Our Consciousness Is Controlled By Intelligent Astral Entities - Alternative View

Our Consciousness Is Controlled By Intelligent Astral Entities - Alternative View
Our Consciousness Is Controlled By Intelligent Astral Entities - Alternative View

Video: Our Consciousness Is Controlled By Intelligent Astral Entities - Alternative View

Video: Our Consciousness Is Controlled By Intelligent Astral Entities - Alternative View
Video: What Happens When You Smoke Weed | Sadhguru 2024, September

The time has come when even some venerable scientists begin to take a serious interest in the Subtle World, its astral inhabitants and how they interact with us, earthly humanity.

According to the SA Scientific Journal, a group of scientists from the University of Cape Town made a sensational discovery. Confirmations have been received that our consciousness is controlled by astral entities! The significance of this discovery is so great that all studies related to the study of this effect were, not only classified, but attempts were made to remove all early publications with information about these studies.

The method of the Kirlian spouses has long been known to the general public, which for the first time made it possible to obtain images of the fields surrounding biological objects. Paranormal researchers associate these fields with the aura of objects.

The scientific team of the University of Cape Town, South Africa, consisting of renowned scientists with many years of experience in researching the paranormal, including the methods of fixing the aura, headed by Ph. D. Ngunga Tobago, known in the scientific world for his research, made a revolution in understanding the importance of these fields in human life …

The research methods developed by scientists and the device invented by them (US Patent No. US 5,253,984 B1) made it possible not only to register the dynamics of the aura of biological objects, but also on the basis of the experiments carried out to make a discovery that is unlikely to go unnoticed by the general world community.

Research is still ongoing, but most of them are classified due to the fact that they allow making sensational conclusions in assessing the behavioral characteristics of people.

However, some of the research results of this group of scientists became public due to the fact that they could not be hidden.

The fact is that in testing the methods and devices developed by scientists, in the first stages of research, large groups of people were involved, from whom it was impossible to hide information about the results of experiments.

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The results obtained indicate that there is a direct connection of the so-called astral entities with a person.

More detailed studies of the dynamics of these objects and their interactions made it possible to identify certain patterns of their behavior and connection with people. The aforementioned scientists claim that they managed to record the stages of "penetration" of the astral essences into the aura of the object. It follows from the results of these studies that at the first stages of "penetration" the essence of the astral plane synchronizes its internal rhythms with the rhythms of the "victim" and, thus, receives or does not gain access to the aura of the "victim". In the case of penetration into the "victim", there is a restructuring of the internal rhythms of the "victim" under the influence of the essence of the astral.

Some of the information obtained in the early stages of research leads to certain conclusions.

It turns out that astral entities can be divided into two distinct types. Scientists have conventionally labeled them as "black" and "pure".

These names themselves already say a lot, characterizing these objects. They differ from each other in both the glow intensity, the spectral composition of the glow, and its dynamic characteristics.

The impact of these entities on people was also different.

"Black" entities (low spirits), for example, are constantly active in "attempts to penetrate" into the human aura.

As a rule, “pure” entities (angels) do not show such activity.

The obtained correlations between the activity of "black" entities and the psychophysiological state of people also shows their different from "pure" entities degree of impact on people. As a rule, such an impact causes unreasonable aggression of people inappropriate to the situation. Since the current younger generations of earthlings are becoming more and more aggressive, it can be assumed that they are becoming a kind of hostel "for" black "entities.

Based on the experiments carried out, it became abundantly clear that many people are under constant direct influence of these low entities!

Some information obtained during the experiments also indicated that there is a clear relationship between the stable psychophysiological state of a person and the "purity" of his aura, as well as susceptibility to its "penetration". The stability of the psychophysiological state was determined by a number of medical and psychological tests, according to the reactions of the subjects to certain specially created situations.

To confirm or refute these findings, statistical studies have been conducted on large groups of people. Various categories of people took part in these studies - from prisoners in prisons to groups of politicians and businessmen who gathered to discuss various issues.

The questions, which were asked to the studied groups of people, were specially prepared by a group of psychologists to obtain adequate behavioral responses.

In particular, such studies were carried out at the 2002 Summit in Johannesburg on sustainable development.

Based on the results of these studies, it was concluded that almost all politicians and businessmen who gathered at the summit in Johannesburg are "INFECTED"!

The results of these studies shocked scientists! It turned out that the largest number of "black" entities (low spirits) with partial or complete penetration into the aura was recorded in groups of politicians and businessmen! The number of "infected" by "black" entities among politicians and businessmen turned out to be many times greater than the number of the same "infected" among prisoners!

In addition, studies were carried out on the subject of "infection" by low astrals of many politicians of the highest rank from different countries of the world. The results were disappointing.

Thus, statistical studies have confirmed the conclusions of scientists that a huge number of people, especially politicians and businessmen, are under the constant influence of "black" astrals (low spirits) that control their consciousness and behavior! Therefore, most likely, the actions of politicians often turn out to be inadequate to the political and economic situations in the world …