Hair - Our Decoration - Alternative View

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Hair - Our Decoration - Alternative View
Hair - Our Decoration - Alternative View

Video: Hair - Our Decoration - Alternative View

Video: Hair - Our Decoration - Alternative View
Video: Shapeshifting Sea Monsters! 2024, September

Our ancestors believed that hair carries great power to the human body, and to the head - the wisdom of the great Gods. Long hair from time immemorial was necessarily considered a part of the image of a beauty, and the ancestors understood beauty as, first of all, the harmony of body and soul. According to custom, the length of a woman's hair should be below the shoulder blades, which gives the beauty peace and a sense of security, and she is in harmony with her inner world.

Hair length

Hair stores information, maintains the energy field. Through them you can interact with space and draw energy from the World. By changing the length of your hair, you can consciously regulate your physical condition and mood.

Hair below the shoulder blades - store vitality and emotional experience. They help to gather strength and give protection. Women from most traditional cultures prefer this hairstyle.

Shoulder-length hair is an energetically stable form that is easy to manage. This length is convenient for changing hairstyles, which means that with such hair the reserve of strength is preserved and you can quickly redirect it in the right direction.

Short hair - promotes the use of power to solve current problems. Such a haircut helps to survive misfortune or illness, climb the social ladder, and lead an active lifestyle. Gives energy and vitality.

Shaved head - helps to get rid of past experiences. Give up the existing social status and move to a new one.

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By trimming our hair, we kind of cut our relationship to the past. In fact, you don't have to shave baldly to get out of a losing streak. It is enough to cut the ends of your hair on the right day to get rid of illness and bad luck, to switch to a new business. This is useful after graduation (of course, after passing all exams) and when moving to a new job, before marriage, or to pursue a departed love.

There is a widespread superstition that pregnant women should not have their hair cut. This is not entirely true, it is possible, but not always necessary. Long hair helps to maintain and gain strength before childbirth, and a short sports haircut during pregnancy will keep you energized and active, add strength to maintain an active lifestyle with your baby. Who needs more.

When and what to do with hair.

In order for the hair to grow healthy and thick, to add strength and health, it is necessary to cut it on the growing moon. In order to maintain a beautiful appearance of hair for a long time, to part with the past and get rid of diseases, they make haircuts, hairstyles, coloring on the waning moon.

Cut hair is an important sacred object through which, according to the beliefs of ancestors, one can influence the fate and health of a person. Therefore, the attitude towards lost and cut hair has always been very attentive. Hair was buried under a fruit tree or under an oak tree, burned, thrown into a river, buried under the threshold of a house or in an anthill. They were treated differently in different localities, but they were always removed from the house to an inaccessible secret place.


Brushing your hair is a kind of magical rite. In order to turn brushing into a little magic, you need the right tool - a hairbrush or a comb made of wood or bone, or a natural bristle brush.

To get your thoughts in order, it is good to slowly run the comb through your hair in one direction many times. To get rid of fatigue and other people's influence, you need to comb your hair in front of flowing water before going to bed, slowly, from time to time immersing the comb in water. In the morning, when you want to cheer up and gain strength, combing in a sunny place helps.


Previously, Russian girls, according to custom, wore one braid, consisting of three intertwined strands. This helped the girl to balance the three worlds in herself - Reality (our ordinary world), Nav (the other world) and Prav (the divine world of the higher law).

The world order was kept in the girl's braid, she flowed along her back, and through her the forces of the three worlds poured into the girl, "raised" and strengthened her body and spirit.

When the time came for the girl to marry, her single braid was divided in two. As a sign of goodbye to girlish freedom, preparing for a new life role, on the eve of the wedding, bridesmaids gathered and, while singing sad songs, helped her radically change her hair. Two braids were a symbol of the fact that now she needs to draw strength and balance not only herself personally but also her family (husband and child).

The modern hairstyle "ponytail", or in common parlance "ponytail", also has certain energetic properties. Since there is only one strand in it, it has an impact only on our explicit world, but the wearer of the tail herself can easily control her emotional state.

Hair gathered at the back of the head will help you quickly gather, focus and direct all your energies to solving any problem facing the girl.

If the same tail is redirected to the neck, dropping it down, then the girl will become calmer, she will be able to more easily accept any situation and adapt to any environment.

The tail on the top of the head is not at all a woman's hairstyle: it excites, awakens fighting spirit and conflict. This is a warrior's hairstyle. According to legend, Amazons (not very happy women in their personal lives) wore such tails.

Weaving braids, tying knots on the hair, collecting hair in a "bun" are protective actions. Knots and weaves break the evil spell and protect the head from unkind influence. The protective properties of the hairstyle can be enhanced using ribbons, hairpins, combs.

In the 15th - 17th centuries in Russia, a mowing girl's adornment - the braid - came into use. It was a pendant attached with cords at the end of the braid. Kosnik is a detail of a girl's festive costume, usually used in a set with a wreath, crown, headband or some other ceremonial headdress.

Women, on the other hand, wore headdresses that covered their hair: warriors, kitsch, magpies, which were covered on top with large patterned scarves. A sign that a woman is under cover - the protection of her husband and higher powers, That her magical powers belong to the Family.

Author: Malysheva E. N.