Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View

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Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View
Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View

Video: Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View

Video: Unknown Worlds: Mysterious Inhabitants Of Energy Elements - Alternative View
Video: The Voynich Code - The Worlds Most Mysterious Manuscript - The Secrets of Nature 2024, September

Salamander Flame Caster

There are living organisms, whose unusual abilities have given rise to many strange, mysterious stories and fantastic legends at all times. Such a creature is a salamander - a small amphibian, in appearance resembling a miniature dragon.

It is difficult to understand the reasons why this living creature inspired our ancestors with superstitious horror. Perhaps the point is the shiny mucus covering the body of the amphibian, it seemed poisonous to people.

One way or another, but the salamander was considered the messenger of the devil. And with dark forces during the Middle Ages, they knew only one reliable method of struggle - fire. Not only heretics burned at the stake of that era. Cats, as well as other animals that, for whatever reason, were suspected of communicating with Satan, were caught under the “hot” hand. The salamanders did not escape their fate. But the fire element did not destroy the amphibians, and once they got into the fire, they each time managed to flee or even extinguished it. People were amazed immensely, which made them even more frightened.

Since then, the salamander is considered the mistress of fire. Perhaps the explanation for the strange abilities in the extraordinary cold penetrating the body of the amphibian, or maybe the same shiny mucus contributed to the invulnerability of the brave creature (by the way, as scientists later found out, completely harmless to humans)? But, perhaps, there were still mystical reasons.

Medieval alchemists considered the salamander to be the spirit of the elements of fire, a red incarnation, carrying the power of the philosopher's stone. The most unusual, magical properties were attributed to this creature. They tried to summon and subdue it, collecting the energy of the sun in a vessel of glass using a complex system of mirrors. It was believed that in this way one could become the owner of extraordinary magical powers.

The incomprehensible power of fire

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The magic of the fire element has attracted people, like a magnet, since time immemorial. This substance was endowed with reasonable will, they tried to come into contact with it, as with a living being. Communicating with fire, ancient sorcerers turned not just to soulless force, but interacted with spirits living in this mysterious, dangerous, incomprehensible, deadly environment for humans.

It was believed that fiery essences are both a product and a source of the power of the elements, its soul. In communication with them, a person who thought that this world was similar to his own, as it were, became one with the very source of enormous energy. And this practice opened up many, hitherto hidden, additional opportunities.

In the esoteric literature of antiquity, as well as in myths, a huge number of fire spirits are mentioned. Most often they turned out to be evil, and emitting heat, they became the cause of fires and fires. But the calling of the element of fire is not only destruction, but also the recreation of something new from the dust, rebirth. To interact with mysterious forces, people tried to understand their essence and nature.

Learning the laws of matter, man came to the conclusion that fire is just an intense process accompanied by an oxidation reaction, with the release of thermal energy and light radiation. Only the secrets did not end there. Perhaps there are even more of them.

Electrical life

Riddles are fraught with not only fire, but also energy in any of its manifestations. In our time, when it would seem that almost all the secrets of living matter are open, scientists have discovered forms that support their life, absorbing electrons in their pure form. They turned out to be a certain kind of bacteria. To date, only two varieties have been discovered, but scientists suggest that there are much more undiscovered species. Using energy supplements, they are trying to find these small electric creatures by examining sediments and rocks.

Scientists of California scientific institutions, in particular Kenneth Nelson, his assistants and assistants, are conducting interesting experiments, trying to develop new types of electrical bacteria on the electrodes. If a person were like these creatures, he could live by eating from a household outlet.

It is very possible that electrical life manifests itself in more highly evolved forms. An example of this is ball lightning. These are clots of energy, consisting of a fiery core and a shell. There are scientists who seriously believe that they have intelligence. And there are some reasons for that. First, such clots are very mysterious and poorly studied formations. In addition, there are enough witnesses who claim that when a person encounters ball lightning, they often behave like thinking (or controlled by someone) substances.

This was confirmed by electrical physicists S. Martyanov and A. Anokhin, who conducted research on one of the curious areas of the Pskov region, known to the local population as a meadow where "black balls of fire" live. Eyewitnesses told many unusual things about this place. According to their testimonies, such electric clots appeared in this area from a hillock that stands out among the landscape, as if from a kind of house, even in clear sunny weather, and behaved literally as if they went out for a walk.

The electricians, having placed their sensors around the perimeter of the clearing, were quite amazed some time later when they saw with their own eyes that a black clot appeared from the hillock and, going around the area in a circle, burned all the sensors one by one, and then disappeared underground.

Nuclear reaction warps space-time

Scientists have already irrefutably proven that electric fields distort space, creating a kind of "punctures" in it, and affect the course of time. There are many facts that at the moments of lightning strikes, people fell into the past or slipped through space, finding themselves in the distance. Often, the victims found themselves in the future, as if absent for friends and relatives for some time, and then returned when they were no longer expected, believing that their absence lasted only an hour.

However, although this phenomenon has been little studied so far, a similar phenomenon occurs with the space-time continuum at the moments of nuclear explosions. According to the written evidence of the end of the last century, one of the subordinates of General Vertelov, S. A. Alekseenko, who served as a military civil engineer at the Semipalatinsk test site.

It happened in the summer of 1973. Alekseenko was responsible for eliminating the consequences of the destruction after nuclear tests. Once, an explosion, which occurred at a depth of three kilometers in a well, happened with some delay, so unsuspecting construction workers, who were swept by the blast wave, were close to its epicenter.

According to Alekseenko, at that moment he felt that he was like in emptiness, and the legs of the engineer seemed to be hanging in space. Then a strange sound was heard, and he found himself at some distance, as if at the bottom of a funnel. It seemed that someone had opened an invisible door to another world. Some of the companions disappeared as if they had failed. And Alekseenko saw one of them, as if through a lens, visually enlarged many times. When the wave subsided, everything returned to its place. However, the ground underfoot continued to tremble like an amorphous jelly. After a certain period of time, the shaking stopped, and the soil, on which Alekseenko's feet rested, became solid again.

This case is a convincing confirmation that, having studied, as it seems to us, the properties of many energies, modern man really knows too little about them.