10 Signs That You Are A Shaman, But Do Not Know About It - Alternative View

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10 Signs That You Are A Shaman, But Do Not Know About It - Alternative View
10 Signs That You Are A Shaman, But Do Not Know About It - Alternative View

Video: 10 Signs That You Are A Shaman, But Do Not Know About It - Alternative View

Video: 10 Signs That You Are A Shaman, But Do Not Know About It - Alternative View
Video: 6 Signs You’re an Authentic Urban Shaman & Don’t Know It. 2024, September

I feel indebted to the shamans who saw themselves in me and helped me understand why I felt special. I intend to pay tribute to shamans, because modern culture does not fully understand their peculiarity. Everyone can be a shaman, but how to understand this?

Here are 10 signs that you may be of a shamanic culture:

1. You feel that you need to participate in global processes

Shamans not only feel drawn to global events, they are literally attracted to leadership positions. It helps transform human consciousness and the evolution of species.

2. You went through many difficulties that prepared you for this role

In indigenous cultures, everyone knew that shamans were often struck by lightning and survived. In the modern world, this cannot happen, but you could well go through many other life difficulties, which have become a real test for your heart. It could be childhood abuse, sexual abuse, trauma.

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3. You are an introvert

Shamans are creatures who balance between the realms of the visible and invisible worlds. Sometimes this is what makes you withdraw into yourself, plunge into those areas of consciousness where you feel calm.

4. You feel at home in nature

Shamans are bridges between people and nature, translators of mountains, oceans, rivers, animals and people. You can feel as if nature is talking to you.

5. You are very sensitive

You may experience things that other people are unable to feel. Sometimes it makes it difficult to be in public places, because you feel, hear, see too much.

6. You feel a spiritual calling to help people, animals and nature

Many medical professionals are called to medicine, just as priests are called to the priesthood. You don't have to be a doctor to become a shaman. Such people have a gift for healing.

7. Physical ailments that fall under the category of "shamanic diseases"

It can be chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme disease, chronic diseases, pain and autoimmune disorders. Shamanic service often removes the symptoms of such diseases.

8. You have vivid dreams

The invisible area can communicate with you through dreams, so try to analyze them. Pay attention to animal totems.

9. You may discover unusual spiritual superpowers, or what yogis call "siddhis"

It can be psychic abilities, visions, healing, telepathy with animals, people and even objects!

10. You feel out of place because you are a bridge

Shamans most often live on the outskirts of settlements. In rural life, it is easier for them to find themselves and develop their abilities than among civilization and city noise.

Develop your work with a bridge

In our culture, being a shaman is quite difficult. It is a blessing to be able to help people. In order to feel safe, you need to strengthen the sense of belonging, look for the same shamans and communicate with them.

Are you a shaman who is still afraid to admit it? Please know that there are many of us who are ready to meet you when you have the courage to claim your place in this world.

Yai Evgeniya