There Are NO Forests On Earth. We See Only A Pitiful Lichen - Alternative View

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There Are NO Forests On Earth. We See Only A Pitiful Lichen - Alternative View
There Are NO Forests On Earth. We See Only A Pitiful Lichen - Alternative View

Video: There Are NO Forests On Earth. We See Only A Pitiful Lichen - Alternative View

Video: There Are NO Forests On Earth. We See Only A Pitiful Lichen - Alternative View
Video: Covered in solid tar puppies trapped in their own bodies, only their eyes could move, rescued. 2024, October

The author, under the nickname As Gard, describes the previous silicon biosphere, which does not fit at all with modern ideas about the past. Much of this version seems fantastic, but is it really fantastic?


After reading such a loud headline, and even with an exclamation mark at the end, any sane person will twist his finger at his temple and shower me with millions of photos with images of the forest.

Believe me, there is no forest in your photos. This is another trick! We were simply made to think that it was a forest, but in reality it was just 30 meter high bushes.

-This is nonsense! -You say, -For everyone walked in the forest, and we know what it is!

Well, well, this is a perfectly fair and expected reaction, however, after reading this chapter, its name will no longer seem strange to you, since you will completely change your idea of forests.

And now about everything in order …

Promotional video:


Let's start with the famous picture in which children see 9 dolphins, and adults - two lovers. Agree, the difference is huge!

Force yourself to find the dolphins right now and see how difficult it is. Women's charms will completely refuse to turn into dolphins. It's funny, but the problem for children will be exactly the opposite.

You first fact: the image is one, but we see completely differently. Moreover, adults and children cannot exchange perceptions between themselves.

And why? And because the eyes see, as the matrix ordered them, and not how the world really looks.

Over time, our eyes became traitors, we became blind even at the age of children: the world around us is completely different than we observe through the prism of habit and experience, and this prism hiccups, oh, how much!

By the age of 30, the prism acquires the status of the guardian of our mind, and after 40 without it, the roof can move down. Do you think I'm exaggerating? Take a look at the photo (below): I claim that this is a messenger mountain formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze about 200 million years ago.


Do you think I'm crazy?

I, in turn, can accuse you of the same … +

We'll come back to this lawn later, but for now let's remember how, walking through the forest, we bump into old thick trees, and sometimes we even take pictures, trying to grab a trunk that is not grasped.


But, indeed, old trees are rare, they are all registered and protected as a natural monument. On the Internet, they even raised a fuss about this: why, they say, all the forests, even in Siberia, are not older than 200 years? (Where did the giants go?)

And they are making noise, I tell you, but I want to approach this issue from the other side - from the side of the Earth's poles.

The fact is that even Soviet biologists discovered a certain oddity: an unnatural amount of water in the form of ice and snow has accumulated at the poles, and an unnatural amount of carbon dioxide is dissolved in the waters of the world's oceans. Such a crazy concentration clearly proves the global conflagration of the past. With simple calculations, scientists have deduced a figure that says that recently there was a fire that burned 99.9% of the Earth's biosphere.

As you know, living cells mainly consist of water, so the snow caps of the poles are nothing more than water released from burned organisms, which in a gaseous state migrated to the poles and then condensed in the form of precipitation.

Now think about the 99.9% figure! In other words: what is now growing, crawling, flying, floating and running on the Earth is 20,000 times less in volume than it was before the fire!


To visualize this, compare a loaf of bread with a trucker truck - just the ratio of volumes is 1: 20.000


All our plants, animals, and people put together are a pitiful loaf. I hope you now understand that today's myth about the overpopulation of the Earth is chutzpah in its purest form.

But then a discrepancy happened:

Biologists divided this figure by the area of all continents combined and they did not succeed - there was not enough space on land. The theory cracked at the seams, but the snow at the poles is not going anywhere - a fact is a fact, and it must be placed on land.

As always, the insight came suddenly: it turned out that the stereotype of thinking was to blame, because the usual forest of 30 meters in height, a virus settled in the heads of biologists and prevented a quick solution of this question. If the plants do not fit in breadth, then they must be placed up. And everything came together at once! +

The new theory quickly drew a hypothetical forest of unthinkable heights.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

And soon, even such photos were found:


This is the barbaric felling of California sequoias (from the 1880s to the 1920s), which miraculously survived after the planetary bombardment of 1816. Just imagine how many years it takes for a tree to grow to this size! And then the creatures came with saws and axes: One or two and there is no tree …

There is such a rule in the proportions of trees: the diameter of the stump is approximately 3 times the height of the lumberjack, let it be (1.75m x3) x20 = 105 meters! Just think about it! You enter the forest, the height of which is not the usual 30 meters, but 100! So much for the fabulous forests that they love to describe in folk tales and draw in cartoons. Forests that are irretrievably lost thanks to such barbarians.

I understand that these are just hired workers (they, of course, need to feed their families), who were ordered from above, but if every lumberjack refused the criminal order, then the forest would remain intact, because the hands of the reptiles are too crooked and short to wave with their own hands with an ax. So, I send all the defenders of these funny woodcutters to a well-known address … +

Take a closer look at the photo:


Well, what are the non-rabid microbes that kill the forest organism?

If someone thinks that the forest was cut down because of the timber, then I hasten to dispel your naivety. The fact is that old trees are an information storage device, a database, a hard disk, in modern terms. Everything that happens on the planet is recorded by trees in their information portal. For a person with good sensors, it is enough to go into such a forest and easily read any information about the past, just touch the trunk of a tree. And what power flows into us through touch, I generally keep quiet …

(from the editorial board: one more question - where are the products from sequoia wood? On the Internet and in digital libraries, we could not find a photo of products made from sequoia wood. Only replies that this good wood was used as if “everywhere”)

I don't know for what reason, but the barbarians decided to keep several sequoias alive - they even fenced them off and called them a nature reserve.


Of course, the guides rub tales from the crypt for tourists, as in the Devilozoic era, the heroosaurs scratched their backs on the bark of California sequoias.

To summarize: as you can see, the remains of a giant forest were found, therefore, the theory of the gigantic forests of the past is being proved, and the homeless snow of the poles has taken its place in the mosaic.

Everything seems to be … The topic can be closed, but not everything is so simple …

Too many myths and legends tell us about the transformation of people, animals and plants to stone. Take, for example, the book "Legends of Crimea", in which, every story, a living body turns to stone. Here, as it were, everything converges, for paleontologists around the world are digging up fossils of animals and plants not only in the Crimea, but all over the planet.

Silicon era

There are so many of them that the museums of the world are simply littered with petrified clovers, frogs-frogs, ancestors of foot-and-mouth disease, pieces of dinosaurs, etc.


Clover frogs are fine, but we have a tree theme. Where are the trees guys?

The ancient sequoias of California do not fit here, since they are definitely made of carbon, which means they did not find the silicon era. How do I know this?

Well, firstly, they were chopped and sawed with a standard tool (axes and saws would break on silicon).

Second, pay attention to the growth rings that indicate the changing seasons. Do not forget that while Solar was shining, there was no change of day / night and summer / winter!


So even these old giants in the photo have nothing to do with the silicon era. So where did the flint trees go, or at least their remains?

Believe it or not, they were found! Guess where? All in the same North America, in Arizona, to be exact.

Oh, the light has turned like a wedge in this zone of the Aryans! [Ari-Zone, Zone-Aryans]

And what is not there!

And a giant quarry …

Which is now called the Grand Canyon.


As the respected WakeUpHuman said: "The height of cynicism is to call the worked-out quarries national parks."

And the river Kolo-RA-do …


Just think about what the ancient Russian root “KOLO” is doing on the other side of the world? I am generally silent about “RA”.

And the city erased from the face of the Earth …


The whole city of Aryans, from which there is a mega-funnel, which, esessno, was pressed by a bully-meteorite 50 thousand years ago, as Vicki says.

But we will pretend not to notice this theater of the absurd, because we are interested in flint trees.

And here they are, by the way!

I present to your attention an open-air museum. The petrified trees are here stupidly scattered across the desert and also surrounded by a fence. Today anyone can visit this tourist destination called: Petrified forest national park. (Petrified Forest National Park).


In this park, the fossils are not simple - they are just unique! If turtles and frogs turned to stone into gray-white cobblestones, the local trees turned into….

Semiprecious stones!


How is it? Admired the pebbles? Beautiful, is not it? Well, it's time to summarize:

-All our forests are young and do not grow higher than 30 meters;

-The remains of the fairytale forest were preserved in the form of American sequoias, and thus biologists added polar snow;

- Found fossils of the Silicon Era, including Gem Trees.

Now, surely it all fits !?

Or not…?

It all fits in an ideal world, but in our hell nichrome does not fit !!!

Ever since I saw fossils of jerboas and frogs “in the animal world” as a child, I have been tormented by a question. Although he was born in a child's head, now it's worth a million:

How did the frog become petrified, instead of just rotting, as it should be for any organic body?

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that Gerasim is not saying something …

And what does Vicki say about this?

“… The process of fossilization occurs underground, when the body is buried under the sediments, but does not deteriorate due to lack of oxygen…” Wikipedia.

Has everyone drifted into dry British humor?

If not everything, then I will try on my fingers: Some natural disaster is needed, for example, a volcanic eruption, prices, or clay rain, which would quickly cover the frog and the mammoth (preserved, so to speak), sedimentary rocks, so that air bacteria would not decompose b the corpse to the state of a stinking slurry. In other words, in order for the body to turn to stone, it must be filled up and tamped down.


that is, at the behest of a pike it turned into silica (SiO₂), remember the formula !!! (SiO₂)

If anyone has a chance to bury pets, then run to dig out as soon as possible: for sure, the pet has already turned to stone and the figurine can be placed by the sideboard.

Those who want to reproach me for black humor, I advise you to redirect their claims towards the official science, which is rubbing such nonsense into us!

The walled body has two options to choose from: either dry like a ram (insects in a piece of amber), or simply rot. The third option is not possible.


A carbon body will never turn into a cobblestone under any circumstances !!!

Remember! This absurdity is invented to hide the silicon era!

Gray cobblestones are sooooo!

The transformation of a log into a gem is where the scope of lies and cynicism is truly off scale!

Kaaaaak ???

Explain to me how the piece of wood turned into semi-precious stones ???

No answer?

And I have one, and I will reveal the secret later, but first, let's take this whole gem performance point by point.

I don’t know about you, but 3 points confuse me:

1. According to the official version, these trees fell in an unequal battle against a neighboring volcano, attention: 225 million years ago !!! The sequel to this exciting story is even cooler:

- the wood not only did not burn in the hellish flame of lava;

- not only did not rot in 225 million years in the damp Earth;

- and contrary to all the laws of physics, chemistry and biology, it just turned into gems !!!

Copperfield nervously smokes on the sidelines …

But this is not all: note that the trees are not broken - the trees are sawn !!!

Question: BEFORE or AFTER Armageddon the trunks were chopped like sausage ??? If after, then what brand of chainsaw the Indians sawed gems? I would buy one for myself.

Conclusion: this is not a museum, but a dramatization. The trees were brought in and laid.


2. Show me the growth rings (if you claim that this is a petrified ordinary tree)


Don't have those?

Then accept the proof that while the Solar was shining, there was no change of summer and winter on the planet!

3. As you understand, only a complete idiot will believe in turning wood into gems, and therefore the question arises:

For whom was this whole circus arranged with the trees brought in, sawn, and then scattered about the silicon life form?

And now the most important thing: have any of you noticed how small these silicon trees are? They are not comparable, even with the sequoias of California!

It's very simple: These are not trees!

These are the BRANCHES of giant trees of the silicon era !!!

And those trees are so gigantic that American sequoias next to them look like a match and a baobab tree. And while the tourists, with their mouths open, marvel at the gems, no one will pay attention to the background, from which these beautiful branches are designed to distract. But the whole feature is in the background!


To finally understand what I'm talking about here, I'll have to recall Yesenin's quote again:

Face to face. You can't see the face.

Great things are seen at a distance.

We once again buried our noses in something very large. Once again, I urge you to think on a planetary scale, and therefore just insist on changing the viewing angle.

Returning to the familiar lawn, I repeat the question:


Stump in daisies?


And I continue to insist that this is a TABLE MOUNTAIN, and formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze, about 200 million years ago.:-)

Don't believe me again?



Let me introduce you to the Devil's Tower Mountain in Wyoming, USA.

This is [according to the official version] "TABLE MOUNTAIN, formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the earth and froze, about 200 million years ago."

At least that's what Vicki tells us, and 7 billion people believe it's a mountain.

And I do not believe and claim that this is a stump from a giant tree of a silicon life form and will easily prove it.

Everything that you have just read is flowers. Further - much cooler!

Steeper - literally …

* * *

Now let's get closer to our hemp …


… and having buried ourselves in its simply fantastically inexplicable columns, let's read the conclusion of Wikipedia again:

"The Devil's Tower was formed from a magma melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze in the form of graceful columns."

Like this is how it happened:-)


Yes you sho ???

Well, what a clever magma melt! Right now, I took it and froze in the form of perfect hexagonal columns, as much as 300 meters to the sky! Straight line can be checked by the miracle columns! Were they squeezed out through a confectionery syringe with a hexagonal tip? Then they tied it up in a bundle, like a broom, and a giant fan was blowing nearby, so that the columns would not go limp and quickly froze? Maybe the columns of the Parthenon or St. Isaac's Cathedral were honored according to the same scheme? AND?

Gentlemen, scientists? Are you out of your mind? Write this! People! Are you out of your mind? Believe this!

To claim that this geometric masterpiece was the result of a fountain of lava is as delusional as to say that a race car appears on the track thanks to an explosion at a Ferrari factory.


Comparative analysis

Do you know which fact amazes me the most? All columns are hexagonal!

Why exactly hexagonal? Because the Universe builds its masterpieces in this very form.


No snowflakes are alike, but they are all perfectly hexagonal. Bees, too, not knowing mathematics, correctly determined that a regular hexagon has the smallest perimeter among figures of equal area, which means that such a shape can be filled as efficiently as possible. When building combs, bees instinctively try to make them as spacious as possible, while using up as little wax as possible.

The hexagonal shape is the most economical and efficient shape for honeycomb construction!

Further more…

Stupid rams will not understand in any way that our Universe is fractal, which means that it does not matter on what scale to study it - in the size of a mountain or in the size of a tree that everyone has under the window. And now we open a botany textbook, find the structure of a plant and compare it with our giant stump. We will not go into the jungle, but we will take only those facts that fall out of the photos of the stump themselves, which means it is useless to argue with them.

Let me introduce you to a cross-section of a flax stem.


And now again: an object, only of a larger scale.


Well, gentlemen biologists? Don't you notice anything? Are there some honeycombs in the center? And what is their shape? Tree sticks! Yes, they are all hexagonal !!!

Well, what a coincidence! Flax also rip off the shell around the circumference (at the stump it is ripped off - a scattering of rubble around) and our stump is straight from a bird's-eye view, you-li-ty! +

The stump fibers, like the flax stalk fibers, have a hexagonal shape, which strictly retains its geometry along the entire length of the trunk, and this is as much as 386 meters [the height of the Devil's Stump]! Note that the stump fibers are stricter in proportion than the diagram from a botany textbook.


The fibers do not differ from each other: they seem to be calibrated not only along the entire length, but also relative to each other. The feeling that this is a bundle of hexagonal reinforcement after leaving the rolling mill.

The fibers are not spliced to each other, as they freely peel off and fall in hexagonal fragments as the stone erodes.

Each stump fiber is covered with a thin sheath. Just like the fascia is the connective tissue membrane that forms the sheaths for the muscle fibers.

As you can see, the petrified shell, in contact with winds and moisture, cracks, peels off and crumbles, and this is direct evidence that the stump fibers consist of at least two different components nested inside each other.

The fibers do not go vertically into the ground. They gradually bend to smoothly transform into a root system, as befits any tree.


As you can see, the official version of the accidental solidification of lava is going to hell. There are too many facts screaming that this is a giant silicon tree stump. No, I understand that Hollywood in 1977 concocted a kinzo "Close contacts of the third degree" with the Devil's Tower in the title role, where they repeated 100 times that this is a mountain for meeting with aliens, but these noodles will give a ride for ordinary people, and where were yours eyes, scientists?

Hey biologists-geologists-paleontologists! Awww !!!

Are you exploring the world in a welder's mask?

Now, let's estimate the height of the tree this stump was once. To do this, we will use the formula that I gave in the first part, where the diameter of the stump is approximately 1/20 of the height of the entire tree. So, the diameter of our stump is 300 meters at the base. Considering that the stump has been crumbling over 7.5 thousand years, it is clear that it was wider, but even if, modestly, we take these 300 meters and multiply by 20, we get the height of the tree (and now, according to Zadornov: "Ready?") - 6 km in height!

Everything is learned by comparison, isn't it?

I think we can put an end to this. The Devil's Tower in the United States is a giant silicon-era stump with all the hallmarks of the common forest stump that every one of you has seen.

But on the other hand, do not underestimate the grasping hooks of the matrix that keep the mind in the stall, so I am sure that even after such evidence, there will be deep sleeping comrades who will demand the continuation of the banquet. If you think that my arguments have dried up on this, then I hasten to disappoint you: I still have so many trump cards that I will savor every moment, delaying the climax of Chapter 6, because the denouement of this story is worse than the most confusing detective Agatha Christie.

So, we have dealt with one stump, it's time to examine the others! Yes Yes!!! And you thought he was the only one or what? You just need to take off your blinders, and you will not see this!

Let me introduce you to the Giant's Trail in Ireland!


Doesn't look like anything …? Not? Take a closer look: again, some kind of hexagonal pillars … Some devilry! If you don't notice the 100% similarity to the plant fibers of the Devil's Tower, then you are definitely blind!

This is the same giant stump, but almost does not protrude from the ground. The tree grew right on the seashore. The Giant's trail has 40 thousand pillars of such geometry that even bees will envy their proportions !!! Naturally, this miracle of nature was declared a national reserve by the wise men. Once again, the phrase WakeUpHuman involuntarily comes to mind:

"The height of cynicism is to call the worked-out careers national parks."

What does it have to do with the worked out quarries, you will understand later, but now guess what official science bleats about the Irish stump?

The Giant's Road (Giant's Trail) is a natural monument of about 40,000 interconnected basalt columns formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption. - says Wikipedia

… volcanic eruptions !!!:-)

Well, tell me, how can you keep from erupting an obscene fountain towards the scientific community? It is difficult, very difficult, but you have to bite your lips, because the enemies are just waiting for this.

Two questions haunt me in this life:

How many days did CC Capwell lie in a coma (one of the heroes of the series “Santa Barbara”, who lay in a coma for more than 200 episodes), and why has the honeycomb still not been called an eruption of an ancient volcano ??? They cannot be distinguished from the Giant's Trail at all! Just look at this masterpiece of geometry:


It is no less strange why paving slabs have not yet been attributed to the eruption of an ancient volcano. Smart guys, show me at least one difference.


And now I propose to return to the tried and tested method: if we compared the Devil's Tower with a plant stem, then the Giant's Trail is comparable to real solidified lava.


… First, let me remind you that:

This is how the lava erupts:


And this is how it flows:


Well, and like this, lava solidifies:


Now let's compare the "Devil's Tower" with the "Giant's Path". Oh, forgive me for my French, I wanted to say: Now compare a silicon stump to a silicon stump.


Well? Does anyone else here believe in a lava fountain?

If I didn’t know about giant trees made of silicon, I would rather believe in a giant cream syringe, but not in a volcano!

If you think that apart from two silicon giant trees I have nothing more to please you, then you shouldn't. Their darkness is dark on the planet.

The most interesting thing is that people do not even think that these are stumps, but the official science has seriously thought: what kind of cover should be used to hide them from the ubiquitous why and came up with an ingenious name for silicon stumps:

Basalt rocks!


Pay special attention to the following (below) two photos: the fibers hang like a ceiling. Here's how the volcanic version might explain it? What? The lava dripped, dripped, but its drops did not reach the ground and stuck with their honeycomb faces to the neighboring drops, which for some reason dug to the ground ???


Once again, the saying was confirmed: "The beast runs to the catcher!"

While I was writing this chapter, a woman came to my page. Well, I went to visit, and what's wrong with that? Everything would be fine if not for her photo (below), where she poses against the background of a silicon stump, although she herself does not suspect it.


So, the artifacts are under our noses, but the matrix prism does not allow us to see 9 dolphins.

There are a lot of photos of silicon stumps on the net! You understand their distinctive features, so for in-depth study - a search engine to help you. And we are moving on, and in order not to deviate from the name of this part, I bring to your attention another hexagonal miracle of nature. Silicon nature. +

Meet: the largest dry salt lake in the world: Salar de Uyuni salt marsh, Bolivia.


As you can see, not everything is as simple as it is written in the Natural Science textbook and shown on the Discovery channel. Traditionally, I wanted to cram Vicky's conclusion about these hexagons here, but if she still somehow retouches the fibers of silicon stumps, then about the hexagonal structure of the South American lake silent as a fish, as if they were not there at all!

And they are … Still as they are!


Believe it or not, it's not only Vicki who is silent. After surfing the Internet, I still could not find an explanation for the hexagonal structure. And only in one place I snatched out a timid line, they say: Look at how freakishly the salt has dried and cracked!

And then I fell into a stupor …

Firstly: under the scorching rays of the sun, the crust of any surface cracks like this:


But not in the form of a honeycomb!

Second: show me the cracks on the American lake! As far as I know, cracks are depressions between fragments of a surface, and I see elevations, and this is the exact opposite of cracks! More like fascia fibers, like silicon stumps.

And third: why, after all, does the surface of the salt divide into hexagonal fragments?

Well, well, since science has no intelligible, but generally no explanation, then let me express my own opinion.

According to WakeUpHuman, salt lakes are sludge lakes. I share this version, except for this lake, and here's why: +

I think you got the taste of the chapter, namely: honeycombs are an attribute unique to living organisms: be it the possession of a queen bee, the structure of snowflakes or plant fibers. But, as we see with our own eyes, Salar de Uyuni is not just a giant layer of salt.

This is a living creature of the silicon life form!


Which was barbarously scraped out by the adherents of technocracy with their buckets.

Now do you understand how disconnected we are from the real picture of the past? If giant trees are still able to crawl into our wretched imagination with a bang, then here is a creature of salt 10 thousand square kilometers in breadth, and it is not clear what height we can no longer imagine.

Now do you understand that [perhaps] just 7500 years ago our planet looked so fabulous that Cameron and his Avatar were just resting?


We got a disfigured desert, which we turned into a trash heap.

And convince me otherwise if I'm wrong!

What does it mean: scraped out with buckets?

In short, our planet was literally scraped by gigantic graders. They have cleaned off the top layer of all continents, like road workers brush off old asphalt with their car. Only the layer height is several hundred meters.

Please note that the shoreline of the lake is in the shape of a semicircle and it is not alone - it was a bucket wheel excavator.

Pavel Ulyanov (WakeUpHuman) just brilliantly opened this topic. As you noticed, I mentioned the name of this man three times, who last year, in my opinion, made a real revolution in science regarding the anatomy of volcanoes, rivers, quarries, waste heaps, seas, lakes, etc. As Paul rightly said, these terms can now simply be deleted from the lexicon as unnecessary, because no volcanoes and canyons exist in principle. In general, a geology textbook flies into the fire.

From this point on, the logical chain of the chapter will begin to be closely intertwined with the revelation of Paul, so I highly recommend reading it, otherwise your mosaic will be incomplete. (Material here: "An industrialized civilization has existed on Earth for tens of thousands of years").

As for our lake, I want to draw your attention to the following point: I certainly understand that the name (Salar de Uyuni) is Spanish, and Salar is translated as salty, but nevertheless it prompts us to think … Gerasimus does not finish speaking. But this is so … to think about it …

Well, the theoretical part is over, which means it's time to start the culmination of events and leave for the runway! But first, we need to go back to the first stump and see one oddity in it. We bet you didn't see her?


Look carefully: its top is flat! What does this tell us ??? It's simple …

The tree was cut down !!!

* * *

We examined a lot of stumps, but this one is special: it has a flat area, therefore, the tree was cut down! Yes, it was cut down !!!

And then the fantasy excites the imagination, and the questions line up:

Who cut it down?

For what?

What was sawed with?

We will analyze these questions later, because they fade into the background, and do you know why? Because this tree stump is not the only one on the planet!

I'll tell you more: Devil's Tower is just a young shoot compared to what you will see next …

Boys and girls!

Our plane is ready to take off!

Our course … … but there is no course, we will just fly around the planet! Fasten your seat belts, or rather, hold on to the handrails, because what you will see now will forever turn your knowledge of mountains and rocks upside down!




During the flight, we play a game: Find 10 differences! Although there are only two differences: material and size!




















These stumps are sticking out all over the planet. There are hundreds of them!


Scientists have dubbed them the Table Mountains, because the peaks are as flat as a table.

Well? Nice stumps?

Now, let's remember where our conversation began. We believed that we saw forests and walked in them. So what if their height is 30 meters? Is it any different? And it will do for us, we enjoy their beauty, grill kebabs on weekends. We are used to such forests, we don't need others.

Then it turned out that in the USA there was an old forest that is depicted in fairy tales: giant 100-meter sequoias. It is these giants that fantasy draws when we hear the phrase Fairy Forest. On the sequoias of California, our imagination puts a point (the prism forces), otherwise the fuses of the mind will melt to hell, since the size of the Devil's Tower indicates a 6-kilometer-high tree. But then the colors began to thicken and it turned out that the Devil's Tower is a young shoot compared to other trees cut down on the planet.

For example, a mountain in Cape Town (Africa). Here's one whose dimensions are truly impressive. We multiply the diameter of the plateau (3 km) by 20, and the height of the African tree is 60 km! This is 10 times higher than the Devil's Tower, so our minds will definitely not see a stump in Cape Town! Do you, in general, realize how large were at least the branches of this tree?

Only one such branch can easily fit a whole sleeping area with shopping centers, schools and parks. Sorry for the crazy example, but I see no other way to superimpose modern brains on the ancient picture of the world.

60 kilometers! Where is higher? But, just imagine that this is not the limit! Those who carefully read the previous chapter will remember that on the Buyan Island an unprecedented size oak was ditched, on the petrified stump of which the sky rests.

This Oak did not give rest to Pushkin, so he weaved it into his "fairy tales" at every opportunity. No one knows how big its stump is (covered by the glacier of Antarctica), but the fact that the oak is several hundred kilometers in height is for sure that it is several times higher than the African tree of Cape Town. Thus, the Oak that grew in Antarctica was the largest plant on the planet!

Remember, at the very beginning of the chapter, I pointed out to the prism-bodyguard of our mind, which distorts the world around us, oh, how much?

Ask any person to show the trees on the right photo (below), and he will immediately poke at the greenery, not noticing that these miserable bushes (in which he sees trees) cannot even be called bushes. In this juxtaposition, greenery looks more like moss, but not like a forest! +


Now do you understand why we cannot find 9 dolphins? But don't get hung up on fish and stumps, look wider. Once again I am trying to induce you to think on a planetary scale: if instead of dolphins and stumps we see lovers and mountains, then imagine what a giant curtain has fenced off the true appearance of the world around us!

Now do you understand why the Apocalypse is literally translated as the opening of the curtain?

Now you understand why at the beginning of the chapter I pointed to the prism embedded by the matrix through which we look at the world and, as it turned out, we don't see a damn thing? Take my word for it, everything around is arranged differently, and has nothing to do with what you see. I would call the current state of society a real dream, and the saddest thing is not in a figurative sense of the word.

You may have noticed that I call giant stumps trees, not trees. What's the difference? Old and new style? Nothing like this! The tree is the true name of those giants. It is from the word Tree that the word Antiquity comes from. In other words, Antiquity is the period of time when the Trees grew. When they say: In ancient times, they mean 7.5 thousand years ago or even earlier. I think it is now clear that the pitiful 30-meter bushes cannot be called trees, so their ancestors diluted with the additional letter "E" and got a Tree.

Do you think it's time to return to the questions:

Who cut it down?

For what?

What was sawed with?

No, it's too early. Considering that the entire surface of the planet was covered with gigantic vegetation, let's ask the question: Where did the rest of the mega-forest go?

The fact is that mesas are just a few of the best trees that have been chosen for cutting. Keyword: for saw cut!

The rest of the single forest of the planet was simply laid down by a blast wave.

We examined stumps with a flat area, and did anyone see a tree that was NOT cut down, but a broken one?

Let me remind you: Broken carbon stumps.


Get the hint?


Well, if not, let's continue the game: Find 10 Differences!


I think you got the meaning, and therefore, I propose to take a sober look at the highest stumps of the planet, which broke from the impact of the blast wave: +



As you probably guessed, there are no rocks on the planet! These are all fragments of stumps. You can revise at least a million photos, but apart from the corpses of the silicon world, you will not see anything. As official science explains the origin of the rocks, I'm sure you guessed it too.

Now do you understand why we are so fascinated by the rocks?

Why are the most elite properties nestled among the rocks?

Why are rocks the most environmentally friendly material for housing?

And because, although the rocks have died, they continue to emit a powerful energy of life, saving for us - mortal representatives of the carbon era.

Stone is the bridge between silicon and carbon life!

And now an important point! You must learn to clearly distinguish between rocks and mountains. These are completely different concepts! The rock [Chip] consists of a single piece of torn stone, with fragments of fibers characteristic of protruding towards the sky.


And here, the mountain is a stupid "heap" of loose waste, brought by giant dump trucks. Its distinguishing feature is an almost perfect cone shape, as befits a bulk structure.

Sometimes the waste begins to react between its layers, so the mountain abruptly turns into a volcano spewing lava, which idiots wearing glasses under the noise sculpt to another honeycomb stump, or explain the appearance of the sidewalk on Lenin Avenue from a hexagonal tile.


So that no volcanoes, mountains and rocks exist. You can cross these terms out of the lexicon. We fly on. So, from the plane, we clearly saw that absolutely all the rocks of our planet are the corpses of the silicon world.

- Are these all fallen trees? - you ask.

No, not everything. A lot of rocks are related to petrified animals and people. Lovers of the Crimea have now guessed about this first, but this topic is immense, therefore, in detail about the petrified fauna in the next chapter.

It should also be noted that not all trees have honeycomb fibers, like the Devil's Tower or the Giant's Trail, for example. Many of the rocks we have just talked about have a plate-like or spongy structure, like our mushrooms. As the liver differs from the lung, so the silicon world of antiquity was so diverse that we simply cannot identify and represent most of the species and subspecies.

Boys and girls, our plane has flown around the Earth, and we are going to land. The crew of the liner thanks you for not going crazy from reading comments to familiar pictures. After landing, you will be taken to a cozy hotel in the rocks, where you will have a rest before dinner, at which we will gather together all the information received today into a coherent and holistic mosaic.

Enjoy your stay!

Now sit back and I'll tell you a story! Imagine the nature of the movie "Avatar", only multiplied in its diversity by a million times. It all bloomed and smelled until the bad guys arrived. First, they cut down some of the best trees (I don't remember the brand of chainsaw) to use them as biofuel for a generator based on changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure inside the planet.

This was the beginning of the end …

Following the climate change, the entire flora turned to stone, in contrast to the fauna, which somehow escaped in shelters. So, the vegetation no longer showed signs of life, and before the silicon organisms lost their elasticity, the planet was covered with carpet bombing. The blast wave knocked down everything that had roots. Let's look at this clearly using the example of the carbon tree we are used to:


As you can see, the stump is about 5-10% of the volume of wood that falls nearby with a crash.

This is how the fallen forest looks like from the alleged Tunguska meteorite.


Estimate the volume of the lying wood.

And now imagine the volume of a fallen tree, let it be 100 kilometers high. Can you imagine how much stone should lie next to such a hemp?

So where did it all go? But Pavel Ulyanov just answered this question. After the explosion, all living things got in, then funny guys arrived on the same funny technique and literally scraped off several hundred meters of the upper stone layer from all continents.

The creatures, like a cancerous tumor, devoured one continent after another, devastating the Earth and turning it into a quarry on a planetary scale. This is how all the deserts were formed, it was in that barbaric period that the expression Career growth appeared.


The cuttlefish in the photo above is the Bagger 288 - the largest bucket wheel excavator in the world today. If we have such a technique (primitive semi-monkeys), imagine the level of technology of the aliens who controlled trees 100 km high.

And this is how a bucket wheel excavator works: it crawls on tracks parallel to the quarry wall. A huge disc with buckets scrapes the rock, leaving a concave wall of rock [soil].


However, geologists seem to be hypnotized by students, since such career developments are called a miracle of nature, such as this cliff in Australia. (pictured below).


Here's the hilarity !!!

If you do not believe in the moronism of the last stage, google: Wave from a stone and check out the official explanation))))))

In order not to be accused of plagiarism (and the thieves are just waiting for this)))), I repeat for the tenth time that Pavel Ulyanov (WakeUpHuman) brilliantly revealed the topic of quarries, volcanoes, and bucket wheel excavators. Simply, we are approaching the denouement of this amazing story, and given that Pavel's career theme is intertwined with my forest theme more than ever, I just have to briefly introduce you to the principle of bucket wheel excavators, otherwise you will not understand the culmination of the entire chapter.

Let's continue.

Everything that fell on the surface of the planet was cleaned off by mega-machines, so we got only surviving stone stumps (rocks) from the silicon era. Especially the creatures did their best in the Aryan zone (in Arizona). This is just a tidbit due to the unusual composition of the soil.


The composition of those rocks [obviously] turned out not to be from the usual silicon dioxide (SiO₂), but from semi-precious stones. Now you understand why they organized a park of petrified trees and threw logs with gems?


To divert attention from the real artifacts - the giant stumps in the background. And here the question arises …

Why did the parasites leave the stumps untouched?

I confess I have no answer. For some reason, access to this cell of information was closed, so you have to rely on logic, which is very harmful when writing such material. It is possible that the stumps are a kind of plug-plug of some energy flows emanating from the Earth, which cannot be opened by parasites.

Look at the photo: …


… what prevented them from demolishing the stumps?

After all, how much more technologically difficult is to trim them from four sides, but the stumps were trimmed.

Anticipating the question I will be asked 500 times since this chapter was published: How do you know which stone was alive and which was not? - I inform you that in the silicon world there were no stones at all!

So, absolutely any cobblestone that you can find on Earth is a chunk from some silicon era creature! So, the invaders took away all the silicon flora and fauna, and the question arises:

Where did such a stunning volume of the stone go?

Maybe he was taken out of the Earth, as many believe? No guys! Nobody took out anything. The stone was needed inside the planet for the construction of the century. And what can be built from so much stone? Base? Fortresses? Cities?

Leave these small thoughts, they are at the level of people. If you want to understand the intentions of the Gods, then you need to think like Gods, and I once again ask you to think with a planetary consciousness, and oddly enough, the fairy tale Kolobok will help us with this!

So we sailed to fairy tales again! And where can we go without them?

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman.

So the old man says to the old woman:

- Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom of the barrel to see if you can scrape flour onto a bun.

The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom of the barrel and scraped up two handfuls of flour.

I kneaded the flour with sour cream, cooked a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to chill.

Recently, another version of this tale was discovered, more similar to the truth, since it explains who the Kolobok is.

Tarkh Perunovich asked Jiva - create a bun. And She scraped the Svarog bottom-hole, swept and sculpted a bun in the devil's barns, and put it on the window of the Hall of Rada. And the bun shone, and rolled along the Perunov Way. But he did not roll for long, rolled into the Hall of the Boar, bit off the Boar's side at the kolobok, but he did not bite off all of it, but a crumb. The bun rolled further and rolled to the Swan Hall, and the Swan pecked off a piece, and in the Raven Hall - the Raven peeled off a piece, in the Bear's hall - the Bear God squeezed the bun.

The wolf in his Hall gnawed almost half of the bun, and when the bun reached the Hall of the Fox, the Fox ate it.

This tale is a figurative description of the astronomical observation of the Ancestors for the movement of the Moon across the sky, from full moon to full moon. In the Halls of Tarkh and Jiva, on the Svarog Circle, a full moon occurs, and after the Hall of the Fox comes a new moon.

So, as the second version of the tale shows, Kolobok is the Month. This is so convincing and logical that it is not in doubt, is not it? But there is one more hidden moment in this story …

I don’t know about you, but from childhood I was strained by the phrase “I scratched the bottom of the barrel”. When I hear it, it feels like they are scratching my back with a rake. And not in vain, as it turned out, such an intuitive rejection. And now the question for a billion: +

On what kind of bottom did the grandmother scratch?

Do not know?

Well, how is it? WakeUpHuman wrote to you in Russian and even showed you pictures!

Admire what tools "grandma" Jiva used to scrape the bottom of the barrel!


But the gutters are the scraped-out continents of our planet, and not that nonsense that they “spoil” us!


And here is the hostess chilling her Kolobok on the windowsill. But here's the problem: after all, a month is the size of an average city, besides, it is hollow, and the stone was scraped off from all over the planet! Where did the lion's share of the stone go?

Everything is very simple! Do you happen to know what glass is made of? Believe it or not, the glass base is molten silicon dioxide! Yes, the same silicon dioxide (SiO₂) that rocks are made of. In the place of the Gods, I would melt rocks into glass. Why would the Gods need such a gigantic volume of glass? And to build a giant shell and name it … "Heavenly Crystal" [but that's another story].

The author (unfortunately only his Nickname) As Gard

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