Feelings Of The Future - Alternative View

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Feelings Of The Future - Alternative View
Feelings Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Feelings Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Feelings Of The Future - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Future of the Solar System | S1 Ep25 | Hundred LY Feeling 2024, September

For a long time, cinematography and science fiction have tried to talk about love between a human and a robot. Could this kind of relationship happen, and if so, what will we face then?

Intimate artificial intelligence

Robots are getting closer to us. They are really already here and are taking on roles that in the old days only people could fulfill. And although we are still very far from science fiction, human interaction with robots could become a habit: for example, in a supermarket at a self-checkout counter. Robots in Japan are already routinely used to care for the elderly and sick.


If you could design a robot as caring and sensitive as a human, would you want one? And are robots so capable of entering our life that we will begin to feel feelings for them, for example, love?

It has already been in the films

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Let's imagine a world where robots with artificial intelligence take the place of humans. Filmmakers and science fiction writers are constantly trying to show this.

For example, in 2015, in the movie "Out of the Machine", a robot was able to fulfill people's desires imperceptibly - without unnecessary questions and labor. “If you had a beautiful car that was aesthetically pleasing and sentimental to you, why not? You will surely fall in love,”says director Alex Garland.

In the 2012 film Robot and Frank, the robot befriended the aging protagonist. With an ever-growing number of elderly people requiring caregivers, the human versus robot dilemma is becoming a nothing versus robot dilemma, explains director Jair Schreir.

While most parents are at work, and prices for babysitting are constantly rising, childcare can be placed in the hands of a cute and friendly robot created especially for this cute and friendly robot. Such as Baymax from the cartoon "City of Heroes" (filmed in 2014). As the director says, "you will certainly want to approach him, touch him and hug him."

A new kind of love

At the moment, the very idea that someone is able to love a car seems strange or completely wrong to us. However, throughout history, opinions about what is morally acceptable and what is not has changed constantly. And there is no reason to believe that with the love of artificial intelligence, everything will turn out to be somehow different.


To the five already known types of relationships, a sixth type can be added - relationships with a robot. Let's see what is special about each of them. So.

Heterosexual marriage

The relationship between a man and a woman is considered traditional by everyone, but, for example, the ancient Greeks did not consider them as the only possible manifestation of love. Plato believed that men can only desire women, but cannot love them. For him, the highest ideal was love between two men.

Interracial marriage

Throughout history, marriage between people of different races has often met with hostility and resistance, which was impossible for most people. In some southern states of the United States, interracial marriage was legalized until 1967.

Same-sex marriage

In Great Britain until 1967, same-sex relationships were illegal, and a law that makes heterosexual and same-sex marriage equal in rights was recently passed. Today, same-sex sexual relations are still illegal in some countries, with some even punishable by death.

Interreligious marriage

For many people, the very idea of loving someone of a different religion is taboo. Throughout history, many believers have believed it wrong to marry outside of their religion.

Interfaith marriage was not allowed in Europe several hundred years ago, and now remains unacceptable to groups around the world, including branches of Christianity and Islam, that are against mixed religious marriages.


Meeting in real life a person who was picked up by an algorithm that calculated your compatibility in an online dating service is now commonplace.


Some maintain a virtual life on the Internet and full-fledged relationships with people whom they have never met physically and will never meet. Today, many admit that you can truly love another person only through online communication.

Human + robot

If an intelligent robot can evoke love and be in love, will it be different from people who love each other? In the future, we will again have to reconsider what we mean by love. The boundaries of such relationships have not yet been explored, but will become clear very soon.

Relationship issues with robots

The relationship with artificial intelligence will lead to a whole host of new issues, including the potential to reduce the quality of life and exploitation of both humans and robots. By studying these issues now, we can protect ourselves from misery and suffering in the future.


Pros: The robot can be programmed to be a super-efficient personal assistant that is always available.

Cons: A situation in a society in which people prefer comfortable relationships with robots, rather than with people, can lead to a deterioration in human relationships or to the withdrawal of some people from this society.

Emotional support

Pros: A robot can be an alternative to being alone, especially for those who are confident they can never find love.

Cons: Solving loneliness without the involvement of others can lead to even worse isolation or possible feelings of inadequacy.


Pros: Robotic nurses can be cheaper than hiring a nanny. In addition, they relieve people of heavy caregiving responsibilities.

Cons: Older people are less likely to embrace new technologies and may be unhappy with having to interact with them. A childcare robot will not be able to teach them how to properly communicate with other people.

Robot senses

PROS: If a robot can truly feel, it can truly love you.


Cons: Ethically speaking, this is uncharted territory that raises more questions than answers. If a robot can feel, we will have to decide whether we have the right to let it run out, buy and sell it, or be cruel to it.


Pros: The robot will be available to anyone who has enough money to buy it.

Cons: Robots designed by manufacturers to be attractive to humans can exploit the owners who bought them. People may be forced to constantly “upgrade” the robot or buy the goods and services it offers.

How will society react?

This could be the biggest ethical problem of the 21st century. Will you accept robots when the time is right?

“Yes”: And many agree with you. The Japanese government is already funding robotic nurses due to a shortage of human staff.

“Maybe”: You still have time to think. The widespread, advanced robots are still a field of science fiction. Cambridge scientists believe that it is too ambitious to expect them even after 50 years.

“No”: Those who are against it are confident that humanoid robots with artificial intelligence will still repel us on the same level. Some scientists say that even realistic robots won't be human enough to love.

“No, and no one should”: Some people see a threat in the idea of loving intelligent robots. When your great-grandchildren and their robot friends hear this opinion, you will surely be called old-fashioned.