How To Take An Exciting Journey To The Akashic Records And Get An Answer To Any Question? - Alternative View

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How To Take An Exciting Journey To The Akashic Records And Get An Answer To Any Question? - Alternative View
How To Take An Exciting Journey To The Akashic Records And Get An Answer To Any Question? - Alternative View

Video: How To Take An Exciting Journey To The Akashic Records And Get An Answer To Any Question? - Alternative View

Video: How To Take An Exciting Journey To The Akashic Records And Get An Answer To Any Question? - Alternative View
Video: Akashic Records - The Unlimited Knowledge of the Universe 2024, September

This amazing meditation will open the way to your personal recording in the information field of the universe. You will make a mystical journey, thanks to which you will find the book of your destiny and be able to get answers to any questions.

This exercise should be done as a guided meditation.

Execution technique:

- Sit comfortably on the floor, face up, the floor gives you support.

- Relax your neck and head, slowly begin to relax the rest of your body: legs… back… stomach… arms and shoulders.

- Make a fist, and then relax your palms, feeling each finger.

- Tighten and relax your toes, also feeling every, even the smallest, joint.

- Slowly concentrate on the rhythm of the breath: inhale … exhale … inhale … exhale.

Promotional video:

Let your body relax and the tension in every muscle relaxes. Without losing sight of your breath, be aware of your thoughts. Watch how they circle in your mind, effortlessly skip their images in your mind's eye, as in a parade.

Controlling your train of thought, identify the blocks of information that you would like to receive: ask questions that have long been buried in your soul. Maybe they will be associated with a loved one, an imminent problem or your past life. Focus on your question, trying to clarify exactly what you want to understand.

When this clears up, let the question out of sight and have it come back to you at the right time.

Lying calmly on the floor, imagine that your body becomes lighter. The mass of flesh gradually disappears, you are filled with extraordinary airiness, you plunge into fog. Fly up and dissolve in it, losing your shape. But the fog begins to take shape.

A spiral staircase appears in front of you, leading upward. You climb it - higher and higher, the staircase becomes more and more dense. Each step fills you with awareness of your own destiny, brings you closer to what you want to know.

Very soon the steps fade away. You are near a large building. It goes up as far as your eye can see.

There is a large door in front of you. You enter it effortlessly. Inside there are staircases, spacious halls, many rooms with open doors.

Standing in the foyer, you ask your question and hear how it echoes throughout the building, and then returns to you.

You move forward, listening to the echo of your question and following where it is loudest and clearest.

Consciousness guides you

By repeating your question, you are in a room. Pay attention to the doorway, to the decor. Is there anything written on the door? What color is the furniture upholstery? What era does it belong to?

Looking around, you notice a large bookcase filled with books. Analyze the library and see what kind of books are around you.

Choose the one that has your name written on it. Maybe this is not the name that you use in everyday life, but nevertheless, you will immediately understand that it is really yours.

The book itself, without effort, will be in your hands. Ask your question again and open the book, which will open where she "wants".

Read the page that opens, pause and comprehend the meaning of what you read. And then turn a few more pages. Open your mind to meet the information surrounding you.

The room is full of books, and ancient wisdom envelops the entire building. Take it into your heart.

Without trying to analyze the information, just absorb it into yourself.

Now return the book to the shelf knowing that you can find it at any time. Turn around slowly and leave the room.

Walk through the building again past the open doors. Enter the foyer, go out through the large door.

Admire the stunning views from this height. Paints of various colors and shades will swirl around you. Feel the rhythm of the ebb and flow and feel the atmosphere of this place.

Slowly begin descending the spiral staircase, gradually returning to the earth plane, where your body continues to lie on the floor.

Analyze everything that you brought with you. When you feel ready, return to the room where you started your meditation.


The real value of the information received is difficult to assess immediately. It will take a while (maybe a few days) before you understand what you have learned.

(This meditation is described in the book "Wheels of Life" by Anode Judith (guide to the chakras))
