How To Get Rid Of Nightmares? - Alternative View

How To Get Rid Of Nightmares? - Alternative View
How To Get Rid Of Nightmares? - Alternative View

Video: How To Get Rid Of Nightmares? - Alternative View

Video: How To Get Rid Of Nightmares? - Alternative View
Video: Here's How To Stop Your Nightmares - Rewrite the Script 2024, July

Every person dreams. They can be black and white and color, fantastic and realistic, completely meaningless and meaningful. The world of dreams is extremely diverse. Sleep is a distortion of the real world, a reflection of the events of the day, emotions and experiences of a person, his memories and fantasies. In a dream, there is a harmonious interweaving of past, present and future events. According to experts, dreams are the result of the active work of a person's subconscious.

However, dreams can be not only good. Quite often, a person is tormented by nightmares, and he wakes up in a cold sweat. Often, nightmares are dreamed of in childhood, which is a consequence of the child's adaptation to the world around him. At a more mature age, a person sees nightmares when he cannot get rid of problems, as a result of negative information received during the day, or because of low self-esteem. Energy debris and corruption can also cause nightmares. In this peculiar way, the human subconscious sends a signal that the body is in danger.

Among all the nightmares, those that occur most often can be distinguished. In such dreams, a person is either persecuted or attacked, a person feels a fall or paralysis, he finds himself in some terrible place with no way to get out.

If nightmares are the result of the stress of the previous day, certain rituals will help get rid of them.

If a person has nightmares with an enviable frequency, you need to take a silver ribbon and a candle. Before going to bed, you need to wrap the tape around the candle. Then you should light a candle and, holding it in your hand, go to the window, look at the fire, blow it out, remove the tape and tie it around your wrist at night. You need to leave some silver thing and a candle on the windowsill. Waking up, the tape must be removed from the wrist and the decoration and candle left there must be taken from the windowsill. This ritual can be performed several times a week, each time using a new ribbon and a new candle. Only when the nightmares cease to haunt, the used tapes should be thrown as far from home as possible.

There is another interesting and effective ritual - the so-called nightmare catcher. To perform this ritual. You must first buy a small box, a blue candle, rock crystal or selenite, take the herb of yarrow, calendula and wormwood in a 1: 2: 1 ratio and salt. For the ritual to be effective, it should be performed on 15-17 lunar days. Directly for the ritual, you need to take a small piece of plain fabric (it is important that its color inspires a person with calmness). You need to cover the table with this cloth at dawn, put a candle in the center and light it, pronouncing certain words. Then you need to take a glass of water, add a pinch of salt there, equal to the number of years of a person. Pouring salt into water, you need to imagine that the water in the glass boils and glows in the same color as the fabric. Throwing every pinch into a glass, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Then put a stone and some herbs in the water. A glass of water should be left on the table until the candle has completely burned out.

After that, you need to take the box, write the word "peace" on it, remove the stone from the water and put it inside the box, add the remaining herbs, close everything and put it under the bed, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy 12 times.

The action of the nightmare catcher lasts exactly one year. After this period, if desired, the ritual can be performed again.

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According to people practicing magic, the prayer "Our Father" is considered one of the most effective means of getting rid of nightmares. It must be recited immediately before bedtime three times. Before the icon of the Mother of God, before the start of the prayer, you need to light a candle, and after its end, recite the conspiracy on the pillow three times.

Then you should extinguish the candle without blowing it out. In the morning, put the pillow in a sunlit place and leave it until the evening. Before you go to bed, you need to put on a poor pillowcase on this pillow and recite the conspiracy three times in front of the icon. The effect of this conspiracy persists until the first wash. Then the ritual can be repeated if necessary.

There is another ritual. Before going to bed, you need to put open scissors under the pillow, having uttered the words of the conspiracy on them in advance. In the morning, you should take these scissors and, making cutting movements in the air, say the words with an appeal to God for protection an odd number of times. This ritual should be performed every evening for a week.

You can also put a necklace woven from onions and garlic under the pillow. Weaving it, you need to read Our Father.

You can take three yellow, red and green leaves and hide them under the mattress. And yet - try not to fall asleep on your back, but lie on your side, twisting the figs on both hands.

And most importantly, for all these rituals to be effective, in no case should you tell anyone about them.