Riddles Of Human Astral Vision - Alternative View

Riddles Of Human Astral Vision - Alternative View
Riddles Of Human Astral Vision - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Human Astral Vision - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Human Astral Vision - Alternative View
Video: ASTRAL - Riddles 2024, September

From Eastern medicine it is known that a person consists of a physical and six subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental, casual, enlightened and Spirit). Modern European medicine limits its knowledge mainly to the study of the physical body.

In recent years, enthusiastic researchers have made a number of important discoveries in terms of understanding the structure of the aura and subtle energy structures surrounding and penetrating a person. So, for example, the ways of entering the physical body of energies from the side of the cosmos, the earth and the environment through the subtle etheric body were determined.

It was found that the skeletal skeletal system of the body is the main channel for the entry and transformation of these energies in a person. For the first time, information was obtained about the location and structure of subtle substances, Soul, Spirit, energy brain, halo and their role in human life. Research has also been carried out in terms of understanding the structure of the astral body, which permeates the physical body, protruding several millimeters above its surface, glowing with a bluish-gray color.

Since ancient millennia, the astral body has been used by highly spiritual people for practical purposes to study the world around them. In our time, both single and group cases of the separation of an astral cloud from a person for flight in the atmosphere are known, like a group soaring of yogis above the earth's surface. To enter astral flight, a person is introduced into a special twilight state under the guidance of a teacher. Less often - independently. In this case, the astral body, equal in volume to the physical body, is separated from the person upward along the cosmic communication channel, decreasing at a height of about 1 meter in size to the size of the etheric astral cloud (EAO) about 15 cm long (see Fig.). Such a cloud can fly tens and hundreds of kilometers, surveying the surface of the Earth and even closed underground spaces. At the same time, a lying person through this ethereal cloud sees, hears, feels, reflects and transmits information to the teacher, receiving from the last instruction. At the end of the flight, the EAO returns to the physical body. It turns out that the departing EAO has an appropriate energy-informational structure to maintain a constant connection with the physical body and the teacher, as well as with subtle substances above the human head.

The structures of superfine substances are located above the human head. These substances are, as it were, strung on the thread of the energy-informational space communication channel. Closer to the head is the Soul. Above it is the halo, known from religious icons, and even higher is the energy brain. Between them there is a row of “beads” of different sizes. All of them are functionally responsible for thinking, intuition, feelings, hearing, vision, including astral vision (see the article "About the creative human brain", "Riddles of glowing halos").

As you can see, in addition to ordinary eyes and a third clairvoyant eye in the head, a person also has a subtle-energy structure of astral vision, which is located on the cosmic communication channel above the halo.

Astral vision is used by highly spiritual people of religions and secular specialists. So, for example, famous domestic healers Ivanov Porfiry Korneevich and Ivanov Boris Alexandrovich possessed such vision, who could survey the surface of the Moon and other planets. Associate of Ivanov P. K. front-line soldier Brutova Galina Nikolaevna in the nineties of the XX century, being in her right mind through the EAO, flew through a dark tunnel and appeared in front of the throne of a wise deity in a brightly shining aura. To her request to take her to heaven, he replied that it was too early for her. Returning to her home, she continued to engage in social activities.

It was the same in ancient times. So, for example, the hero of Sumerian myths Gilgamesh (III millennium BC), using the eagle (EAO), flew to his distant ancestor Ziusudra, who, after an urgent request, told him about how to find magic plants that give immortality. In ancient Egyptian mythology ("Book of the Dead") it is also reported that the pharaoh Sa-Osiris, through the EAO, visited the land of the dead, describing in detail the passage of the tunnel, overcoming the river, avoiding the guards - the dogs. All people have the structures of subtle substances and astral vision, but they are not developed in everyone.

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In medical practice, it is known that after the clinical death of a patient, his astral cloudy, passing through a dark channel, ended up in heaven, seeing the egregorian settlements and their inhabitants. But upon returning to the physical body, the patient recovered. After the death of a person, his astral body flies away to another world along with the subtle substances mentioned above.

However, there are times when the Soul, together with the astral of a person and his subtle substances, does not fly to heaven. In this case, his Soul, Spirit, together with other substances, remain in the chest area of the bone structure on Earth, being fed by the accumulated energy of the energy centers of the skeleton. It is also known that the bone skeleton has energy-saturated zones in the area of former energy centers and its skull, which have energy information. Historical written sources report that there have been cases of single or group movements of skeletons and their ghosts in the area of cemeteries and beyond. This indicates the presence in the skeleton (and skull) of some kind of force, intelligence and other subtle substances.

New discoveries in the structure of subtle bodies and substances in the human body will expand the horizons of the worldview and new ways in scientific research in the field of medicine, physics, philosophy, etc.