Continued Controversy About The Existence Of Planet 9. Brown Confirms, Bannister Refutes - Alternative View

Continued Controversy About The Existence Of Planet 9. Brown Confirms, Bannister Refutes - Alternative View
Continued Controversy About The Existence Of Planet 9. Brown Confirms, Bannister Refutes - Alternative View

Video: Continued Controversy About The Existence Of Planet 9. Brown Confirms, Bannister Refutes - Alternative View

Video: Continued Controversy About The Existence Of Planet 9. Brown Confirms, Bannister Refutes - Alternative View
Video: Planet Nine from Outer Space ▸ KITP Colloquium by Konstantin Batygin 2024, October

The discussion took place at the Pasadena conference. World science is faced with the problem of multiple opinions, when scientists, appealing to the results of their own research, cannot come to a single thought as to whether Nibiru exists.


The question of the existence of the mysterious Nibiru does not leave alone not only the supporters of the "conspiracy theory", but also scientists. "Planet 9" is an invisible celestial body at the edge of our solar system, which probably formed closer to the Sun than previously thought, "writes

So, in 2014, world science first started talking about the fact that planet 9 could exist. In particular, experts from Carnegie University reported for the first time that they began to study the Nibiru phenomenon at the Gemini Observatory (Hawaii). Then Scott Sheppard and Chadwick Trujillo substantiated their theory by the fact that the celestial body, codenamed 2012 VP113, is influenced by some external force. Perhaps this is the magnetism of a giant planet, added American experts. "Researchers have suggested that planet 9 is possibly two to three times more massive than Earth and contains hundreds of astronomical units (AU)," quotes experts. “The 2014 SR349 and 2013 FT28 celestial bodies fall directly in line with six objects on the opposite side of the Kuiper belt, roughly within the proposed orbit of planet 9. Computer simulations suggest that it would be safe for other celestial bodies in terms of gravitational impacts. L91 is the third object and one of the most distant in the solar system. It looks as if it can fit into the group of small celestial bodies that Nibiru influences,”added the experts.


After this issue, scientists from the University of California Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin began to actively study. The theory of the existence of a mysterious planet 9 was voiced by Mike Brown at the meeting of the Department of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society and the European Planetary Science Congress in Pasadena (California, USA). So, the researcher said that there are not 8, but 9 planets in the solar system. A giant celestial body, which is located within the Kuiper belt, affects all celestial bodies, in particular the Earth. Brown said that earlier researchers assumed that all the planets in the solar system were moving along one line, now it became known that they are tilted relative to the sun's axis by 6 degrees, Brown quoted The New York Times. At a press conference, a scientist from the University of California continued to report on the results of his research. “Planet 9 is far from the Sun, but this does not prevent it from slowly tilting the planets in its direction. Nibiru is capable of tilting the entire solar system,”the expert added. Today world technologies have reached the level when it is quite possible to discover Nibiru. "By the end of next winter, scientists will be able to discover planet 9 using modern technology," writes The New York Times, citing Mike Brown."By the end of next winter, scientists will be able to discover planet 9 using modern technology," writes The New York Times, citing Mike Brown."By the end of next winter, scientists will be able to discover planet 9 using modern technology," writes The New York Times, citing Mike Brown.


Several arguments regarding the existence of planet 9 were also voiced by a researcher from the University of Arizona Renu Malhotra at a conference in Pasadena. The expert believes that Nibiru is composed of rocky debris and ice cover. “The only theory that explains the existence of such an object in the Kuiper belt is that it rotates in resonance with less massive celestial bodies,” said Renu Malhotra. According to preliminary data, Nibiru makes a full revolution around its axis in 10,000 years, and around the Sun in 17,117 years, writes The New York Times.

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As Science writes, “Researchers have discovered three more trans-Neptunian objects (TNO), which, like the first six, can confirm the existence of planet 9 and help narrow its intended orbit. The influence of the invisible giant could also explain the strange orbits of two more objects perpendicular to the plane of the solar system. A spokesman for the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria (Canada) added that there is about a 90% chance that scientists will soon discover Nibiru.

Richard Parker of the University of Sheffield, along with colleagues at ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, modeled the solar system's environment using computer technology. Scientists have concluded that there are 5-10 Nibiru-like celestial bodies per 10,000 planets in the universe.


Michelle Bannister from Queen's University Belfast denied the data of her colleagues. So, the researcher believes that planet 9 does not exist, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago. Bannister, together with his team of specialists, carried out computer simulations of the regionalization of the Kuiper belt and came to the conclusion that no Nibiru exists there. As Science writes with reference to the words of the opponent of the theory about the planet 9, “to detect these objects, you need to look away from the bright Milky Way. It is possible that the odd ones occupy similar parts of the sky, because this is the easiest place to find."

So far, scientists have not come to a consensus as to what is happening in the Kuiper belt and what is the nature of the phenomena that affect the minor planets of regionalization. However, on one thing the experts agreed unanimously, science will soon find the answer to the question.

Alena Ivanova