Stunning Similarities Between Aliens And Human Embryos - Alternative View

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Stunning Similarities Between Aliens And Human Embryos - Alternative View
Stunning Similarities Between Aliens And Human Embryos - Alternative View

Video: Stunning Similarities Between Aliens And Human Embryos - Alternative View

Video: Stunning Similarities Between Aliens And Human Embryos - Alternative View
Video: 7 Alien Races That Look Like Beautiful Human Women by Amazing Coincidence 2024, July

In the photo: Ufologists shamelessly pass off some alcoholized freaks as the corpses of aliens, using their external similarity. This particular one is kept in one of the English museums.

The "little man" itself is not large, about a meter and twenty in height. A huge bald head, eyes - black slanting bowls, almost no ears, a tiny chin, mouth and nose. Nostrils are vertical slits. So in the textbook image "brother in mind" looks like. A freak, it seems. But does not cause disgust. Why? Because there is much more human in it than it might seem at first glance

They are not green, but gray

The mass acquaintance of the general public with the puny, big-headed dwarfs happened with the help of cinema and Steven Spielberg. In his 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," the aliens first appeared in their now familiar form. In a more comic version, he used a similar image in the painting "Alien".

But it seems that the portrait itself appeared much earlier. Because it was already known what they, aliens, are. People told, those who allegedly met with them. Namely, they were kidnapped. And then, without saying a word, they described the same features.

In 2004, the first and most famous of those abducted, American Betty Hill, died. But earlier, under hypnosis, she "remembered" that in 1961 she had been on a "flying saucer." In general, the verbal portrait of the "kidnappers", compiled by her, coincided with what Spielberg showed.

- This is really a "classic alien", - says the famous St. Petersburg ufologist Mikhail Gershtein, - not green, but gray: they are called "grays" - "gray". Or sins, in our opinion. But, as far as I know, the first painted portrait appeared in the Canadian newspaper The Prince George Citizen (British Columbia) on December 11, 1957. And it was accompanied by a rather dubious story of a man whom the aliens took to Mars. Apart from the fact that the kidnapper's eyes were faceted, like those of a fly, the image described by an eyewitness is almost no different from the textbook “gray”.

But perhaps this, if I may say so, "document" is not the first. If you believe the legends, then the American military saw the aliens in nature - they took their corpses from the famous "plate" that crashed in 1947 in the state of New Mexico. And they described what they saw like this: “The dead enlonauts had large, round, practically hairless heads. The eyes were slanting, deep-set, there were no auricles - only the auditory openings, the nose was outlined only by an inconspicuous bulge, the mouth - in the form of a small gap without teeth … Body sizes - from 90 to 120 centimeters. The blood had the same composition as human blood."

It is possible that this description is a later manipulation. And outright swindle. But still, why such persistence in fine art?

Space maggots

- Take a look at a photograph of a human embryo, says Vladimir Vitaliev, Ph. D. in biological sciences, and compare it with a portrait of an alien. Almost the same face.

- And what would that mean? - I am interested.

“One of two things,” the scientist replies, “either the falsifiers chose the ideal nature, or… aliens and we are really close relatives. Brothers not only in reason, but also in blood.

Vladimir Vitaliev is an ardent supporter of the theory of the so-called reverse evolution. He believes that man did not originate from animals, but, on the contrary, animals originated from man. Therefore, it has its own interpretation of the miracles that occur in the womb. Namely, that human embryos, as they grow, turn first into mollusks, then into tadpoles, fish with gills, lizards, dolphins with fins, into piglets with stigmas and twisted tails, into monkeys with wool.

It is believed that embryos seem to repeat the stages of the development of life on Earth. In the opinion of "reverse evolutionists", they demonstrate creatures in which they themselves could turn under certain conditions. And already turned, for example, into monkeys.

- Believe me, - says Vitaliev, - an embryo taken out of the womb will never turn into a person of its usual appearance. He will become a completely different being. They tried to carry out similar experiments on animals. In Australia, something that looks like a rat began to grow from a kangaroo embryo. The experiment, however, quickly ended - the creature died. We do not yet know all the conditions necessary for "growing". But this does not mean that this is impossible in principle.

Promotional video:


Human embryo (left). Adult humanoid

- I do not exclude, - continues the scientist, that somewhere in the depths of the Universe the necessary conditions exist. And babies are born at a time corresponding to the earthly 9-10 weeks. And when they were born, they develop into bald, large-headed and big-eyed humanoids of small stature.

- It turns out that the aliens are, in fact, premature people in the womb? And our, if I may say so, larvae?

- If this is indeed the case, then life in the Universe has a single source.
