In Russia, The Mystery Of The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Revealed - Alternative View

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In Russia, The Mystery Of The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Revealed - Alternative View
In Russia, The Mystery Of The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Revealed - Alternative View

Video: In Russia, The Mystery Of The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Revealed - Alternative View

Video: In Russia, The Mystery Of The Death Of Tourists At The Dyatlov Pass Was Revealed - Alternative View
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Case 2024, October

The pass in the Northern Urals between Mount Kholatchakhl and the unnamed height of 905 became world famous after the tragedy of 1959, when a group of nine tourists died under unexplained circumstances.

The mystery of the death of tourists at the mystical Dyatlov pass has been solved

This area attracts extreme tourists like a magnet after in 1959 a group of Ural students led by Igor Dyatlov died under mysterious circumstances. The bodies of the young people were found only three months later, severely mutilated. On the bodies of some of the victims, numerous abrasions and injuries caused by a blunt instrument were found, but as a result of an autopsy, it was found that exposure to low temperatures was the cause of death of the students.

The criminal case on the investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group was closed with the wording: "It should be considered that the cause of their death was a spontaneous force, which people were unable to overcome."

Despite the fact that the version of the investigation was repeatedly criticized, it was never revised.

Interest in investigating the tragedy that happened in the last century has returned after a number of new accidents and deaths at the pass. One of the last such cases occurred the day before, when climbers from Perm discovered the body of an unknown man. Later it turned out that the body belongs to the hermit Cannibal from the Chelyabinsk region.

Experts put forward different versions of why people die so often at the Dyatlov Pass. One of the founders of the "In memory of the Dyatlov group" fund, Yuri Kuntsevich, is sure that extreme weather conditions and a low level of training are the cause of the deaths at the Dyatlov pass.

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“I don't see any other reason other than the weather conditions,” he said.

In turn, according to a number of Russian media outlets, the real cause of the death of nine members of the Dyatlov group was revealed by a scientist from St. Petersburg, Evgeny Buyanov.

“I think that even if all the materials of the criminal case were open, speculation would still continue. But now we can say for sure - the secret of the Dyatlov Pass has been revealed. This is an avalanche that came down at night, plus an Arctic cyclone, "- quotes the statement of the scientist" Rosbalt ".

In his research, the expert analyzed the tragedy in detail and came to the conclusion that the reasons for the death of the tourists were the mistakes they made.

The scientist is one of the few who were allowed to get acquainted with the criminal case on the death of nine tourists at the Dyatlov pass. As it turned out, the members of the tourist group had no experience of hiking in cold weather, and Dyatlov made such trips only four times.

In his work "The Mystery of the Death of the Dyatlov Group," the scientist claims that the wrong decision of the group of tourists was to set up a tent and spend the night on the mountainside. He notes that on the side of the mountain, the snow melts, and at night, freezing, turns into ice. When new snow falls from above, it all turns into a "multi-layer board". And the tourists, cutting down a place for a tent on the mountainside, thus cut the base of this layer and created an emergency, the scientist assures.

The researcher believes that it was this mini-avalanche that covered the Dyatlovites. After some of them managed to get out, the students found themselves in the wind and frost without clothes. As a result of the melting of dense snow, tourists found themselves on the street in a 30-degree frost.

The tourists began to dig up the tent, but they did not have any tools, because everything remained under the layer of snow, and the snow in the avalanche is much harder, and it is not easy to dig it out even with a shovel. After the first unsuccessful attempts at excavations, according to the expert, Igor Dyatlov decides to lower the wounded down, and then return to the site and continue excavations. Below, the Dyatlovites make a shelter of branches and snow, where six people remain, and also kindle a fire in order to warm up a little from the piercing wind. The two most powerful tourists with Dyatlov return to the heaped tent to dig up warm clothes and equipment. On the slope, tired people die of hypothermia. Their comrades, who remained below, in agony from the incredible cold, throw themselves into the fire to warm themselves, thereby getting burns to their hands and feet. Later, they died from hypothermia.

At the same time, the head of the fund "In memory of the Dyatlov group" is critical of the version of Buyanov and his followers. “Evgenia Buyanova got stuck in an avalanche. He has never been there in winter, he has not seen the real conditions. Now he is pulling global geophysical processes to his version. There already solar activity comes into effect for him - as if in other years this activity did not exist. Doesn't listen to opponents at all, "Kuntsevich said in an interview with

"Many have a desire to close the" Dyatlov Pass case "- to hush up, put it in the archive," added Kuntsevich. He himself is not inclined to deny the version that the Dyatlov group was "liquidated." "We are waiting for some documents from the secret archives to be opened. And in order to demand them, the investigation must be resumed. But if the Dyatlovites were removed as unnecessary witnesses of nuclear tests, it is clear that there is no reason to tell the relevant state structures about this, "said Kuntsevich.

Sverdlovsk climbers found evidence in favor of the technogenic version of the tragedy. During several expeditions, they found wreckage of military equipment and claim that the students died in a rocket explosion.

“Perhaps it was either the R-7 rocket, which was actively tested at that time. Or the so-called Tempest project is the first intercontinental cruise missile,”the website of the Sverdlovsk television channel quotes the traveler and member of the Russian Geographical Society Yevgeny Tamplon.

However, many experts investigating the causes of the mysterious death of students are inclined to believe that young people died due to exposure to ultrasound. It was he, according to experts, who forced people to leave the tent and literally “blew up” the skulls of some of them.

One of the theories is also known that has nothing to do with conspiracy theories and testing a new type of weapon and aliens (there are also many such versions). It deals with the so-called plasmoids, which are the closest relatives of ball lightning. Such phenomena are formed mainly over tectonic faults and pose a serious danger to humans.

The fact is that in the sky above the place of death of the Dyatlov group, local residents saw incomprehensible glowing balls, which, presumably, could be, if not UFOs, so deadly plasmoids.

Evgeny Buyanov, however, is sure that there is nothing supernatural in these balls. Buyanov categorically refutes the version of plasmoids, calling it chatter. Rocket launches from Baikonur could be mistaken for flashes in the sky. However, none of these missiles could fall and kill members of the group, he believes.

However, the "mystery of the Dyatlov Pass", it seems, will excite the minds of researchers for a long time, and the tragedies in this area will only increase the wave of rumors and speculation.

By the way, in the language of the indigenous Mansi people, there is another name for the Dyatlov pass - "Otorten". Literally it translates as "Don't go there." At the same time, representatives of the Mansi claim that the most ancient name for the unfortunate pass is Holat-Syakhyl - "Mountain of the Dead". According to legend, in ancient times, nine shamans died there, who took the side of evil.

Meanwhile, Hollywood has already announced its intention to make a film about the 1959 tragedy.