Strange Memories Or In A Parallel Universe - Alternative View

Strange Memories Or In A Parallel Universe - Alternative View
Strange Memories Or In A Parallel Universe - Alternative View

Video: Strange Memories Or In A Parallel Universe - Alternative View

Video: Strange Memories Or In A Parallel Universe - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Real Humans That Might Be From A Parallel Universe 2024, September

Everyone in life has moments when he thinks about the reality of certain events. Especially if those around you assure that nothing like this has ever happened. What is it? False memories or a child's wild imagination. Or have we imperceptibly transported to a parallel universe, and then also quickly returned back?

I was 10-12 years old when my cousin and I went to pick mushrooms. Strict Olga immediately warned that we would go far, and if I got tired, I would come back alone. But I was not discouraged: everything is better than watering the beds day after day, and weeding the weeds.

In early August it is still early morning, we left the house with the first rays of dawn. We went through the dacha village, passed a couple of sleeping villages and went deep into the forest.

There were not many mushrooms, and my sister decided that we should make a forward march for a few more kilometers. At first we walked, focusing on the sounds of the track, but gradually began to move away from the road.

My sister forgot her watch at home, so the time had to be checked by the sun. According to the daylight, it was about noon. We have been walking through the forest for a long time. All supplies of water were drunk, and a hint of civilization did not appear. My sister confidently walked forward and assured that she knew these places thoroughly: a little more, and we would go out to the railway station. There we will take the train and return home. It seems that the mushroom hike was not a success, I thought gloatingly, and the big question is which of us fizzled out faster.

Suddenly, the forest ended. We found ourselves at the edge, from which the summer cottage settlement, which stood on a high hill, was perfectly visible. I was surprised - there was no hint of the road leading to him. But maybe people come from the other side: there are highways and footpaths. Although it is strange: we came out of the forest, from which we barely escaped. He looked neglected. Usually, near the dwelling, you always come across traces of human activity: cigarette butts, bottles, or at least trampled paths! But no, we made our way through a windbreak, untouched raspberries and crushed uncollected blueberries!

My sister perked up and moved briskly towards the dacha village. We entered the main street. The sun was beating down, grasshoppers were ringing in the grass, a haze of hot air swayed from his face. There was absolute silence: chainsaws and planes did not screech, which usually do not stop at summer cottages from morning to evening. The dogs did not bark, the chains of wells did not ring. The village was completely empty, despite the day off. But, it did not look abandoned: the first autumn flowers bloomed violently in the front gardens, well-groomed flower beds delighted the eyes of weary travelers.

The fences were painted, and the houses were clean and new, as if they had just been assembled. The village was inhabited, but there were no people in it! This is the paradox. Each street had its own name, there were signs with house numbers. What struck my imagination the most was that half of the buildings on the main street were painted green, the other blue. On each gate there is a strange sign with a painted flower: someone has a peony, someone has a poppy or a daisy.

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I turned my head in surprise, trying to understand what was happening. What a pity that in my childhood there were no digital cameras, or phones with even the most simple camera. Now I can only talk about what I saw on that strange day, but, alas, it will not work to back up the words with facts.

The older sister's face was focused and unfriendly. She walked, striking a step, and did not look around. When I stopped at another common street well with the intention of drawing water, she abruptly hurried me over, and without looking back, walked on. I was terribly thirsty, but at that time, alas, I was an obedient girl. Therefore, she only touched the bucket that hung over the abyss of the well. The chain made a lingering ringing, and it was the only sound of housing that we have heard in the last few minutes. The sister shuddered, turned around. A gamut of feelings changed on her face: from fright to annoyance. This did not last more than a minute. Olga's eyes went blank again. I looked around the strange street for the last time and ran to catch up with my sister.

For some time we walked in silence through the village. Finally, the strange suburban complex was left behind. A cool forest full of mosquitoes welcomed us on the other side of the dwelling.

I timidly tugged at my sister's jacket sleeve and asked what she thought it was. Olga, as if waking up from a dream, looked at me with suspicion:

- Like what? We went through the village. Didn't you notice?

- I also noticed. But why didn't you let me drink water? Why did she walk without looking back. Anyway, have you noticed that this is a very strange place?

I wanted to share my thoughts and hypotheses with my sister. Despite my young age, I read a lot and adored all sorts of mysterious "things".

- Don't talk nonsense! - Olga's voice was angry and unpleasant. The village is like a village. It was not enough to be scolded for using someone else's well. You will endure!

- Who would have scolded us, Olya! Didn't you see that there was nobody but us. Nobody at all. And this is despite the fact that the village is not abandoned. And these colorful houses, and the signs with flowers?

The sister shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment. She put her hand to my forehead and muttered that I was in trouble. Like, I'm overheated in the sun and talking all sorts of nonsense.

We approached the suburban platform in complete silence. Also, without speaking, we drove to the transfer station and took the train in the right direction. It became clear that we had lost our way that day. Already at a conscious age, I looked at the map of the area and found out that it is difficult for two women to overcome such a path on foot. How did we manage to cover 20 kilometers in a few hours?

More than 30 years have passed since then. But my sister still does not want to talk about this topic and remember about the strange village. Did she see, too, as I did? Why was she so strange at that moment?

And this is the second riddle to which I have no answer.