Do You Believe In Reincarnation? The Boy Talked About His Past Life - Alternative View

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Do You Believe In Reincarnation? The Boy Talked About His Past Life - Alternative View
Do You Believe In Reincarnation? The Boy Talked About His Past Life - Alternative View

Video: Do You Believe In Reincarnation? The Boy Talked About His Past Life - Alternative View

Video: Do You Believe In Reincarnation? The Boy Talked About His Past Life - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, September

If you heard a child recount details from the life of a deceased person that he could not recognize, would you believe in reincarnation?

Psychologist Dr. Elendur Haraldsson, professor at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, has a long history of research on reincarnation. In one of the cases he cited, a boy named Nazih Al-Danaf revealed many details from his alleged past life.

In Lebanon, Haraldson, together with local researcher Maj Abu-Izzedin, questioned in detail the family members of the boy and the relatives of the deceased person, whom Nazih considered his past incarnation. The most striking testimony came from the wife of a deceased person, who decided to ask the boy questions about her life with her husband.

First conversation about a past life

At the age of 1.5 Nazikh told his mother: “I am not small, I am big, I have two pistols and four hand grenades. I am a "kabadai" (fearless person). Do not be afraid of hand grenades, I know how to handle them. I have a lot of weapons. My children are small and I want to see them."

He used words completely unusual for his age, showed an unusual interest in cigarettes and whiskey, talked about a dumb friend who had only one arm, said that he had a red car, and that he died when people shot him. He said he was taken to a hospital and given an anesthetic injection on the way. He wanted to go home to Caberchamoum, a small town 17 km from where Nazih lived.

Nazikh said that his family was in Kaberchamoum, although he had never been there. After years of persuasion, when he was 6 years old, his parents finally took him to Caberchamoum in 1998. Several of his sisters also went with them.

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A conversation with a wife from a past life

They arrived at a six-road junction. Nazikh pointed to one of the roads and told him to go along it. Then he told to go to the next fork. His father, Sabir Al-Danaf, went that way. But then he had to stop the car because the road was wet and it was difficult to drive. Nazikh got out of the car and ran forward. His father followed him, and the women began to talk to the locals.

When one of the residents heard what the women said, he was amazed. The description of Nazih's past reincarnation was similar to the life of his father. Dr. Haraldsson interviewed this man named Kamal Haddaj. His father Fuad Assad Haddaj died many years ago.

Nazikh did not recognize any of the houses, so he returned to the car with his father. Khaddaj called his mother Najdia to talk to the boy. She decided to test him to find out if the boy was really her husband's reincarnation.

She asked him: "Who laid the foundation for the gate at this house?" Nazih replied: "A man from the Faraj family." It was true.

She asked if there had been any incident with her when they lived in Ainaba. Nazikh said that one morning she dislocated her shoulder. He took her to the doctor when he got home from work. This was true.

She asked if he remembered why their daughter Fairuz was sick. He said, "She was poisoned by the medicine I gave her and I took her to the hospital." This was indeed the case.

Nazih pointed to one of the cabinets and said that he kept his weapon there. The boy then asked the widow Fuad if she remembered how their car stopped twice on the way from Beirut and Israeli soldiers helped to start it. Such a case really happened in their life. The boy mentioned a tree trunk in the garden that he used to teach his wife how to shoot. He ran into the garden to see if he was there. He was there.

Najdia showed Nazih Fuad's photo and asked: "Who is this?" The boy replied: "This is me, I was big, but now I am small."

Tara McIsaac