If God Is So Kind, Then Why Did He Create Hell? Version - Alternative View

If God Is So Kind, Then Why Did He Create Hell? Version - Alternative View
If God Is So Kind, Then Why Did He Create Hell? Version - Alternative View

Video: If God Is So Kind, Then Why Did He Create Hell? Version - Alternative View

Video: If God Is So Kind, Then Why Did He Create Hell? Version - Alternative View
Video: If God Is Love, Why Did He Create Hell? 2024, September

Most religions tell us that God is a kind of entity that treats people with loyalty. This does not apply to deities from myths and legends, and I mean the main God, i.e. Creator, Allah or Buddha. Among the pantheons of gods there are quite a few evil and bloodthirsty ones, I think many themselves know.

But the Supreme God is considered to be such a good-natured person, practically harmless. So the church shows it to us, but is it really so?

It is difficult for me to argue that this very God really exists, and is not an invention to keep the masses of people from anarchy and forty. I realized long ago that people tend to create ideals and believe in miracles, including God. This is how we are arranged and it has been going on almost since the birth of mankind.

But it is strange that they try to present God as a great good, which cares about people. It seems to me that if he does exist, then he played enough with people for a long time and he does not care what actions we do, whom we kill and whom we worship.

It's the same with heaven and hell. Religion frightens humanity by the fact that when we commit sins, we will definitely end up in hellish palaces, where our soul will be endlessly tormented. But I think this is a common fairy tale for intimidating people. Religion does everything to keep people in fear and make money from us, it just so happened.

People create hell themselves in their lives … they drown in poverty, are afraid to change their lives and cling to the past. They grieve for the departed, abandoning the pleasures of life and ruin the rest of their lives, and then their life turns into the very hell with which they frighten us.

This is just my opinion and you can disagree with it.