Where To Start To Change Your Life For The Better - Alternative View

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Where To Start To Change Your Life For The Better - Alternative View
Where To Start To Change Your Life For The Better - Alternative View

Video: Where To Start To Change Your Life For The Better - Alternative View

Video: Where To Start To Change Your Life For The Better - Alternative View
Video: In Order to Change Your Life, YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS FIRST! (Eye Opening Speech) 2024, September

You get what you think

Who wouldn't want to change their life for the better? Who wouldn't want to feel like a powerful creator of their lives? And so little is needed for this - first to understand the vibrational relationship between desire and belief, and then consciously improve them. This will be the highest manifestation of the balance of Energy.

There is no need to start discussions about what is true and what is false. You will only get confused, get lost in them. Many people here may begin to object: “Well, that is, that is. Nothing can be done about it. Yes, it’s wrong. Yes, it's unfair. But that's life. And having said this, they may add that this kind of views are shared by most people. Do you know what you need to understand? It is imperative that you finally understand that your attention to negative moments activates a vibration that is exactly the opposite of desire.

This vibration will in every possible way prevent the improvement of the situation, which you are so striving for and which you so need. If you do not stop activating vibrations in yourself that are opposite to desire, then you should not even hope that it will come true someday. To get what you want, first of all, you must align yourself with the vibration of your own Inner Essence.

Know that it is never too late to change your life for the better (even after an event has happened). It is better to engage in creating future experiences on a vibrational level - it's much easier. Think of the many moments in real life that could give you a feeling of joy now, right now, this minute. You are living now, you are experiencing emotions now, you are feeling now. Focus your thoughts on improving the present - and the future will take care of itself.

By the Law of Attraction

Just as all physical matter on Earth obeys the law of gravity, so the Law of Attraction constantly affects all vibrations. Every thought, no matter what you are focusing on - the past, present or future - is a vibration and has a tremendous pulling power. Any thought sends a signal similar to a radio wave, and the Law of Attraction recognizes it and matches it. The results, which are the response of the powerful, eternal and unchanging Law of Attraction (like attracts like) to the vibrations you send, are constant.

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In this case, there are no random, arbitrary reactions that would make it difficult or impossible to understand the Law of Attraction. He is unchanging, stable, honest. He answers you constantly. He has tremendous power - in a word, he is the best friend for every Conscious Creator. Your knowledge of the power and consistency of the Law of Attraction - and at the same time understanding of its principles of operation - will give you tremendous power over your destiny. You will have the opportunity to create a happy and joyful life.

You get exactly what you think

When you understand the vibrational nature of thoughts and the way the Law of Attraction responds to them, you will also become aware of how it is possible to create your own reality. Everything that happens in your life comes in response to the thoughts you choose. Until that time, until you understand the vibrational nature of your thoughts and become aware of them, you will not be able to consciously change your life for the better.

Conscious creation, first of all, is the deliberate selection of objects of attention and focusing on them. But in order to purposefully manage the creative process, you need not only to consciously choose objects of attention, but also to feel the vibrational content of your thoughts.

For example, you focus on the issue of financial well-being. But this question, like all others, can include many options. In this case, one of the extremes is the thought of having financial well-being, while the other is the thought of not having it. So, in other words, each object actually consists of two at once: the desired and the absence of the desired.

Any object has a wide vibration range

When you tell your friends: “You get what you think about,” they sometimes get lost and do not understand us, because they sincerely believe that they are just thinking about big money, a healthy body, love or a good job.

Many will undoubtedly want to object to us something like this: “We only think about how to get more money. So why (if everything said above is true) does not money flow into our pockets like a river? To this we can answer that the question of money, like any other, has a wide vibrational range. It ranges from an endless abundance in everything to a complete lack of material wealth and a feeling of complete hopelessness. So, focusing on the issue of financial well-being, you are just beginning the process of working with Vibration Energy, designed to attract money into life.

Do you want to change your life for the better? Putting your thoughts on wealth is a great step to start, but remember that the range of vibrational possibilities is very wide. You should determine which part of it you are on, what you are leaning towards. It may be that your thoughts are more in line with abundance and material well-being, but it is possible that you have plunged into hopelessness and despair.

It will be easier for you to answer this question if you listen to your emotions, because with their help it is possible to understand the vibrational content of your own thoughts. What you feel, and how you feel at this or that thought - that's what matters a lot.

What emotions does this or “may” thought awaken in you?

Some of you are ready to admit the truth of this statement: you get what you think about. However, we want to clarify and develop it somewhat, saying: you get what you feel the moment you think.

So where is your place on the scale of possible vibrations in relation to the issue of money? Maybe you often say that you would like to have more money. But if during this you constantly feel disappointment or even fear at the thought that there is not enough money, then your vibrational message does not coincide with the desire itself. Whatever your vibrational message is, it will always equal the point of attraction. The financial situation that develops in your life always corresponds exactly to the vibrational message.

Observing what is happening in your life will give you an accurate idea of your location on the Vibrational Scale of Possibilities. And this knowledge will provide you with invaluable help. But you can also find out where you are on the Vibration Scale before you can actually see the actual results of your thoughts - and this will be a much more enjoyable way to learn to manage life consciously.

It's never too late to change direction

You can find out what your point of attraction was by seeing the result of its action (post-manifestation, so to speak), as well as determine the point of attraction before everything happens (pre-manifestation). Of course, it is best if you were aware of exactly where you are going every minute.

Imagine traveling by car. You know your destination for sure, but on the way you turned off the right road and drive forward, not realizing that you started moving in the opposite direction. Your ignorance continues until you find yourself in a completely unexpected place for you. You. you can always get back on the necessary road, but the sooner you discover your mistake, the more pleasure the trip will give you.

The key to conscious and joyful creation is the deliberate choice of the object of attention. At the same time, do not forget to keep track of what emotions a particular thought evokes in you. If you do not pay close attention to emotions, you will not be able to understand where you are on the scale of vibrational possibilities.

When you ask, you are always given an answer

Once you made the decision to incarnate in this physical body and in this space-time reality. Then you understood that the abundance of the world into which you are going is inexhaustible. You did not feel the slightest signs of rivalry on the part of those with whom you were to share the planet - it was clear to you that the world around you can expand in proportion to the desires arising under its influence.

You were fascinated by the idea of interacting with other people. And what a myriad of intentions, ideas, beliefs and desires you had! You realized the value of the diversity of life, because you had absolutely no doubt that it will serve as an incentive for the birth of new thoughts.

You knew that only through the exposure of the surrounding contrasts to light, your own preferences and desires can arise. And you were well aware of the value of the desires you have born, because you were aware of their magnetic power. You knew that whenever and wherever you asked, they would definitely answer you.

Let's look at this situation from the point of view of vibrational processes: you receive information about the world around you, and it stimulates the birth of certain preferences. These very preferences - whether you say them aloud or not - are the cause of the vibrational radiation (request) you send, and the great and powerful Law of Attraction responds to it with the appropriate vibrational proposal.

You are sending the Wish Rocket, but …?

At first glance, everything seems so simple and clear: the surrounding contrasts give rise to desire; every desire is answered … But then it turns out that any person, if he wants something, should, in theory, quickly get what he wants. Why, then, can you be madly asking for yourself, for example, money or health, but not get either one or the other?

This question, by the way, arises quite often. This is because how much awareness you have about your own Vibration Scale. Imagine that a deep impression has awakened a strong desire in you. The moment you send a desire, you (even if for a moment) are in vibration correspondence with it. We call this brief moment of vibrational correspondence the Desire Rocket. But if you subsequently choose negative thoughts, then you risk getting used to them. Negative thoughts move you along the Vibration Scale in an undesirable direction and lead you away from getting what you are striving for.

You awaken in yourself the vibration of a given thought whenever you think about anything. Whenever a vibration is activated, similar ones immediately begin to join it. Thus, the process of concentrating on the main thought becomes more and more simple. If you return to an activated thought quite often, it becomes a dominant thought, or, as we also call it, a belief. (Any belief is really nothing more than a thought that you keep returning to.)

And, of course, the Law of Attraction helps you focus on a particular thought. Your attention and the subsequent activation of vibration forces the Law of Attraction to provide you with more and more new thoughts, similar to the original one - and even more facts confirming it.

The truth depends only on you

Perhaps you eventually began to perceive yourself as a Vibrating Entity capable of creating your own reality. Moreover, you realized that you create your own reality using the power of thought, because any thought is vibration, and the Law of Attraction responds to it. Therefore, at any moment when you focus on something (past, present or future), you are in the process of creating your life.

Every time you pay attention to something, when you observe, think, remember past events, explain, tell, imagine or fantasize - you send a vibration … and the Law of Attraction necessarily responds to it. Each time you return to this question, you attract new vibrations to yourself that have a similar vibrational frequency. Thus, you amplify the sent signal.

The more you focus on an object, the more active its vibration becomes, and the more similar vibrations are attracted to it. Ultimately, you begin to see physical evidence everywhere, facts that match the essence of how you feel about the issue.

You are the creator of your own truth

When you consider an idea, you activate its vibration. In this case, the Law of Attraction provides you with new thoughts that have a similar vibrational frequency. As you keep thinking about the same topic, even more thoughts similar to the first one will come to your mind. In this case, the activity of vibrations of this idea increases, increasing, accordingly, the force of its attraction. And over time, things and events that correspond to the original idea will surely appear in your life.

We call this the natural response of the Universe to constant, active vibration … What is the point of focusing on negative moments if it causes unwanted vibrations to be activated? After all, the Law of Attraction will undoubtedly answer it and, as a consequence, create something in your reality that is completely unnecessary and unpleasant for you.

Many people might say to face the truth. From their point of view, this behavior is quite reasonable and rational. Yes, there are many such truths in the world that would please you. Why, then, direct attention to the truth that you absolutely do not need?

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. The main thing is whether you want to experience it yourself. Everything you focus on for a long time becomes true! This is the Law!

Awareness as the Key to Conscious Creation

As soon as you understand your Emotional Guidance System and start using it, your life will immediately change for the better.

The world around you all the time influences you - and you keep focusing on something. All day, every day, constantly … Your attention, directed to this or that object, activates the corresponding vibration in you. The overwhelming majority of people do not realize that they are Vibrational Entities living in a Vibrational Universe. Moreover, they do not realize that with the help of vibrations they create their own reality, therefore they do not make the slightest effort to consciously and purposefully focus on thoughts.

In our fast-paced age, people are bombarded with such a huge amount of information that it takes a lot of effort to consciously choose every thought. To be honest, it is simply unrealistic to filter out and “sort through” all this sea of information. In order to change your life for the better, fortunately, you do not have to deal with all the stream of thoughts passing through your head. Let the Law of Attraction do this.

Everything and everyone in this Universe is Consciousness. Each Consciousness is Vibration or Energy. And each Consciousness has the ability to focus on something. Each Consciousness has its own experience, as well as an understanding of this experience - due to which what can be called personal preferences is born.

The influence of contrasts and diversity of life is the reason that each point of Consciousness radiates its own preferences all the time. When the impact of life experience gives birth to new preferences (or desires), you emit a vibration (Desire Rocket), and your Inner Essence, your Source, All Existence immediately responds to this request. In other words, when you ask (at any level of your Essence), you are answered. Is always.

Can you vibrate with a new desire?

So, your Non-physical component receives a request from you, that is, information about the vibration sent, and directs all its attention to the desire that has just been born. In other words, your Inner Being immediately comes in line with a new desire. Launching the Advanced Desire Missiles from the Venture Edge of thought like this is always beneficial. But you yourself (or rather, your physical component) do not always correspond exactly to the new desire. Because your desire has generated life contrasts, you are a kind of "cocktail" of a variety of vibrations that have one way or another to do with desire itself.

So you sent a “newborn” desire or preference. And almost immediately, there was a direct divergence between the vibrations of your Inner Being, or Source (which immediately matched exactly with desire), and your physical being (which is still a mixing of vibrations). Your main task in this case is to activate in yourself among all the vibrations exactly those that would correspond to the desire. And this is where the Emotional Guiding System comes into play, because it is emotions that are indicators of vibrational alignment or divergence.

For example, you are talking to someone very busy, who has absolutely no time or desire to communicate with you. This person abruptly cuts you off, almost rude. Naturally, with this behavior, you begin to radiate certain preferences. And even if you can't or don't want to verbalize them, your main desire is to be spoken to in a more respectful way.

So, the preference that has arisen begins to radiate into the Universe, and your Inner Essence immediately comes in line with it. You yourself, nevertheless, cannot come into agreement in any way, because all the time you come across rude words and actions of the interlocutor. Your vibrations are a mixture of how they really talk to you and how you would like to be communicated with. Now you do not correspond to desire - only your Inner Essence corresponds to it.

If you are receptive to your emotional state, you may feel a mismatch between the vibrations of your Inner Being and the vibrations that you yourself are radiating. In fact, this is exactly what your emotions show: positive emotions demonstrate a vibrational correspondence between the Inner Being and you. Negative emotions, on the other hand, indicate your vibrational mismatch.

Another example: you sort through your mail and find several bills that must be paid in the very near future. When you calculate the total, the hairs on your head stand on end in horror. You understand that you simply do not have that kind of money to pay for them all. At this moment, you radiate the strongest desire to get rich, and your Inner Being immediately focuses on this idea and, moreover, enjoys it. You, however, continue to look at the bills, becoming more and more despondent. “I have more bills than I can pay,” you begin to lament. At this moment, you are extremely far from meeting your desire, and the negative emotions that you experience (anxiety, fear, confusion) indicate that you have lost contact with the Source.

No desire (no matter what) can be fulfilled as long as there is a vibrational difference between the desire itself and the vibrations that you radiate. You should practice in vibrational alignment with your desires even before they are fulfilled.

This is why your emotions are called the Emotional Guidance System. It is they who help to learn about the relationship between the vibration of desire itself and the vibrations that you send. No other factors play a role when it comes to getting what you want. What other people think or do, how they live or lived before, how you yourself lived or live - nothing can affect the ability to get what you want and change your life for the better. What matters is the difference in vibrations between you and your desire.

D. Hicks