Why Does A Person Have No Soul And What Replaces It? Science Answer - Alternative View

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Why Does A Person Have No Soul And What Replaces It? Science Answer - Alternative View
Why Does A Person Have No Soul And What Replaces It? Science Answer - Alternative View

Today we will talk about several experiments that disprove the presence of a soul. The faint of heart need not read.

How to get a child to do homework? Threaten him with a deuce. How to make a person pray and donate for the temple? Scare him with hell. To some, such a comparison will seem ridiculous, but it is so. The schoolboy wants his diary to always show off the fives, the believer dreams of paradise during his lifetime. Without bad grades and devils heating boilers, there would be no motivation.


Only here a deuce is a real threat, and hell is fiction. The fact is that there will be no one and nothing to cook in those same boilers. Scientists have long proved that a person has no soul. There is chemistry, the lessons of which we did not like so much in childhood. Breathing, movement, thoughts, and our whole life - these are chemical processes in the body. A person constantly takes substances from the environment: oxygen, water, phosphorus, iron, proteins … And he also constantly gives away unnecessary substances - carbon dioxide, solid and liquid waste. Throughout our life, our body, thanks to chemical reactions, is completely renewed 2-3 times.


Over time, the body begins to absorb less than it gives up. This is called old age. The complete cessation of exchange is death. Does a dandelion or an ant have a soul? Not? But they also live off this kind of chemistry. Believers say, "the soul rules over the mind and body." This means that without this invisible substance, a dead organism cannot be revived. But our scientists have succeeded.


Doctor of Medicine Alexey Kulyabko revived 7 children's hearts. He passed physiological solution (salt, sugar, water) and oxygen through them. Hearts began to beat. His colleague S. Andreev, using the same method, revived the organ of an adult. 5 days after the biological death of the patient

A. Kulyabko is giving a lecture
A. Kulyabko is giving a lecture

A. Kulyabko is giving a lecture.

Promotional video:

Pharmacologist Nikolai Kravkov conducted experiments with human fingers for several months. He managed to make them sweat, react to stimuli, "grow" their nails. The experiments were subsequently successfully repeated by foreign scientists

N. Kravkov in the laboratory
N. Kravkov in the laboratory

N. Kravkov in the laboratory.

In 1928, Soviet scientists Sergei Bryukhonenko and Sergei Chechulin revived the dog's head. A special pump was used instead of a heart. Blood was pumped through the vessels. The animal's eyes blinked in the bright light. The mouth tried to swallow a piece of sausage on its tongue. The tickling of the nostrils caused a grin

S. Brukhonenko's experiments
S. Brukhonenko's experiments

S. Brukhonenko's experiments.

  • The same Bryukhonenko revived the dog "entirely" in 7-8 minutes after the euthanasia and the cessation of organ activity. Fresh blood helped, which started the work of the heart and lungs.
  • Even during the war, killed soldiers who survived clinical death were brought back to life. Today this is practiced everywhere. That is, the body, the “soul” from which it left, and should already be in heaven (hell), begins to live thanks to the restoration of metabolism, that is, chemistry.

Why can't you "resurrect" a person who died a few hours ago?

Because of the same chemistry. Breakdown of brain cells. Cooling and the use of special preparations can slow it down.

The conclusion suggests itself. Soul, heaven and hell are nothing more than an invention of our ancestors, who, like us, could not imagine that everything would end in this world. It was fear that became the father of the soul and all religions.
