What Do People See Before They Die? - Alternative View

What Do People See Before They Die? - Alternative View
What Do People See Before They Die? - Alternative View

Video: What Do People See Before They Die? - Alternative View

Video: What Do People See Before They Die? - Alternative View
Video: Considering a Career In Software Testing? A realworld experience based alternative view. 2024, September

It is widely believed that before death "all life flashes before your eyes." What is it - a turn of speech, a hackneyed cliche from Hollywood films, or a little-studied physiological feature? Scientists from the Israeli Hadassah University decided to understand this issue. The authors studied the experience of people who were literally pulled "from the other world." They interviewed over 200 people and analyzed in detail seven of the responses received.

People said that at this moment they completely lost the sense of time, and the memories that appear in their memory belonged to different periods of their lives. They quite rarely went in a certain chronological order, more often they appeared completely haphazardly. Most of the memories "emerged" at this moment were associated with some bright emotional moments of life. It seemed to people that they spent "hundreds, if not thousands of years" among their memories. Some noted that they felt able to enter the body of any person and feel his pain and experience emotions with him and in his place. All study participants noted that after the experience they were able to take a fresh look at their life and their life experience.

This time, the researchers failed to obtain confirmation of the fact that a person at such moments sees himself as if from the outside. So it is possible that this is just a myth, replicated in many films and books, although, perhaps in the future, scientists will be able to prove that this is not fiction at all, since many people who have experienced clinical death report about "leaving the body".

The authors of the study suggested that the display of memories is associated with the activation of certain areas of the brain (prefrontal, medial temporal and parietal lobes), which are supplied with blood and oxygen for the longest time and then stop working immediately before death. Feelings similar to those experienced by people immediately before death can occur in cases where a person is experiencing severe stress, although in this case the memories will not be as vivid and realistic.
