apologized for calling in front of journalists, and gave her compliments, and cried his tin for 10 minutes. And in response I heard only steel: “Sometimes you have to hide the truth. In some cases and in some organs. Short beeps…

When the Kyshtym cloud of despondency was about to hang over our editorial office, the information came from where they did not expect. One of the guardians of the Academy of Frontal Problems wrote to us on social networks: “I heard you are looking for a humanoid. I know where Alyoshenka is …

Andrey GORBUNOV, Ekaterina SALTYKOVA, Roman Lyalin
