After Death, The Soul Continues To Live - Evidence - Alternative View

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After Death, The Soul Continues To Live - Evidence - Alternative View
After Death, The Soul Continues To Live - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: After Death, The Soul Continues To Live - Evidence - Alternative View

Video: After Death, The Soul Continues To Live - Evidence - Alternative View
Video: The TRUTH About LIFE After DEATH - Does The SOUL Live After DEATH? | Tom Campbell [2020] 2024, September

After death, the soul leaves the body

If you can see the distribution of energy in a living body, then you can see how this energy is extinguished after death, how it changes, how there is a transition from living matter to inert matter. Like any mechanism, the body is capable of functioning only in the case of the integrity and performance of the main parts and, above all, the brain and spinal cord. And these structures are destroyed in a matter of hours. So the Soul (for now we will mean the biofield), if it exists, after the death of the physical body, after the breaking of the silver thread, must lead its own, independent existence.

“Does the Soul leave the body immediately when the heart stopped, breathing stopped, or the structure of the brain collapsed, or, having flown away, it continues to visit its lifeless shell from time to time, leave it and return again, in order to finally leave it and go into another Life?"

In our time, a large amount of subjective evidence of the separation of the spiritual substance and its material carrier has been collected. There is every reason to assume that such a division is not instantaneous, that it is a process that takes a certain amount of time and has its own definite patterns and events.

To test this assumption, Professor K. G. Korotkov with a group of operators in 1992 conducted a series of studies in the morgue of the First Medical Institute in St. Petersburg. The methodology and the result of the experiment are described in detail in Korotkov's book “Light after Life.” In total, ten series of experiments were carried out, each of which took from three to five days. Among the deceased were both men and women, aged 19 to 70 years.

Bodies were delivered for research 1–3 hours after death. The left hand of the deceased was fixed in a special device that provided a stationary position throughout the experiment. The brush was not chosen by chance. Another Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR A. I. Veinik emphasized: “Experiments have shown that the most characteristic emitters of a person are the eyes and fingertips.” Every hour, gas-discharge photographs of the deceased's fingers were taken.

The very first experiments showed that there is no fundamental difference between the glow of dead and living bodies. This fact can be interpreted as experimental evidence of the absence of a fundamental boundary between living and dead states. There is a smooth transition, a gradual departure of the subtle body from the physical. But depending on the cause of death, this transition occurs in different ways. But a strong rise in energy and an increase in the glow was observed on the first day in all experiments.

In cases of quiet senile death, the life cycle of a person is naturally completed. The soul calmly leaves its now unnecessary shell. But this does not happen immediately. For another day or two, she remains with the physical body: apparently, during this time, a certain change in the connections between the physical and the subtle bodies should occur. Then the glow energy calms down, and after a day or two the process goes on without sharp hesitation. But the signal does not disappear.

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The situation is quite different in the case of an unexpected, accidental death. The path of life has not been fully completed. The soul does not want to quickly part with the body, it rushes about, as if questioning the reality of what is happening. For two days - a whole 48 hours - the energy is agitated and cannot come to rest, until in the end it becomes clear that there is no return. The last burst - and the glow goes out abruptly, as if the inner source that supports the movement of energy in the body has turned off. The soul flies off, breaking the last threads connecting it with the physical body.

After that, only dead flesh remains on the Earth, glowing with an even constant glow. Sharp dramatic fluctuations in signals were observed throughout the experiment in the case of tragic conscious death by suicide. “The subtle body rages, screams, protests. It is not prepared to leave, it is not ready, it cannot so unexpectedly leave the physical body with which it has just suffered, struggled, worried, doubted. So the restless Soul wanders around its former home, unable to free itself from it, and the glow does not calm down in any way, and the inner heat feeds more and more bursts of energy."

Professor K. G. Korotkov described his feelings when visiting the basement of the institute, where there was a corpse with devices attached to it:

“A simple empty room. The deceased is located at the end of the basement farthest from the door, 20 meters from the entrance. I begin to walk slowly through the room. I already reach the middle of the basement, when I suddenly begin to feel a gaze directed at me … The presence is felt absolutely clearly … I reach the body, turn on the equipment. It feels like someone is nearby and is watching everything that happens from the side, but in this presence there is no hostility, it is just an observer … After the measurement, I turn off the equipment and slowly return to the door … exit. And only slamming the metal door behind me, I understand how tired I am during these 20 minutes."

What is the reason why the research stops on the fifth day? The scientist explains this by the fact that they are obliged to return the bodies to the judicial authorities within a period corresponding to legal norms. But Professor Korotkov expects in the future to continue the experiments until the fortieth day. You can imagine how hard it will be.

Conducting experiments in the morgue, Korotkov's group noticed that all the employees got tired pretty quickly and felt overwhelmed. Scientists have found a strong drop in the energy of employees, as evidenced by photographs taken at the beginning and at the end of the working day.

“Apparently, dead bodies, being in a transitional state, open a channel that connects our world with the world of another reality. Energy leaves through this channel, and when a person enters the field of action of this channel, he is drawn into the field of action of powerful cosmic forces. Laws begin to operate, which have a strong influence on our condition and on our life, but from which we are still very far from understanding."

Similar experiments were carried out at the Leningrad Laboratory of Physiological Research. To detect the biofield, a device similar to those used to detect magnetic fields in space was used. The device could establish the presence of a field at a distance of four meters from a living body and continued to register radiation coming from the body after clinical death, that is, in the absence of cerebral and cardiac activity. In one case, the radiation after clinical death was stronger than that of any of the researchers present.

Experiments have irrefutably proved that after the death of the physical body, the subtle body (Soul) continues to live!

Isn't it a reasoned reason to believe religious statements and, in the end, seriously think about your earthly life and its consequences. And it is no coincidence that Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR A. I. Veinik stated: "… Religion should always have a leading role, and science is called only to harmoniously complement it."
