Antarctica - What Could The Ice Continent Hide? My Opinion - Alternative View

Antarctica - What Could The Ice Continent Hide? My Opinion - Alternative View
Antarctica - What Could The Ice Continent Hide? My Opinion - Alternative View

Video: Antarctica - What Could The Ice Continent Hide? My Opinion - Alternative View

Video: Antarctica - What Could The Ice Continent Hide? My Opinion - Alternative View
Video: What If All The Ice Melted In Antarctica? 2024, June

At the moment, most of Antarctica is deliberately hidden on Google maps, so it is impossible to examine it in detail. In this regard, a lot of questions arise about the meaning of this act.

Earlier I expressed many different opinions about the possible remnants of ancient civilizations, and about alien ships, and about the base of the Germans.

However, this time a brilliant idea came to my mind. Since a rather large piece is hidden on the maps, this gave me a reason to assume a completely new version.

What if they found a bunch of geoglyphs in Antarctica, resembling, for example, the geoglyphs on the Nazca plateau? If in Nazca they can be attributed to the Indians by the ears, then how can they be explained on Antarctica, empty for several million years ?!


There is no confirmation for this version, and it may be a figment of my imagination, but with this post I want to remind you about Antarctica.

Recently, I notice that there is almost no news or news from Antarctica, and in the news it is generally mentioned occasionally.

One gets the impression that everyone is deliberately diverting all sorts of noise from her in order to secretly explore something there.

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And such a huge piece of maps was hidden for a reason.

What do you think you could find in Antarctica and why are they trying to avoid unnecessary noise and mentions around this continent?