Divine Blue Blood - Alternative View

Divine Blue Blood - Alternative View
Divine Blue Blood - Alternative View

Video: Divine Blue Blood - Alternative View

Video: Divine Blue Blood - Alternative View
Video: Woman of Blue Blood l CH 91 2024, September

Many have heard the phrase "blue blood". In the lexicon of Europeans, it appeared relatively recently, just a few centuries ago. It is generally believed that it appeared in Castile. There, noble, sophisticated aristocrats prided themselves on their pale skin with bluish veins showing through, which was proof that their blood was not contaminated with impure Moorish blood. There are other versions of the origin, according to which the phrase "blue blood" appeared in the Medieval period. The church and the Inquisition showed particular interest in the blood of the color of heaven. Moreover, in the chronicles of one of the Spanish monasteries, an incident is recorded that happened to the executioner. For a long time, he regularly performed his duties, but was sent to the monastery of the city of Vitoria to atone for a grave sin - as it turned out, he executed a man,being a carrier of blue blood. For such an offense, the Inquisition arranged a court over the executioner, which passed a verdict: the person executed by the executioner was completely innocent, because people with sky-colored blood cannot be sinners.

As you know, there is no smoke without fire. And from scratch the phrase "blue blood" could not appear. Some enthusiasts who have been studying this issue for a long period of time argue that blue-blooded people actually exist. Moreover, they have always been.

In total, there are about 7-8 thousand such special people around the globe. They are called kyanetics. These are people whose blood is dominated by copper instead of iron. The term "blue" is used to denote the color of their blood, although in fact their blood has a purple hue. People with such blood are considered to be more tenacious and resilient compared to other people. They are less susceptible to various blood diseases, and in addition, their blood is more clotting, and even the most severe wounds are accompanied by minor bleeding.

Researchers are confident that kyanetics appear on the planet for a reason: nature, creating unusual people, thus insures against a global catastrophe that could destroy most of humanity. In this case, people with blue blood will be able to give rise to a new, more resilient civilization.

If we talk about the theory of the origin of people with blue blood, it should be noted that it is quite fantastic, but at the same time it is not devoid of certain logic. Copper simply cannot enter the human body. In the past, the most common jewelry - earrings, necklaces, bracelets - served as a source of copper. As a rule, all these jewelry were worn on the most delicate areas of the skin, through which important arteries and blood veins pass. With prolonged wearing of copper jewelry, copper particles could penetrate the body and mix with iron fractions. Thus, the blood gradually changed its composition, acquiring the appropriate shade.

In the modern world, various contraceptives containing copper can serve as a source of copper, in particular, diaphragms and spirals, which are installed for a long time.

There are other theories of the origin of people with blue blood. We are talking, in particular, about the hypothesis according to which the Kyanetics are descendants of aliens from other planets.

Our Universe is very diverse. Within the solar system, the planets differ in the elements that prevail in their structure. Thus, it is quite possible to assume that there is very little iron on some planet, and, on the contrary, a lot of copper. It is quite obvious that the evolution of the animal world there will follow a different path, and the creatures that inhabit this planet will have blue blood.

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According to the theory, these blue-blooded aliens came to Earth during the Stone Age. Many myths and legends have survived, which speak of the gods who flew in golden chariots. But it is quite logical to assume that the metal of the gods was not gold at all, since it is not only very heavy, but also very soft metal, and it simply will not work to make a chariot or a weapon out of it.

One more circumstance: in different regions of the Earth, people began to use alloys of copper with zinc and tin. But it is known that the ideal ratio of copper and tin alloy was revealed completely by chance. And if we assume that this technology was brought by the gods who flew from another planet? Then the golden chariot would be more correctly called copper.

It is noteworthy that the manufacture of copper tools began around the 5th millennium BC, at the time of the first pharaohs, who were considered the descendants of the gods who flew from heaven. And the technology of extracting metal from ore somehow very quickly spread throughout the planet …

In addition to the ability to mine and process metal, the gods who came to Earth left the local population one more “gift” - blue blood. Such a feature was possessed only by those who more often than others communicated with the gods, and later it was they who became the rulers.

The authors of the hypothesis explain the arrival of aliens and their long stay on Earth by the need to obtain some elements necessary for their life, but absent on their home planet. The aliens had to become part of the earth's biosphere, and in order to survive, they needed to constantly replenish the reserves of copper in the body. But iron is more active chemically, therefore, if it enters the blood of the gods, it would certainly displace copper from blood compounds. To maintain a blue skin color, it is necessary to consume a large amount of foods high in copper, in other words, cereals.

In ancient times, the desire to abandon gathering and hunting was not a vital necessity for a person. At that time, there were not so many people on the planet, and there were plenty of game in the forests. But a person suddenly starts growing cereals.

People sought to become like the gods, achieve enlightenment and touch higher knowledge, switching to a vegetarian lifestyle, also brought by the blue-blooded gods to Earth.

However, the researchers say, the gods brought to our planet not only skills in metallurgy and vegetarianism. The distant descendants of the gods, who retained blue blood, were distinguished by an increased content of carbon dioxide in the blood, the level of which was not constant. To compensate, such people constantly needed alcoholic beverages. The gods gave the American Indians drunken kvass, alcoholic drinks made from maize, beer, honey and entered them into the list of sacrifices …

Thus, the aliens not only brought an unusual color of blood to our planet, but also determined the sudden transition to agriculture and marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.

But these are just theories. It may be suggested that blue blood does not actually exist. In fact, there are indeed creatures with this blood color on our planet. These are numerous spiders, octopuses, scorpions, octopuses, snails and molluscs. Unlike humans, blue blood and the abode of the seas and oceans is the norm rather than the exception.

Science has not yet figured out to the end for what purpose nature endowed the human body with the ability to change blood cells. However, most scientists still agree that nature has thus diversified the human race, thereby increasing human survival.