Was There A Glaciation Of Europe? - Alternative View

Was There A Glaciation Of Europe? - Alternative View
Was There A Glaciation Of Europe? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Glaciation Of Europe? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Glaciation Of Europe? - Alternative View
Video: The Last Deglaciation in Europe : Every year 2024, September

The official version of the history of mankind is increasingly "bursting at the seams" under the pressure of constantly discovered artifacts that do not fit into this version of history at all. In addition to these artifacts, the presence of which is either hidden or hushed up, there are many scientific works performed by real scientists who have not sold themselves to the servants of the world "elite". For these scientists, truth and scientific conscientiousness turned out to be more valuable than recognition, career and material incentives.

Among such scientists should be noted the Soviet archaeologist, zoologist, paleontologist I. Pidoplichko, the author of a number of interesting scientific works proving that there was no glaciation in the north of Eurasia. However, not only are they completely ignored by the mainstream science, but access to these works is strictly limited. It would seem why? How important is the issue of glaciation in the north of our continent?

To clarify this issue, let us turn to another remarkable scientist - biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov, who in his book "The Secret Chronology and Psychophysics of the Russian People" gives the following explanation on this matter:

Well, of course, because the official history itself (From the Torah I) came to us precisely from those peoples who were formed on the territory of the eastern part of the Mediterranean. And in this story, unlike the legends of many other peoples, the Arctic ancestral home of all people of the white race is not mentioned. And it could not be mentioned, since it existed long before the creation of the Semitic peoples themselves.

So all other "God's chosen" scientists are trying to adjust their theories to the official version of history. Otherwise, you will have to admit the already well-known fact that the Semites were by no means the first humanity on planet Earth, but only the first peoples artificially created by a non-humanoid mind to seize power on our planet. And it is from this source that the anti-human plan for the establishment of a "new world order" originates, the implementation of which is entrusted to structures and peoples controlled by the non-humanoid mind.

But if mankind becomes aware of its real history, the reasons for which the ancient highly developed civilizations of the Earth perished, then the plan for the destruction of humanity of non-humanoid mind will become clear, the first part of which is the establishment of a "new world order". That is why the servants of the non-humanoid mind, instead of the real story, offered us as its official version a collection of falsifications concocted over a whole thousand years. And in order to thwart this plan, humanity must strive to find out its true history.

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