Invented World - Alternative View

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Invented World - Alternative View
Invented World - Alternative View

Video: Invented World - Alternative View

Video: Invented World - Alternative View
Video: FACT FREDAG - CELSIUS was invented in SWEDEN! 2024, September

We often hear that thought is material. But how is our consciousness actually able to influence material objects? One of those who tried to explain this from a scientific point of view was the American neurophysiologist Joe Dispenza.

Thought therapy

The scientist gained worldwide fame after the release of the documentary film "We Know What Makes a Signal". The author of the film claims that our brains are unable to distinguish between the imaginary and the real.

In principle, this is nothing new. Let us recall what the Book of Genesis says about the act of creation: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. The following is an account of how God created light, darkness, plants, animals, and people. Christ by the power of his faith could heal people and even resurrected Lazarus. And then he himself was resurrected … Other saints performed similar miracles. If we assume that matter is not something static at all, that it can be changed with the help of consciousness, then everything falls into place.

And how could the world become so orderly without the participation of reason? There is even a hypothesis that all reality around us is a product of the "collective" consciousness.

But this does not mean that we are in a world of our own fantasies. Our thinking is really capable of changing matter! And an example of this is the story of Dispenza himself.

Once a neurophysiologist had a road accident - he was hit by a car. Doctors offered to install an implant for him, which would hold together the damaged vertebrae, but later this could lead to constant pain. According to doctors, this was the only chance that would allow the researcher to walk again.

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However, Dispenza refused. He decided to try to regain his ability to walk with … the power of thought. And nine months later I got back on my feet!

Healing with love

Since then, the doctor began to study the possibilities of consciousness and its influence on the material world. He began by interviewing people who had experienced so-called spontaneous remission. It was about cases when a person was cured of a serious illness without the intervention of traditional methods of medicine.

One such person is Anita Murjani, who suffered from Hodgkin's lymphoma, which metastasized throughout her body. In February 2006, a woman was in a coma in an intensive care unit in Hong Kong and was on a ventilator. However, already in March she was completely healthy and attended the wedding, where she danced and drank champagne with other guests. In July of the same year, Anita underwent an examination, which did not reveal any signs of cancer!

Soon Murjani wrote the book "My victory over cancer". In it, a woman says that healing came after she had a “near-death” experience.

According to Anita, while in a coma, she felt that she had left her body. In particular, the woman overheard a conversation between her husband and the attending physician, who were at that moment 12 meters from the ward. After that, Anita found herself in another dimension, where she did not experience any suffering, only absolute love. The woman was told that she could die and stay there, or she could return. “I realized that if I choose life, my body will heal very quickly: not in months or weeks, but after a few days,” writes Murjani.

And so it happened. Anita Murjani believes she was cured thanks to love. “When people are treated in hospitals, they only get rid of the disease, not the painful energy, so after a while the disease returns,” she said. "I realized that if I return, my body will be filled with healthy energy."

UCLA's Dr. Peter Coe, who studied Anita's medical history, comments:

“Her recovery is really incredible. In my experience and the opinion of colleagues, this rapid recovery cannot be explained by chemotherapy.

Neural experience

It turned out that all patients who had spontaneous remission were convinced that with the help of thought, any ailment can be healed. But how does this happen? According to Dispenza, the ability to concentrate our consciousness on any moment creates neural connections. Any experience leads to the creation of a new neural network. And if we find ourselves in a similar situation, experience similar feelings, then our body reacts to it in a certain way every time.

So, with stress, many people begin to have headaches, since emotional experiences are steadily associated with pain.

Certain objects (stimuli) activate one or another neural network in our body, which triggers a set of chemical reactions. If we, for example, have broken nerve connections, but we "remember" how to "turn on" this neural network, then the nerves can grow together. As a result, a person, for example, begins to move paralyzed limbs.

Unfortunately, the reverse process can also be started. If we tune ourselves into the fact that we are sick, that there is a pathology in the body, then this will also work, writes Joe Dispenza in his book "The Evolution of Our Brain, Science to Change Our Consciousness."

In support of his theory, the scientist conducted the following experiment. He recruited two groups of volunteers. The members of the first team had to press with the same finger on a certain spring mechanism every day for an hour. Participants from the second team were asked only to imagine that they are pressing with this finger. At the end of the experiment, the results were summed up. It turned out that the muscles of the corresponding finger in the first group strengthened by 30%, while in the second - by 22%. But the volunteers from the second team did not even press the mechanism, they only thought about it!

- What's so surprising? says Dispenza. - After all, our brain does not distinguish between real and mental experience.

The power of prayer

Various types of addiction - alcohol, drugs, gambling and video games - are also associated with the formation of certain neural networks in the brain. By destroying such a network and creating a new one, we will free ourselves from addiction. It is not without reason that there are so many cases when a person was helped by prayers or meditation.

For example, recent studies in the United States have shown that the practice of prayer can actually reduce the craving for alcohol.

As an experiment, 20 people who were trying to get rid of alcohol addiction were asked to read special prayers (we will call them that), developed by the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous. When they were then shown photographs of various scenes involving alcohol, they had increased activity in the brain regions responsible for self-control.

Therefore, it is not so important in what form you put your thoughts, the researchers say. The main thing is that you believe in a positive outcome of the situation and that everything will be as you intended.