A Surprisingly Clear Photo Of A Ghostly Girl Was Obtained - Alternative View

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A Surprisingly Clear Photo Of A Ghostly Girl Was Obtained - Alternative View
A Surprisingly Clear Photo Of A Ghostly Girl Was Obtained - Alternative View

Video: A Surprisingly Clear Photo Of A Ghostly Girl Was Obtained - Alternative View

Video: A Surprisingly Clear Photo Of A Ghostly Girl Was Obtained - Alternative View
Video: 10 Photos That Can Scare Anyone 2024, September

A resident of Scotland, Louise Murphy, claims that she accidentally managed to photograph the girl's phantom during a trip to Glasgow with her nine-year-old son Owen. The photo, which captured the little guest from the other world, turned out to be surprisingly clear, which is a rarity for "ghost photographs" even today, when smartphone cameras are not inferior in their technical performance to average cameras.

A few days ago, Murphy and her child traveled to the largest Scottish city to visit the famous Transport Museum. After visiting this institution, mother and son wanted to walk along a nearby Victorian street that mimics a real street that was located here from 1895 to 1930.

The Scots accidentally saw the old pub "The Metre", opened in 1927, and decided to go inside. Louise ordered a beer and Owen ordered juice. While in a half-empty drinking establishment, the woman took several pictures there.


When Murphy returned home with her son, she looked at the photos she had received the other day and was perplexed when she found a little girl with curly brown hair in one of the photographs taken in a bar. The child is clearly dressed in a colorful dress and waves his hand towards the camera. The girl seems to be glowing, while her right eye and lips are mysteriously displaced from her face. A kind of haze is visible at the bottom of the image. Obviously, an ordinary person would not be captured in a photo in this way.

Even a skeptic believed in a ghostly girl

Needless to say, Louise immediately thought of the ghost. She showed the picture to family friend Yan, who has a skeptical attitude towards the paranormal, and even he admitted that it was most likely a real phantom.

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According to the author of the photo, at the time of the shooting, the only child in the pub was her own son, and no one saw any girls there. The woman from the afterlife was so interested in the woman that she emailed the owners of The Meter and asked them to comment on the picture.

The current owners of the nearly 90-year-old bar told Murphy that the spirit she captured may have belonged to a small dishwasher who worked in a Victorian restaurant nearby and died there in an accident. This restaurant and the building in which it was located have long been gone, so it is possible that the girl's ghost moved to the nearest drinking establishment.