Taoist Temple In Heihe - Alternative View

Taoist Temple In Heihe - Alternative View
Taoist Temple In Heihe - Alternative View

Video: Taoist Temple In Heihe - Alternative View

Video: Taoist Temple In Heihe - Alternative View
Video: Historic Black Goat Taoist Temple(Qingyang Palace) in China. 2024, October

Upstream of the Amur, 12 kilometers from Heihe, there is the Long Shou Shan Heavenly Taoist Temple or, as it is also called, the Temple of the Celestials. There are not many tourists in it, just very few people know about it.

It is located in an excellent place - along the slope of a large hill, so it reminds to a large extent the traditional Chinese Taoist temples in China. The main thing, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to, is the arrangement of its elements at different levels. Although this temple was built quite recently, it is no less emotional than temples with a century of history.

See for yourself …

Who cares, here's in video format:

And the rest of the photos …


Taoism as a religious and philosophical trend emerged around the 6th-5th centuries. BC. The sage Lao Tzu supposedly lived at this time. The person to whom the Chinese tradition attributes the creation of the Taoist teaching. Although, the religious and philosophical ideas of the ancient Chinese began to form long before the rise of Taoism - they may have had much in common with shamanism. According to the ancient Chinese understanding, at the beginning of the world there was a single universal substance - Qi (at first thought in the form of air vapor or cosmic breath), which filled the Void (Nothingness).

At some point, it split into two principles: Yang - was characterized as light and dark, Yin - as cloudy and cold. Yang, as a lighter one, whipping upward, formed the sky, and Yin, as a heavier one, sank down and formed the earth. These two principles (Yin and Yang) by their very existence ensured and maintained harmonious balance in the world. But in the VI-V centuries. BC. it turned out that the usual explanations no longer make it possible to understand how to behave correctly in different situations, and the old model of the world does not agree with what people see around them.

Promotional video:


Many felt that the gods had abandoned them. The time has come for those who were ready to show the right path, to help navigate the complex reality. Lao Tzu became one of such people. The main work of Lao Tzu is traditionally considered the "Book of Tao and Te". Five thousand hieroglyphs written on bamboo plates could be packed into three carts! This book summarized the foundations of the doctrine, later called "Taoism". A model of the world was proposed, where all the gods, including the supreme deity (Heavenly Lord), are dominated by a mysterious and powerful force that controls the universe, whose name is Tao.

The same book also formulates ethical norms, rules of behavior for everyone, necessary for the realization of the Good: do not boast of merits, do not humiliate the weak, live in peace and harmony with others, do not desire wealth and luxury, be content with little, do not steal. There are also such practical advice as: live without opposing Tao, do not break the order set from above, honor it, reverently follow it, and everything will be straightened out by itself. Lao Tzu's idea that the world is one, now began to be understood in such a way that there is no insurmountable border between heaven and earth, that, observing certain rules and laws, you can cross it during life.


Upon entering the territory of the temple, we were traditionally asked not to step on the rapids, but simply to step over them.


There are many stone lions on the territory of the monastery.


Here you can buy such incense, put it on and make a wish. At first I thought it was a fireworks launcher:-)


Very unusual entourage to my eye. Everything is bright and open enough.


The swastika, traditional for many cultures.


It would be nice to learn more about what these statues are and who they symbolize.


Although the temple was built not so long ago, somewhere in 2008, the atmosphere and surroundings are very consistent with the fact that I am in China! Yet there are no more historical sites in this area, and without a visit to this temple, a trip to China would not be complete.


The Taoist Temple in Heihe is, first of all, a sacred place created for spiritual development and worship of gods. And by the way, there are quite a few of them here. At all the statues of the gods located in the temple, you will find offerings brought here by people to show their respect.


And this is the tower of desires. You need to throw a coin so that it does not fall out and you can also make a wish.


Lions watch everything menacingly.


As with any religious place, there are also restrictions on visiting the Taoist temple:

- in no case should you enter the territory of the temple with a bare torso;

- you must not make noise, thereby violating the atmosphere of peace;

- you can not take pictures of figures of gods, as well as shoot a video;

- it is not allowed to bring lighted incense and candles into the temple;

- you can not touch the ritual instruments and produce any sounds with their help.


Everyone knows about acupuncture, but few are aware that these practices came precisely from the Taoist teachings of Lao Tzu "on the circulation of Qi energy."


And the places around are beautiful.


Yes, yes … you can't take pictures. But what to do! Our job is …


The decoration of the temple is very impressive and it is very unusual to see it not in a picture, not on TV - but live!


Here's a doorknob!