Demons - Who Are They - Alternative View

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Demons - Who Are They - Alternative View
Demons - Who Are They - Alternative View

Video: Demons - Who Are They - Alternative View

Video: Demons - Who Are They - Alternative View

There is no clear concept of what demons are. Although since ancient times it was believed that demons are a kind of clot of energy, the only purpose of which is to survive, and they are also a thread connecting the earthly world with the other world.

Interpretation of the concept of "demons" and their purpose

In Christianity, Islam and other religions, demons are evil and are minions of the devil. Demons are believed to be fallen angels who followed Lucifer when he was cast out of heaven by God for his disobedience.


The purpose of demons is to force people to commit immoral acts that alienate a person from God and shake faith in Him. In the Middle Ages, those caught in connection with demons were ranked among witches and sorcerers and were immediately executed.

Demonology is the teaching about demons. Everything about these creatures is written here - their classification, hierarchy, behavior. There are many ancient books that allow you to use spells to summon, fight, subdue and control these creatures.

Promotional video:

The Hierarchy of Demons by Johann Weier

Demonologists are specialists in this field, they have created a kind of hierarchy which the demons adhere to. Johann Weier believed that the total number of demons was 7,405,926. They were dominated by 72 Prince of Darkness.

Demons close to Lucifer are considered the most powerful. The most powerful of them are Asmodeus, Astaroth, Baal, Beelzebub and Belial.

Astaroth is a demon who appears in the form of an angel in the guise of a man. But with all this, a terrible stench comes from him. There are 40 legions of demons under his command. It was also believed that once this demon was a goddess from Astarte. But then he changed and acquired masculine properties, although he does not manifest them. Astaroth knows about everything - the present, the past, the future.


Asmodeus is a demon of revenge and evil. This same demon (as well as his subordinates) often takes possession of people. Appears in the form of a man with three heads - a ram, a bull and a giant with the wings and paws of a rooster. Originally from Persia. Asmodeus was an angel who fell out of favor due to his behavior. According to other sources, he was a child of Lilith and Adam. Asmodeus patronized the witches.

Baal is the son of El and Canaan, who rules over life and death. Born in Persia. The bloody sacrifices offered to Baal consisted of the burning of children. Christians portrayed him as three-headed - with the head of a toad, a cat and a man. The toad and the cat were considered wise animals, and according to legends, Baal could endow a person with insight and wisdom.

Beelzebub is the prince of demons. Infinitely powerful and angry. Having called it once, it is very difficult to get rid of it, tk. often those who summoned him died. Appeared in the form of a huge scary fly. Beelzebub was the patron saint of rituals.

Belial (Belial, Belial) - his name is translated as "nothing", "vanity", "heaven". The most powerful and evil demon. The name justifies his character. It is believed that in strength and power he is not inferior to Lucifer himself. Is his right hand. Appears before a person in a beautiful appearance, with a speech that can lure anyone.

However, all this is deception - Belial is treacherous and deceitful. Often incites to sins and crimes. But his favorite pastime is to make people engage in sexual perversion and adultery. Lust is the dark lord's trump card. Belial has 88 legions under Belial, each with 6666 demons.

Representative of the troops in Turkey. A sacrifice was made to summon this demon. Belial often reneged on his promises and broke them. Those who achieved his favor, Belial rewarded very generously.

The role of demons in human life

Demon means full of wisdom. That is why those who called them turned for help in certain matters, or asked to give them knowledge. Some sources say that there are good and evil demons.

A person who had a good helper nearby - a demon - was very lucky. The evil ones, on the contrary, tried to harm. It was also believed that a person who expelled a demon from a possessed person gained control over him.
