A Giant Baby Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View

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A Giant Baby Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View
A Giant Baby Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View

Video: A Giant Baby Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View

Video: A Giant Baby Was Born In Indonesia - Alternative View

A giant baby was born in Indonesia. "Baby" weighing 8.7 kilograms and a height of 62 centimeters was born with the help of a cesarean section, according to Vesti. The operation took the doctors 40 minutes, the newborn and his mother, who has diabetes, are doing well, said Dr. Binsar Sitanggan

Crowds of curious gathered outside the Abdul Manan hospital in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia, to get a glimpse of the unusual baby born here on Thursday.

The baby was named Akbar Risuddin, to match his heroic dimensions, because “Akbar” in Arabic means “great”. According to doctors, he owes his extraordinary height and weight to the high level of glucose in the mother's blood during pregnancy. Risuddin is the third child of 50-year-old Muhammad Hasanuddin and his 41-year-old wife Ani. His younger brothers weighed 5.3 and 4.5 kilograms at birth.

Akbar Risuddin broke the national record set in 2007 when a resident of a suburb of Jakarta gave birth to a child weighing 6.7 kilograms. “The child has an excellent appetite, it is almost impossible to tear it off the mother’s breast,” Binsar Sitanggan told reporters.

Giants are also born in Russia. In September in Altai, a girl weighing 7 kilograms 750 grams was born. She was named Nadezhda. Nadezhda Khalina will press the slender rows of newborns in the book of records. In July of this year in Jordan, a woman gave birth to a girl weighing 7 kilograms. Until now, the boy was heavier than her - a Brazilian who weighed seven and a half kilograms.


The largest baby, which is known to mankind and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was born in the United States in 1879. The newborn's weight was 10.4 kilograms. Unfortunately, the baby died 11 hours after birth, ITAR-TASS reports.