Never Forget About The Power Of Your Sixth Sense - Alternative View

Never Forget About The Power Of Your Sixth Sense - Alternative View
Never Forget About The Power Of Your Sixth Sense - Alternative View

Video: Never Forget About The Power Of Your Sixth Sense - Alternative View

Video: Never Forget About The Power Of Your Sixth Sense - Alternative View
Video: After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver 2024, July

We have five standard and familiar senses of perception. However, there is also a sixth sense - what we call intuition or inner voice.

For example, it’s a sudden and inexplicable feeling of dislike for the person you just met. Or, on the contrary, you immediately feel as if you have known him all your life. It was such sensations that were always called the sixth sense and perceived it separately from the five senses, partly doubting its reality and seriousness. Therefore, many of us do not actually understand the concept of intuition and do not know how to use it effectively. The point is that we do not have five senses, but six; and we use all of them every day, but we still believe that the sixth sense is very rare, or it is inherent only in "special" people.

If we were told from childhood about the instinctive nature of these sensations, it would be easier for us to control ourselves and our forces. We could trust ourselves more and be in harmony with the world around us. Unfortunately, people are forced to study and discover this skill for themselves.

The most important thing in truth is that it can never be completely hidden, although people have always tried to carefully disguise it with the words mythology, coincidences, folk tales, pseudoscience, evil, etc.

We are used to not believing in the sixth sense and relying only on our five physical senses, because the sixth sense is not physical. It's just a feeling, and sometimes we just brush it off. We think that since we do not have any physical evidence, it is therefore irrelevant and not serious. But we are wrong.

Usually, when you hear someone talking about intuition or intuitive feelings, it sounds like the sixth sense only works when something bad is brewing and impending, but this is also a delusion - you can also feel and anticipate good things and events.

Think about how far you could get in life and how many situations you could prevent if you just listened to your inner voice. But we always doubt and analyze too much, because we are so used to it. We were taught not to trust our intuition and to follow the instructions of others more, rather than being guided by our sixth sense. Try to somehow change this for yourself, in order, in turn, to change your life for the better.