A Planet In The Asteroid Belt - Alternative View

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A Planet In The Asteroid Belt - Alternative View
A Planet In The Asteroid Belt - Alternative View

Video: A Planet In The Asteroid Belt - Alternative View

Video: A Planet In The Asteroid Belt - Alternative View
Video: Was There a Planet Called PHAETON Between Jupiter and Mars? 2024, October

Phaethon planet

Phaethon, or Olbers' planet, is the fifth planet in the solar system, the orbit of which was previously between Mars and Jupiter, and then disintegrated and formed the asteroid belt.

Astronomical and climatic characteristics of Phaeton

Phaethon is the fifth planet in the solar system. One year on Phaeton lasted two hundred and sixty (260) Phaeton days. If we translate this into the equivalent of earthly time, then one year on Phaethon is one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight earth days (1898). That is, one year on Phaethon is approximately 5.2 Earth years. A day on Phaeton was 175.2 Earth hours. On this planet, one day was divided into twenty equal parts, that is, by twenty hours, according to earthly standards, one hour for them was 8.76 earth hours or 525.6 earth minutes.

Phaethon was a fairly large planet, almost seventeen times the mass of the Earth. It was a magnificent planet with an atmosphere similar to that of the Earth. It had beautiful oceans, wonderful land.

Sentient life on the planet Phaethon

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Intelligent life, which has a human-like form and was created from mixing the spiritual principle with the animal principle, that is, the material one, existed on Phaeton as well as on many other planets. Humanlike ones may differ slightly from each other in the form of matter, that is, bodies, but all live according to the same laws of synthesis of the spiritual and the material.

Despite such a unique foundation of such a combination, which suggests significant opportunities for development and improvement, the humanlike only in their sphere represent the highest form of life. However, if we take the scale of the Universe, then humanoid is one of the lowest forms of intelligent life. If for us the lower ones are the same unicellular protozoa, for example, amoebae, parasitic giardia, or free-living radiolarians, sunflowers, and so on, then on the scale of the Universe for those whom we call the Supreme Intelligence, humanoid practically represent the same as for us, amoeba, that is, the beginning of intelligent evolution, no more. But unlike other lower forms of intelligent life, we have great potential for the same spiritual growth.

In our solar system, humanlike life appeared one million two hundred fifty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight years ago (1,252,758). And the first planet in our solar system that was inhabited by humanoid was Phaeton, and much later the Earth.

The reasons for the death of Phaeton

The last civilization on Phaeton existed for eleven thousand five hundred years (11.5) according to Phaeton dimensions, or on earthly - fifty-nine thousand eight hundred years (59800) before the death of the planet. And it was a fairly developed civilization, which was much ahead of ours in terms of development. People from Phaethon repeatedly visited the Earth and contacted earthlings, shared with them their Knowledge, including such knowledge, which is fundamentally important for understanding the formation of the structure of the Universe, such as allat. Moreover, the earthlings also witnessed the annihilation of Phaethon. On that day, seven billion Phaeton people died on Phaeton.

Moreover, there was no explosion as such. The sphere simply disintegrated. Phaethon's matter curled up, without the release of energy. This phenomenon has not yet been studied by modern physicists and astronomers. Although, when exploring space, they sometimes encounter similar phenomena, which are still inexplicable for them, of the transition of visible matter into dark matter without the release of energy.

92% of the entire mass of Phaeton practically passed into dark matter, without the release of energy, that is, a kind of transition of one energy into another, a kind of neutralization process. And 8% of the mass simply split off, which now makes up the so-called asteroid belt, located between the planets Mars and Jupiter. But asteroids, that is, separate "minor planets", as such, they are not, since they all have powerful residual energy, similar characteristics, indicating a homogeneous origin, and so on. They have more energetic mass than physical, so these remnants have not yet scattered, they have not been attracted by the powerful Jupiter and they move in the same orbit where Phaeton was once with its strong field of attraction … Due to the fact that there was a slight spall of mass, there was an ejection of photons, which generated a bright flash. And these events were preserved in the memory of people captured, including in the legends about Phaethon. The reason for the annihilation of Phaethon was that the adapted formula of the Primary Sound, or in other words, the Grail fell into the wrong hands, or rather the head. Having gained power over power, I wanted to experiment. Played out. Amused their megalomania. So, despite such a powerful development, thanks to which the people-Phaetonians were significantly ahead of us, the human factor played its own cruel joke. Therefore, sadly, but one of the most beautiful planets in our Galaxy, which was inhabited by such a developed civilization, does not exist now.or rather a head. Having gained power over power, I wanted to experiment. Played out. Amused their megalomania. So, despite such a powerful development, thanks to which the people-Phaetonians were significantly ahead of us, the human factor played its own cruel joke. Therefore, sadly, but one of the most beautiful planets in our Galaxy, which was inhabited by such a developed civilization, does not exist now.or rather a head. Having gained power over power, I wanted to experiment. Played out. Amused their megalomania. So, despite such a powerful development, thanks to which the people-Phaetonians were significantly ahead of us, the human factor played its own cruel joke. Therefore, sadly, but one of the most beautiful planets in our Galaxy, which was inhabited by such a developed civilization, does not exist now.

Ancient myths about Phaethon

According to Sumerian mythology, in the past there were nine planets in the solar system, located in the following order from the Sun: Mummu, Lahamu, Lahmu, Tiamat, Kishar, Anshar, Anu, Ea and Gaga. Tiamat - this is how the ancient Sumerians called the planet Phaethon.

The ancient Greeks preserved the myth of the son of the sun god Helios, whose name was Phaethon. According to the myth, Phaethon was not immortal, unlike his father, since he was born to the mortal nymph Klymene, the daughter of the sea goddess Thetis. As the legend says, Phaethon once asked his father to entrust him at least once to control the golden chariot of the Sun, in which Helios made his daily journey along the heavenly road. And Helios fulfilled the request of his son. However, Phaethon lost his way among the heavenly constellations, and the fiery horses, sensing the weak hand of the charioteer, rushed off the road indiscriminately. The fiery ladder approached the Earth dangerously. The flame from her engulfed the Earth. Forests burned, rocks cracked from the heat, water boiled in seas and rivers. Animals, birds and fish died. People and entire cities were killed. Then Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, prayed and asked for protection from Zeus the Thunderer, the ruler of the gods. And Zeus struck the chariot of Helios with lightning to save the Earth from destruction. Phaethon, with curls engulfed in flames, swept across the sky and fell on the edge of the ecumene into the waters of the distant northern river Eridan.

Based on materials from the book “Sensei. Primordial Shambhala. Part 4"