Scientists Have Explained The High Mortality Rate In January - Alternative View

Scientists Have Explained The High Mortality Rate In January - Alternative View
Scientists Have Explained The High Mortality Rate In January - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Explained The High Mortality Rate In January - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Explained The High Mortality Rate In January - Alternative View
Video: Neuroscientist David Eagleman with Sadhguru – In Conversation with the Mystic 2024, September

Statistical studies have long shown that January differs from the rest of the year in the highest mortality rate. Scientists decided to explain to the public why the most deaths occur in January and conducted a study that showed that negative temperatures and genetics influence the sad statistics to a greater extent.

Scientists noted that in addition to the life-threatening temperature indicators of January and genetics, a psychological factor is also often to blame for the deaths of people this month. The fact is that January is the most depressed time of the year. People are worried about a lot: money spent on holidays, which is not enough after the end of the holidays, unfavorable weather conditions and painfully long waiting for warm summer days.

Psychologists call January a period of "unfulfilled hopes". Experts explain that with the arrival of winter, people lose their good spirits, and they hope that their lives will improve on New Year's and holiday holidays, but this does not happen with some. That is why experts associate frequent suicides in January with the "effect of unfulfilled hopes."

Ivan Golovin