Blood Has Memory - Alternative View

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Blood Has Memory - Alternative View
Blood Has Memory - Alternative View

Video: Blood Has Memory - Alternative View

Video: Blood Has Memory - Alternative View
Video: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret 2024, September

Professor Mikhail Burleshin - on the extraordinary properties of water and physiological fluids

Most people in our enlightened age are very dismissive of damage, the evil eye and other incredible ways of harming a person at a distance. This position is quite understandable. At school, at the institute, we were tirelessly instilled in the obvious truths, from which it followed that there are only specific material ways of interaction in nature. In short, if you hit a person on the head with a log or put poison in a glass of wine, it will ruin his health. And all sorts of curses, conspiracies and other "shamanic" actions can only bring a smile. But, paradoxical as it may seem, having attended the seminars of some modern scientists, you get a completely different opinion from there.

Not so long ago I happened to attend one scientific seminar, which was attended by quite respectable scientists - candidates and doctors of biological and medical sciences. It took place in full accordance with medieval magic, that is, in the vaulted basement of an old mansion. True, this was not due to increased secrecy and special mysterious bloody rituals, but with very everyday reasons. The institute, which owned the mansion, became impoverished over the years of reforms, sold out its buildings, and so the scientists had to "condense" and go down to the basements. But the lectures given at the seminar would be very interesting for medieval sorcerers. After all, the conversation was about "dead" and "living" water, about the impact through blood on human health.

First, we heard a message about the study of water, charged by psychics "for life" and "for death." Water, based on modern concepts, consists of liquid crystals. After the influence of the psychic "on life", the intensity of crystal growth increased. The bacteria in the water reacted to these changes and began to divide rapidly. The water became cloudy, and precision instruments recorded the absorption of light quanta passing through the solution. If the water was charged “to death,” then all processes in it stopped: liquid crystals stopped growing, bacteria did not divide, and the solution remained transparent.

Charged "for life" or "for death" water retained its properties for approximately three days. Then on the information "entered" by the psychic, other influences began to be superimposed, and the water gradually lost the given properties.

But sometimes, according to the speaker, water could keep the mood "for death" for 2-3 years. It turned out quite by accident. After one of the experiments, a bottle of water, coded "for death," was put on the cabinet and forgotten about it. Only three years later they took it out, read the inscription on the label and decided to conduct a study. The water still retained the death code!

At the same seminar, two more interesting reports were made. One of them concerned blood. According to the speaker, each person has a unique vibration frequency of DNA molecules inherent only to him. All DNA of human cells vibrate at the same frequency, forming the so-called reference vibration field. Physiological processes in the body are "superimposed" on this reference field and are in an individual oscillatory mode for a person. The blood taken from a person, even if separated from the body, continues to maintain connection with it and fluctuate in the reference field mode. The devices objectively record that by acting on the blood taken from a person, through the oscillations of the reference field, it is possible to influence the nature of the physiological processes going on in his body.

As a child, we all read the tale of two twin brothers. One brother went on a journey, the other stayed at home. To know about the fate of a wandering brother, they took a drop of blood from him and dissolved it in a bowl of water. And as long as the brother survived, the water was clear. But as soon as an evil witch or an all-powerful sorcerer turned the guy into stone, at the same moment the water in the bowl turned scarlet. In this tale, an experiment was reproduced with amazing accuracy, which was carried out in one of the research institutes dealing with the problems of creating new diagnostic devices. A drop of human blood was taken and dissolved in water. Then a long beaker with almost pure water was placed near a particularly sensitive chronograph, which recorded the slightest change in color. Then the psychic began to act. By the way,in the tale, the second brother often showed the ability to foresee. Further, the person who was taking blood began to wander somewhere at a distance of several kilometers from the laboratory. The psychic was located even further, for example, in his house. He was engaged in completely abstract affairs there: he could read a book, write an article. But from time to time, having precisely checked the time on the clock, he began to influence the image of the "experimental". And that's what turned out. Exactly at the moment of exposure, a drop of blood dissolved in water “felt” it and changed its color. The chronograph recorded these changes, and a distinct peak appeared on the screen of the computer connected to it. He was engaged in completely abstract affairs there: he could read a book, write an article. But from time to time, having precisely checked the time on the clock, he began to influence the image of the "experimental". And that's what turned out. Exactly at the moment of exposure, a drop of blood dissolved in water “felt” it and changed its color. The chronograph recorded these changes, and a distinct peak appeared on the screen of the computer connected to it. He was engaged in completely abstract affairs there: he could read a book, write an article. But from time to time, having precisely checked the time on the clock, he began to influence the image of the "experimental". And that's what turned out. Exactly at the moment of exposure, a drop of blood dissolved in water “felt” it and changed its color. The chronograph recorded these changes, and a distinct peak appeared on the screen of the computer connected to it.

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It turns out that it is not for nothing that medieval sorcerers, when defusing damage, begged from the "customer" a piece of rag soaked in the blood of the victim. They knew that human blood has the amazing ability to keep in touch with it wherever it is. By it, it was possible to find out whether a person was alive, and whether it was possible to inflict significant harm on him with the help of blood.