Bioenergy. The Beginning Of The Way - Alternative View

Bioenergy. The Beginning Of The Way - Alternative View
Bioenergy. The Beginning Of The Way - Alternative View

Video: Bioenergy. The Beginning Of The Way - Alternative View

Video: Bioenergy. The Beginning Of The Way - Alternative View
Video: Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia 2024, September

Bioenergy, hand therapy, energy of the human body - these once popular terms began to gradually be forgotten. The "boom" of bioenergy occurred in the mid 80s and early 90s of the last century. Millions of people froze in front of televisions, waiting for the appearance of two psychics on the screens. One - put into a trance not only entire halls, but also the audience, listening to him on the other side of the screen. Another - with mysterious "passes" charged water, creams and other substances of liquid consistency. Gradually, like everyone else in this measure, their fame faded away, and interest in them was lost.

Then psychologists, psychotherapists and sociologists wondered for a long time and argued on the topic: what was it? Total hysteria against the backdrop of impending changes in the once strong state, mass hypnosis, or "sessions of black magic, followed by exposure."

Be that as it may, but these "sessions" have done their job. Many of us were brought up in a spirit of total denial of everything “mysterious”, “magical” and “unknown”. It was possible to believe only in the unshakable foundations of communist justice, and to live by being guided by the “code of the builder of communism”. After the prohibitions on cognition of the “other side” of being were lifted, we realized that not only it determines our consciousness. And more often it happens the other way around - a person's consciousness forms being, changes and inverts the existing reality in the way that the person himself needs.

But psychics and people with certain abilities have always existed, even under communism. In socialist Bulgaria, not only ordinary citizens, but also members of the Politburo went to Grandma Vanga. And the famous Juna treated mainly the infirm first persons of the then USSR.

Extrasensory perception, biodiagnostics, clairvoyance - all these "phenomena" have always existed, but not everyone knew about it, or simply were not interested.

One of the first people in our country to talk about this phenomenon was Vladimir Safonov. His books "Ariandne's Thread" and "Untold Reality" were not immediately published, and found their readers. A man with an amazing and difficult fate, Vladimir Ivanovich Safonov, died in 2000. He was a war veteran, passed a difficult frontline path, was familiar with many interesting people of his time, who were interested in the "unknown". Bio-donation, mesmerism and magnetism, treatment with hands and contactless methods of transferring life-giving energy from person to person - in his books he talks about these concepts. But at the same time, in his explanations there is not a single gram of mysticism, or obscurantism. All his reflections and conclusions he did primarily on the basis of his own impressions and research, and not only from hearsay.

Vladimir Safonov himself had a gift for bioenergetics and clairvoyance. He treated with his hands, found missing people from photographs. He saw nothing mystical in his gift. He believed that every person from birth is endowed with certain abilities, the only question is that they need to be developed.

In his book "Ariadne's Thread" Safonov writes that the most important thing for a person is "to overcome the inner barrier of unbelief." Having crossed this barrier, the person begins to believe in his own strength, to believe that he can “generate bio-radiation”. Self-reliance helps to focus, concentrate and, ultimately, achieve results. More often than not, a person who wants to discover certain abilities in himself, according to Safonov, is simply "squeezed". Internal self-doubt will not allow real psychic abilities to open up. The psychic himself said that the first successful experience is inspiring. When he first achieved a positive result in his work, it was both shock and joy for him at the same time. And it was these successful experiments that prompted him to further research, test and train his own bioenergetic strength.

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Safonov formulated his own "10 commandments" that a psychic or a person who undertakes to heal others with the help of their energy should follow.

• Believe in yourself and overcome the obstacles of “common sense”. After all, it is reason and logical thinking that prevent us from discovering new horizons of consciousness and cognizing the world from the other side.

• A person who decides to heal others with his energy must have good health and the same heredity. This point is quite understandable: only a strong and healthy person can give his energy to others, and “pass” other people's illnesses and sorrows through himself. At the same time, it must be genetically pure, because the energy of the "donor" will come in contact with the energy of a sick person, and those who are sick do not need unnecessary negative information.

• The age that is most suitable for working with human energies, Safonov determined from 30 to 50 years. And this is not accidental - it is during this period that a person reaches the maximum “point of his development”.

• According to Safonov's system, the bioenergy must have a fairly extensive knowledge in the field of medicine and human physiology. Ideally, he believed, bioenergy should have a medical education, at least at the most elementary level. The inclusion of this item in the rulebook for a psychic speaks of the remarkable prophetic abilities of the writer and scientist. Alas, lately more and more illiterate people are trying to treat, but the effect is the opposite.

• Selflessness and philanthropy. Is it worth mentioning that real sorcerers, sorcerers, and clairvoyants do not like to talk about themselves once again and advertise their talents. The more knowledge a person has, the less dubious fame he needs, and such a specialist, as a rule, does not take money for his activities. Let us recall, for example, the “village witches” - these people never took up what they could not fix and did not accept anything as a gift except natural products. It is believed that "pure" human energy is not combined with the spirit of self-interest and profit. As soon as a psychic or a sorcerer begins to take money for his "work", he becomes a money-grubber, and this is not compatible with the ministry of "clean energy". Humanity and patience are needed for a healer so that he can be imbued with the problem of each specific person.

• Creative spirit and desire to learn something new. This point may well be left without comment. Adding only the thought that even the ancient sages said that as soon as a person stops learning, ceases to be interested in this world and to discover new opportunities and knowledge, he “stiffens” and grows old. Not only the body is aging, but also the soul and mind. And, as a rule, the soul ages faster than the body.

• Those who have decided to engage in bioenergy and develop psychic abilities, according to Safonov, should have enough free time. A person must "practice" and receive the necessary knowledge not from time to time, but constantly.

• Faith is blind, philosophers believe. And faith in other people's authorities and in the inviolability of the postulates of any science is twofold blind. Only those who find the strength to doubt and do not follow the beaten path can achieve success. Blind faith in authorities and the constant comparison of oneself with others is a failure, Safonov said. Each person, regardless of whether he is a psychic or not, has his own path. He should make OWN mistakes, and not repeat others' mistakes and not try on someone else's experience.

• The last point of the "set of rules for a novice psychic" according to Safonov was the observance of the legislation (then still Soviet). This point can be left without comment at all, since it is understandable to all reasonable people.

Safonov's books, published in our country at the very beginning of the 90s, have become a real discovery for those who have always been interested in “utter reality”. His followers and enthusiasts learned to work with frames, pendulums, photographs. They tried to follow these ten points. The studies of magnetism and bioenergetics, described in the books of Vladimir Ivanovich, were the subject of discussion among the "advanced" people of that time.

Now, after so many decades, it becomes clear that Safonov largely determined their own time, so he was not immediately understood and accepted by many, including "scientific men". However, this always happens with extraordinary people who know and are able to do something more than their contemporaries. The most famous such example in the history of mankind is more than two thousand years old. The one who healed by "laying on of hands" and healed with only one word of his own was also not understood at the time. But time puts everything in its place, and we again see a surge of interest in this topic. The main thing, experts say, is to adhere to simple and understandable rules formulated by V. I. Safonov. Then the person will not harm, neither himself nor the one whom he undertakes to heal.