An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View

An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View
An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View

Video: An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View

Video: An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View
Video: Doctors to remove basketball-sized tumor from teen’s face 2024, September

A resident of Ivory Coast (West Africa) named Kambu Si, who is better known as Prosper, from the age of 11, began to notice how a small tumor appeared on his face and began to grow at first. Now Prosper is 17 years old and the tumor has completely covered all the features of his face.

Because of her, the teenager could hardly breathe and saw almost nothing. His own mother left the family, unable to look at the disfigured face of her son, other relatives also disowned him. Only his father remained to look after Prosper.

When the tumor first started growing on his cheek, local doctors thought it was not cancerous, but when Prosper was finally examined at the hospital this year. it turned out that he had a rare and very dangerous form of cancer - Burkitt's lymphoma. Without treatment, Burkitt's lymphoma progresses rapidly and leads to death.

- People say that I am a monster, - Prosper tells about himself, - They said that I ate something bad. And my cheeks kept getting bigger and bigger.

No one could understand what was happening to the boy's face and the family had no money for expensive doctors. Everyone around told his mother to leave him, as he still would not recover, and as a result, the woman left to devote all her strength to her other children, who were healthy.


In a desperate search for help, the teen's father found Sister Claudine, a nun of the Liliane Foundation, which helped disabled children from poor countries and paid for their treatment. With her help, Prosper was shown to the Italian charity A Voice For Padre Pio and they took the teenager to a clinic in Naples for examination and subsequent treatment.


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“They looked at me and said that they had never seen anything like it,” Prosper says. “I don’t want to live like this, I want to be cured, even if it hurts.” The most important thing is to remove those huge cheeks from my face.

At the clinic, for examination by Prosper, at first they suspected neurofibromatosis, but then suddenly it turned out that this is a very rare form of cancer, Burkitt's lymphoma. To treat this tumor, Prosper has so far gone through a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and stem cell therapy. he still has a few more procedures, after which he will undergo plastic surgery to remove dead tumor tissue from his face.


After a course of chemotherapy, the swelling on Prosper's face diminished slightly, he was even able to open his eyes. The teenager is happy about this and thanks God for his help. Also, his mother returned to him when he was undergoing treatment and asked his son for forgiveness.