Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View

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Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View
Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View

Video: Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View

Video: Who And When Made The Ancient Geographical Maps? - Alternative View
Video: Amazing Old Maps 2024, June

“Tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Life is given only to the word.

From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard

Only letters are heard. I. Bunin.

As I have repeatedly written in previous articles, the process of glaciation of Antarctica was a consequence of a change in the inclination of the earth's axis and occurred simultaneously with the melting of the glaciers of America and Europe, and this is recorded on the surviving maps of an unknown ancient civilization.

This information is well known, and it has been covered more than once in the modern press, but in this case it is necessary to recall it, because the mysterious history of the discovery of the American continents by Christopher Columbus is connected with these maps, which I will describe below, and it is possible that some of these maps Egyptian priests showed Solon who visited them in 611 BC.

I will make a reservation right away that a certain problem in understanding the essence of these geographical maps is that they are a generalized compilation of many originals that existed before, but were forever lost to us. At the same time, it is possible that later copyists and compilers made some inaccuracies when creating generalized maps, and, in addition, it is quite obvious that the rise in the level of the World Ocean after the cataclysm of 9612 BC somewhat changed the outline of the coastlines of the continents and islands.

Nevertheless, in a number of cases, the accuracy of ancient maps turned out to be so high that it made it possible to refine and correct the outlines of the land of Antarctica on modern maps, currently covered by more than two kilometers of ice shell.

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And this allows us to assume that the compilers of the originals of ancient maps possessed methods of cartography, no worse than modern cartographers. It must be said that the compilation of such maps requires the use of geometric triangulation methods, as well as a perfect knowledge of stereographic or gnomon projection, which in turn is based on knowledge of spherical trigonometry and an understanding of the sphericity of the Earth. It also presupposes an impeccable knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. These ancient maps are all the more surprising because practically until the end of the late Middle Ages, the method of drawing up geographical maps was the most primitive.

After all, at least several conditions are required to create accurate geographic maps. Firstly, the presence of ships on which you can make long long voyages, secondly, the presence of educated mathematicians, astronomers and cartographers, and the presence of high-precision chronometers. Let me remind you that only after the Harrison chronometer was invented in 1761, cartographers were able to determine the exact longitude, which was not available to either the Phoenicians, or the Egyptians, or the Sumerians, as a result of which they could not make maps with the required accuracy. As mentioned above, a high-precision chronometer, necessary to determine longitude with an error permissible for navigation, was created by the English watchmaker John Harrison only in 1761.

The history of the creation of a chronometer for the needs of navigation deserves to be told about it in more detail, because it is thanks to this device that it became possible to make sailors' navigation more predictable and safe.

Chronometer Garrison

Until the very middle of the eighteenth century, the determination of longitude was an insoluble problem for navigators, because to determine it, it was necessary to have a reliable, unpretentious in operation and at the same time fairly accurate chronometer.

The absence of such a chronometer made it difficult to determine the location of the vessel in the ocean, and navigators relied more on intuition to determine the longitude than on accurate calculations. The error in determining the longitude could be several hundred kilometers, which made the voyage unpredictable and downright dangerous.

To solve this problem, in 1714, in Britain, which at that time had already become "the ruler of the seas", a special Bureau of Longitude was created. And almost immediately after its creation, it announced an international prize of 20,000 British pounds (about one hundred and fifty kilograms of gold) for the creation of a chronometer, the error of which would not exceed three seconds per day. Such accuracy would allow the vessel's longitude to be determined with an acceptable error of "no more than thirty nautical miles in a six-week voyage."

Despite the fact that the amount of the prize was very high at that time, the existing technologies did not allow creating the device of the required accuracy, and the English watchmaker John Garrison, having decided to receive the coveted prize, spent almost forty years to achieve the desired result. At this time, John Garrison was only twenty-one years old. Learning about the prize, he goes to London, to the director of the Greenwich Observatory, Edmund Halley, and asks for a small advance for the manufacture of accurate watches for sailors. Halley did not give the money, and sent him to the best London watchmaker George Graham. The famous watchmaker appreciated the originality of the young watchmaker and gave him money, for which Garrison created his first chronograph in six years. But only the fourth version of the chronograph, completed in 1761, withstood a two-month sea test on the brig "Deptford",which on November 18, 1761 left Portsmouth harbor for the shores of Jamaica. John Garrison entrusted the testing of the chronograph to his son William, because he himself was already sixty-eighth year old. Legend says that at the end of the voyage, William had a conflict with the navigator of the Deptford. The navigator, salted by storms, an old sea wolf, believed that the longitude of the vessel was 13 degrees 50 minutes, and the chronometer calculations gave 15 degrees 19 minutes. One and a half degrees of difference was ninety miles, and the navigator could not believe in such a huge mistake. But soon, at the exact time determined by the new chronometer, the island of Madeira appeared on the horizon, and the navigator no longer had any reason not to trust the new device. The test of the watch in Port Royal showed that in eighty-one days the chronometer showed an error of only one and a quarter of a second. Let me remind youthat it happened in 1761 A. D.

The British are proud to report that in the legendary James Cook's three-year circumnavigation of the world, Garrison's chronometer was only 7 minutes 45 seconds behind.

Time of making ancient maps

Meanwhile, all discovered ancient maps, the originals of which are believed by some scientists to have been made in the tenth millennium BC, have practically no errors in longitude, which suggests that the compilers of these maps used a device that is not inferior in accuracy to a chronometer. Harrison.

And this can only testify to the corresponding level of development of the ancient civilization.

Moreover, on ancient maps, the process of glaciation of the surface of Antarctica is gradually recorded, which, according to the same scientists, ended in the fourth millennium BC.

However, we have clearer guidelines for timing these maps. But more on that below.

The information of geographical maps will help us to restore the face of the Earth, dynamically changing after each cosmic catastrophe.

Ancient map of Piri Reis

The story of ancient maps became publicized in modern literature after on November 9, 1929, the director of the National Museum in Istanbul, Khalil Edhem, while sorting through the dusty archives in the Imperial Library of Constantinople, discovered on one of the shelves two miraculously survived fragments of an irretrievably lost map of the world. Khalil Edham was well aware that the card that fell into his hands was a world sensation. Indeed, before the discovery of this map, it was considered indisputable that Antarctica was discovered to modern civilization in 1821, by the Russian sailors F. F. Belinshausen and M. P. Lazarev. In addition, scientists believed that this continent has been covered with a solid ice shell for millions of years.

This map once belonged to the famous Turkish admiral and scientist-geographer Piri Reis (from the Turkish "rais" - chief). The real name of this amazing admiral-scientist is Piri ibn Habi Mamed.

The battle admiral, a participant in many major naval battles of the Turkish fleet, he was an erudite scientist and the author of the navigation guide "Kutabi Bariye", in which he left an accurate description of the shores, bays, currents, shoals, bays and straits of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. Unfortunately, the fate of this very extraordinary person was very tragic, like that of many high dignitaries of the Ottoman Empire of that time. Charged with contrived reasons, he was arrested and executed in 1555, and his property was confiscated. Fragments of the geographical map discovered by Khalil Edham were made on the skin of a gazelle and were part of the once whole map, which was a copy from some ancient maps made by the admiral himself in 1513. According to the surviving testimony of Piri Reis, the originals of this map were obtained in a bloody naval battle,officer of the Turkish fleet Kamal, from the captured Spanish captain, who was a member of the sensational expeditions of Christopher Columbus, and who said that the maps captured from him served as a guiding star for the great Spanish commander, and they even preserved the records of the commander himself. Further, he said that these maps were compiled on the basis of some numerous, even more ancient maps.

On the margins of the map, there are also notes made by Piri Reis himself, in which he says that he is not responsible for the initial survey, and that this map is a generalized copy of many earlier original maps reproduced by him. On the margins of the map, Piri Reis wrote: “No one currently has a map like this. In compiling it, I used twenty nautical charts and eight "mappa mundis", that is, maps called by the Arabs "jaferians" and drawn up in the time of Alexander the Great, which depict the entire inhabited world."

This is the legend accompanying the discovered map.

Charles Hapgood's discovery

The first in 1959 to draw attention to the Piri Reis map was Professor Charles Hapgood, who saw the outlines of Antarctica on it. Therefore, he decided to send the unusual card for examination. The expert examination confirmed that the map depicts Antarctica partially free of ice. And although Charles Hapgood, who taught the history of science at Keene College in New Hampshire, was not a specialist in the history of the Ancient World, he immediately managed to understand that the mainland was drawn on the ancient map, the discovery of which took place much later than the map was created. And this refuted not only all the previously unshakable postulates of world history, but also the postulates of geology. The arguments for the global geological hypothesis were formulated by Hapgood in 1953. The main provisions of this hypothesis. boil down to the following. Antarctica was not previously covered with ice,and the climate was much warmer. The reason for this was that it was previously 2,000 miles north of its present position, outside the Antarctic Circle and was part of a temperate or cold-temperate climate zone. Atlantis took its current position within the Antarctic Circle as a result of the "displacement of the earth's crust" by 2,000 miles. But this was not related to plate tectonics or continental drift. In the process of such a displacement, Antarctica gradually cooled down, and over several millennia, an ice cover gradually formed on it, which now has modern outlines. The map could not have been drawn later than 4000, but at that time, according to modern scientific data, there were no highly developed civilizations on earth. And this was the beginning of subsequent sensations. Regarding the Piri Reis Map, Professor Charles H. Hepgood,in his book "Maps of the Sea Kings", wrote that "this is the first convincing proof that some extremely intelligent people preceded all peoples known to history … Ancient travelers roamed the seas from pole to pole. Surprising as it may seem, there is undeniable evidence that ancient people once explored the shores of Antarctica when they were still free of ice. It is also indisputable that they possessed such navigational tools that surpassed all those that were available to people in the ancient world, in the Middle Ages and up to the second half of the eighteenth century. "Surprising as it may seem, there is undeniable evidence that ancient people once explored the shores of Antarctica when they were still free of ice. It is also indisputable that they possessed such navigational tools that surpassed all those that were available to people in the ancient world, in the Middle Ages and up to the second half of the eighteenth century. "Surprising as it may seem, there is undeniable evidence that ancient people once explored the shores of Antarctica when they were still free of ice. It is also indisputable that they possessed such navigational tools that surpassed all those that were available to people in the ancient world, in the Middle Ages and up to the second half of the eighteenth century."

On the fragments of the Piri Reis map that have come down to us, the contours of the coastline of North and South America, Greenland, the coast of West Africa, as well as the northern part of the coast of Antarctica were drawn.

On this map, Antarctica was already covered with ice, but their boundary did not reach the coastline.

What the Piri Reis map told about

South America on the Piri Reis map was depicted with numerous rivers, lakes and mountain ranges, and in the Atlantic Ocean, east of the South American coast, about 1200 kilometers from Brazil, a large island was drawn on this map, in the place of which it is now At the same time, the rocks of two tiny islets of St. Peter and St. Paul are located.

However, the loudest sensations associated with this card were made later.

According to G. Hancock, in 1960, Charles H. Hapgood, professor of history at Keene College, New Hampshire, asked the US Air Force to assess the reliability of the Piri Reis map and other ancient maps. Leading experts, Lt. Col. Harold Z. Olmeyer and Captain Lorenzo W. Barrows, confirmed the highest degree of accuracy of the maps presented. Here is the testimony of Captain Lorenzo W. Burrows, Chief of the US Air Force Cartographic Division: “We believe that the accuracy of the geographic characteristics that we see on Orontius Finney's map (1531) certainly suggests that it also came from accurate maps of Antarctica, but in this case the entire continent. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that the source maps were most likely drawn at the timewhen the land and inland waters of the continent were relatively free of ice."

In the reconstruction carried out by the US Air Force, a projection was also found in which the Piri Reis map was drawn. The specific center of the projection of this map is near Cairo.

Based on his three-year empirical calculations, Hepgood suggested that the center of the projection of the Piri Reis map was the intersection of two main coordinates: 30 degrees east longitude, which passes through Alexandria, the city in which the famous Library of Alexandria was located, in which Piri Reis discovered ancient maps and 23.5 degrees north latitude, that is, the line of the Tropic of Cancer.

Later, Richard W. Strechen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, using the trigonometric method, redrawn the Piri Reis map using a modern grid to check its accuracy and obtained amazing results. South America was drawn with a deviation of only about one degree, and the Falkland Islands were plotted with an error of about five degrees in longitude. It was incredible precision that would have been the envy of medieval cartographers. But we have the opportunity to supplement and clarify this information and reveal the secret of this Muslim map, the center of the world of which was the city of Akhetaton.

To do this, we will have to remember that on primitive Christian medieval maps, the so-called icon maps, Jerusalem was considered the center of the world, and in the east, in the upper corner of each such map, was placed the face of Jesus Christ, or an icon with his image.

Traditionally, all these maps have been oriented to the east. As a result, the east ("orient") on these maps was at the top, the west ("ossidence") was at the bottom, the south was on the right ("meridies"), and on the left was the north ("septentrio"). From these designations on medieval maps, the words "orientate" and "meridian" are firmly entrenched in the modern language.

And I will have to tell you what caused this tradition in medieval cartography.

In my book "The Mystery of the Retribution Comet" I have already written that Jerusalem was at the epicenter of one of the three most powerful electric discharge explosions that split in the atmosphere of Phaeton Earth, which caused the Cretan cataclysm of 1596 BC. As a result, the zone of complete destruction, scorched by heavenly fire, began to be called the "holy land", and Jerusalem became the spiritual center of the new Christian religion.

And the epicenter of another powerful electric discharge explosion of the Cretan catastrophe was located on the site of the new capital of Egypt, the city of Akhetaton, which Pharaoh Akhenaten built in memory of this catastrophe, as the spiritual center of another religion.

It is easy to guess that the Arabian copyists-cartographers of the Piri Reis map used the city of Akhetaton, located not far from modern Cairo, as the center of the projection of this map.

And it is quite logical that on this Muslim map the center of the projection is the holy place for Muslims "al-Aha", chosen by Akhenaten for the construction of his capital. Consequently, it is quite obvious that the copies made by Arab cartographers, from which Piri Reis reproduced his map, were made after the Cretan cataclysm of 1596 BC, and this is hardly possible to refute.

Another thing is that these copies were apparently made by the Arabs from even earlier copies of the maps of the Garamantes (Gaxos), who ruled in Egypt at that time.

Let me remind you that in my book "The Mystery of the" Retaliation Comet ", I have already provided proof that it is the kings of the Garamantes that Plato calls the kings of Atlantis.

And again we have nothing to reproach Plato with.

Based on the above, the only correct conclusion can be drawn. The ancient cartographers were significantly superior in their knowledge to the cartographers of the Middle Ages, but their knowledge, for some reason unknown to us, was lost.

Maps of ancient civilizations with hundreds of thousands of other unique manuscripts were kept in the collections of the Alexandria Library, until fires and religious fanatics destroyed its priceless book treasures. However, the maps found by Piri Reis suggest that not all the books of the Library of Alexandria have disappeared without a trace, and perhaps some of them are still kept in the secret funds of the Arab libraries of Istanbul. However, I will talk about this in detail in the chapter on the mystery of the Library of Alexandria.

Meanwhile, we should say that absolutely all myths and legends of the Old World place the disappeared lands of ancient civilization in the west, and absolutely all myths, legends and legends of civilizations of the New World place the disappeared lands of their ancestors in the east. That is, we are talking about the disappeared peoples of the legendary Atlantis.

After all, it is not difficult to understand that in both cases we are talking about sunken islands in the Atlantic Ocean. And there is nothing strange that Plato also reports about the same, only more clearly. And we should not fool Plato to our primitive perception of the history of the Ancient World, constantly correcting it to our understanding of "common sense".

As the reader will be later convinced, the terrible catastrophic consequences of the Ogyges flood of 9612 BC. were fantastically implausible and have no comparative reference points for our comprehension, and therefore we cannot comprehend them from the point of view of our common sense. (I will tell you more about this in the collection of articles "Ice Age").

For example, even a mediocre academic physicist will easily perceive the information that millions of years ago the Earth's magnetic poles changed their places, but the same scientist will persist in the fact that in the middle of the tenth millennium BC. our planet has changed its angle of inclination by almost thirty degrees, even if he can never refute this information. This was only available to the genius Albert Einstein, who, with a single glimpse of thought, could instantly understand the essence of this fact. As Albert Einstein wrote in the introduction to Hapgood's 1953 book: “I often receive correspondence from people who want to know my opinion on their unpublished ideas. It is clear that these ideas are very rarely of scientific value. However, the very first message I received from Mr. Hapgood literally electrified me. His idea is original,very simple and, if confirmed, will be of great importance for everything connected with the history of the Earth's surface. " And Albert Einstein's amazing hypothesis about the displacement of the earth's axis was published by me in the book "The Mystery of the Death of Atlantis".

This is the unscientific background of this problem, which does not fit into our perception of the world.

The US Air Force has officially confirmed the accuracy of the Piri Reis map in the Antarctica image. Here is an excerpt from this document: “The assumption that the bottom of the map depicts the Princess Martha Coast, which belongs to Queen Maud Land in Antarctica, seems reasonable to us. We believe that this is the most logical and, in all likelihood, correct interpretation of the map.

The geographic details at the bottom of the map are in excellent agreement with seismic data taken through the ice cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition in 1949. This means that the coastline was mapped before the glaciation. Currently, the thickness of the glacier in the area reaches one mile.

We have no idea how it is possible to reconcile the data of this map with the assumed level of geographical science in 1513”. (For more details, see G. Hancock "Traces of the Gods" M., Publishing House "Veche" 2001)

The Piri Reis map was not the only sensation of the 20th century. Charles Hapgood stubbornly continued his search, and luck again smiled at him. The next discovery happened at the end of 1959, at the Library of Congress in Washington. Here is what Charles Hapgood himself writes about this: “I discovered a lot of amazing things that I did not even know to find, and several maps depicting the southern continent. And then one day I turned the page and was dumbfounded. My gaze fell on the southern hemisphere of the world map drawn by Oronteus Phineus in 1531, and I realized that before me was a genuine, real map of Antarctica! The general outline of the continent is surprisingly similar to that depicted on modern maps. Almost in place, almost in the center of the continent, was the South Pole. The mountain ranges bordering the shores resembled numerous ridges discovered in recent years,and enough not to consider it an accidental result of the imagination of the cartographer. These ridges have been identified, some coastal, some distant. Rivers flowed from many of them to the sea, very naturally and convincingly fitting into the folds of the relief. Of course, this assumed that the coast was free of ice at the time the map was drawn. The central part of the continent on the map is free of rivers and mountains, which suggests the presence of an ice cap there. "The central part of the continent on the map is free of rivers and mountains, which suggests the presence of an ice cap there. "The central part of the continent on the map is free of rivers and mountains, which suggests the presence of an ice cap there."

Ancient map of Orontius Phineus

This amazing ancient map of the world was compiled in 1531 by the French geographer Orontius Phineus (Oronteus Phineus), also based on some very ancient maps, even more ancient than the originals of the Piri Reis map.

This is evidenced by the fact that on it the entire Antarctic continent, with the exception of its central part, is shown free of ice, and only in the very center of the continent is the ice cap. This map shows mountain ranges, rivers, and valleys, and the coastline of the continent.

The attention of scientists on this map was drawn by a large river flowing into the Ross Sea. A keen interest in the map of Orontius Phineus arose only in the second half of the twentieth century, when scientists were able to find original methods with which they were able to transfer fragments of the maps of Orontius Phineus and Piri Reis to modern maps. The result has surprised even specialists.

Ancient maps were generally consistent with modern ones.

The coastline corresponded fairly accurately to modern maps.

On the map of Orontius Phineus, the ice-free land of Mary Bird, Victoria Land, Enderby Land, Wilkes Land are easily identified. And some discrepancy in the coastline is easily explained by the fact that under the colossal weight of many kilometers of ice, Antarctica is now gradually sinking into the ocean.

Moreover, the results of seismic surveys carried out in Antarctica by scientific expeditions of the USSR, the USA, England, France and a number of other countries have shown that mountain ranges, capes, rivers and bays, now hidden under a multi-kilometer layer of ice, are generally correctly plotted on these maps.

Deep drilling in the Ross Sea, carried out by the US Antarctic Expedition, made it possible to establish the presence of a thick layer of bottom sediments typical for the flow of large rivers into the ocean, i.e. the river depicted on the map of Orontius Phineus as flowing into the Ross Sea did exist.

However, as already mentioned, the most surprising thing was that the ancient maps in some cases were more accurate than modern ones.

For example, more recently, on modern maps of the twentieth century, the Queen Maud Land in Antarctica did not have clearly defined contours, and covered with a thick ice shell, was depicted as part of the mainland, due to the fact that only its mountain peaks currently rise above the ice surface …

Meanwhile, on the Piri Reis map, these mountain peaks are located at the same points, but are islands separated from the mainland. Recently, drilling and deep seismic surveys carried out through the ice column have established that the foundations of the mountains of Queen Maud Land are indeed surrounded by the sea and are islands.

The US Navy Hydrographic Agency, which took part in the study of these maps, in its official report acknowledged their high degree of accuracy.

Scientists suggest that the map of Orontius Phineus, similar to the map of Piri Reis, is a compilation from several ancient maps.

Apparently, this is really so, because in order to manually make a detailed cartographic survey of even such a relatively small continent as Antarctica, it would take more than a dozen expeditions and many months of work.

Ancient map of Gerard Kremer (Mercator)

The continuation of this story was the publication in 1569 of an atlas of previously unknown and very amazing portolans by Gerard Kremer, better known as the atlas of Mercator. This restless collector of "true knowledge" in search of exotic ancient maps has traveled all over the Old World, and even specially visited Egypt, because he knew perfectly well what and where to look.

He released several previously unknown maps of Antarctica, even more ancient than the map of Orontius Phineus, which he also included in his atlas.

The most curious thing was that the much older maps of Mercator were much older, more accurate and more detailed than the maps of Orontius Phineus, and it was quite obvious that Mercator used completely different, and better quality, primary sources for his atlas.

For example, on a 1569 map, Mercator depicted the Arctic and showed the North Pole as a rock surrounded by the sea, which contains four large and nineteen small islands, citing the work of a Franciscan monk from Oxford (whose name is believed to be Nicholas of Lynn), "Happy Discovery" and a certain medieval work "The Acts of King Arthur", which some authors identify with the work of Bishop Galfried of Montmune "History of the Britons".

However, this is just one of the unverified versions, and the true sources of the maps of an unknown civilization that appeared in the Middle Ages have not yet been reliably established, and I will try to talk about them later.

On Mercator's maps depicting Antarctica, the Amundsen Sea, Alexander the First Island, Gerlacher Cape and Cape Dart on Mary Bird Land, Thurston Island, Cape Norway, Weddell Sea, Regula Ridge, Padda Island and a number of others, easily recognizable on modern maps, were clearly visible geographic objects.

At the same time, on the Mercator maps, glaciation covers only a small circumpolar zone, and the rest of the territory shows carefully traced mountain ranges, rivers and valleys, and on the site of the modern Shireiz glacier, a river bed is depicted.

(An interesting observation is connected with the 1595 map of Rudolf Kramer, (son of Gerard Kramer). On it in the Arctic region, modern scientists found striking similarities with the underwater landscape of the circumpolar Arctic. This made it possible to make a well-founded assumption that the regions of the Arctic were flooded in the memory of human civilizations.)

But that's not all.

Ancient map of Philippe Bouache

In 1737, a map of Antarctica by the French cartographer Philippe Bouache was published, which was also published before the official discovery of Antarctica by Belinshausen and Lazarev.

This map showed Antarctica completely free of ice, i.e. Buache's map was based on sources even earlier than those of Mercator, Orontius Fineus, and Piri Reis.

This map depicts Antarctica divided by a water strait into two unequal parts, east and west, which modern scientists generally learned only in 1958, after large-scale studies of the southern continent. This strait runs along the line where the Transantarctic Mountains are now located.

All this indicates that a detailed full-scale cartographic survey of Antarctica began to be carried out much earlier than the glaciation of this continent began, and its cartographic survey was carried out throughout the entire period of glaciation.

At the same time, it is logical to believe that glaciation began as a result of a change in the inclination of the earth's axis that occurred during the Ogyges flood of 9612 BC, which Plato reports, therefore, the original sources of the Buache map were made before the catastrophe of 9612 BC.

Therefore, all the statements of modern scientists that the modern Antarctic ice sheet was formed millions of years ago, I think, should be regarded as a delusion of these scientists. This is another orthodox myth of modern science.

I must say that several more ancient maps of different regions of the Earth have survived, compiled from earlier

the primary sources that testify to a radical change in the appearance of our planet during the latest cataclysms associated with the passage of the "retribution comet".

Ancient map of Haji Akhmet

In 1559, the map of the Turkish cartographer Haji Ahmed became known, on which American Alaska and the Russian Far East form a single whole.

The existence in ancient times of this thousand-mile land bridge between Alaska and the Far East, located on the site of the modern Bering Strait, has long been declared by modern paleogeology, which, on the basis of accumulated facts, suggests that this bridge existed and collapsed relatively recently, in the Quaternary period, about the X millennium BC e., and this map convincingly confirms the existence of this once united land.

Ancient map of Yehuda ibn Ben Zara

Yehuda ibn Ben Zara's map of Europe and North Africa also uses ancient sources. The researchers drew attention to the fact that the glaciers deposited on it are located at the latitude of England, and in the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean Seas, there are much more islands applied than currently exist. The explanation for this, at first glance, strange circumstance is simple. Many islands have disappeared as a result of the last three global cataclysms, including the rise in sea levels at the end of the ice age.

Ancient "Map of the North" by Claudius Ptolemy

Claudius Ptolemy's Second Century Map of the North shows the northern regions of the planet with glacial zones in northern Europe. The glaciers depicted by Ptolemy by this time no longer existed. And he could not be a contemporary of the existing glaciation, that is, he also used the maps of ancient civilizations that have come down to him. If modern scientists were more attentive to such finds and tried to subject them to a thorough scientific analysis, as did the thoughtful Charles H. Hepgood, there would be far fewer unsolved mysteries on Earth.

But history has no subjunctive moods, and therefore we have only the level of development of modern science that we have. Based on the above, we can draw another conclusion. Modern science is greatly mistaken in determining the date of the glaciation of Antarctica. Moreover, during the indicated historical period, the descendants of the Atlanteans, possibly the ancestors of the Cretan-Minoan and Phoenician sailors, repeatedly sailed to the increasingly unkind, freezing shores of Antarctica. For the ancient cartographers, the mystery of Antarctica and the American continents did not exist, and their excellent knowledge of astronomy and trigonometry allowed them to create accurate maps of the pre-Flood world.

And we will continue to talk about the most famous mysteries that have survived on Earth after this flood.

Ancient "Portulan Dulcert"

The map published in 1339, called "Portulan Dulserta", depicting Europe and North Africa attracted the attention of specialists because it indicates the exact values of objects in latitude, and the maximum error in longitude, when depicting the Mediterranean and Black Seas, does not exceed half a degree … But it covered the territory from Ireland to the Don.

Ancient chinese map

This is an ancient Chinese map, copied in 1137 from an earlier original inscribed on a stone pillar. It also uses the principles of spherical trigonometry, as in the European maps described above, and has accurate longitude data. This allowed Hapgood to speculate that all of these maps could have come from a single source.

Accuracy of Ancient Maps

It should also be said that the ancient maps had fantastic accuracy from the point of view of modern science. For example, on the Piri Reis map, South America and Africa are located at an exact distance in longitude, which they could not determine in any of the ancient civilizations known to us.

And on the map of Oronteus Finius, the coordinates of the coastline of Antarctica and the entire continent as a whole are plotted practically without error.

On the map of Yehuda ibn Ben Zara, the relative longitudes of Gibraltar and the Sea of Azov have an error of no more than half a degree, and the error in the longitude of the entire map does not exceed one degree. Other maps were equally surprisingly accurate.

Ancient maps are evidence of fragments of knowledge of an ancient civilization that disappeared from the face of the Earth. Who knows if this is the last written evidence? In my opinion, this is just a small fragment of the surviving knowledge of a civilization unknown to us, and in the article "The Mystery of Ancient Libraries" I will also talk about other books and libraries that have disappeared without a trace. After all, "manuscripts do not burn" … and I believe that after some time we will learn about new finds from the funds of these libraries, the disappearance of which is directly related to modern Masonic secrets, which I have yet to tell. The disappeared civilization has left us too many mysteries and secrets, which I will continue to talk about. The surviving artifacts suggest that this civilization, at leastin matters of construction of giant buildings from monolithic blocks, was no less developed than ours, and perhaps in some ways surpassed us. And its cartographers were able to carry out a cartographic survey of almost the entire planet, but most importantly, in a completely incomprehensible way they managed to preserve and transfer part of this knowledge to the subsequent civilizations of Sumer, Babylon Akkad, Ancient Egypt and America, even after the terrifying in its unbridled power space cataclysm 9612 BC.e. And the continuation of this article will be a story about the most significant manifestations of this cataclysm, which will be published in articles about the Ice Age. In a completely incomprehensible way, they managed to preserve and transfer part of this knowledge to the subsequent civilizations of Sumer, Babylon Akkad, Ancient Egypt and America, even after the cosmic cataclysm of 9612 BC, terrifying in its unbridled power. And the continuation of this article will be a story about the most significant manifestations of this cataclysm, which will be published in articles about the Ice Age. In a completely incomprehensible way, they managed to preserve and transfer part of this knowledge to the subsequent civilizations of Sumer, Babylon Akkad, Ancient Egypt and America, even after the cosmic cataclysm of 9612 BC, terrifying in its unbridled power. And the continuation of this article will be a story about the most significant manifestations of this cataclysm, which will be published in articles about the Ice Age.
