Ayurveda Is The Key To Longevity - Alternative View

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Ayurveda Is The Key To Longevity - Alternative View
Ayurveda Is The Key To Longevity - Alternative View

Video: Ayurveda Is The Key To Longevity - Alternative View

Video: Ayurveda Is The Key To Longevity - Alternative View
Video: Ayurveda Over Western Medicines | Dr. B.M HEGDE | TEDxMITE 2024, September

Every person dreams of being healthy, strong and energetic - until his very old years. Not everyone, of course, succeeds in this, because on the path of life we are trapped by illness, weakness and despair, and how to deal with this is unknown. However … The medical practices of Ancient India Ayurveda (from Sanskrit "ayu" - life and "Veda" - knowledge, science; that is, "the science of life") for five thousand years have shown such miracles to mankind that one involuntarily wants to join them and start a completely new life …

Devotion of Dr. Singh

In 2009, newspapers in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas reported to readers about the sensational achievements of the Indian doctor Adyapati Singh, who cured dozens of patients who were considered hopeless. Dr. Singh arrived in Venezuela in 2008 and began receiving patients in a rented building on the outskirts of the capital, treating them using so-called alternative medicine. The peculiarities of Dr. Singh's institution were the complete absence of medical equipment and the accessibility of the hospital: its doors were open even for the poor, from whom Singh did not take a penny for his work.

American journalist Mary Wayntworth arrived in Caracas after Dr. Singh returned to India. Having become interested in the topic, she conducted a small investigation, studying the medical histories of almost all the patients of the Indian physician. As Mary writes in her essay, the results of the treatment simply shocked her. For example, before admission to the clinic, Senora Lopez was diagnosed with a cancer of the stomach that gave metastases. After seven months of treatment, Singh's tumor was gone, which was confirmed by a thorough examination carried out at St. Brigit's Hospital. In 38-year-old Pedro Asturias, who was dying of tuberculosis, after staying in Singh's clinic, analysis revealed a complete absence of "Koch's rods". The body of another patient overcame cirrhosis. Three other patients were recovered from deep post-stroke paralysis. And the list goes on!

The journalist failed to find out anything about the personality of the amazing doctor in Caracas, and she went to India. Here it turned out that Adyapati Singh lived in a Hindu monastery and left it only from time to time in order to return to his medical practice. He heals in various cities of India, where a great many patients flock to him.

Several times the doctor traveled outside India. So, in 2006, he practiced in Nairobi, where he relieved a 16-year-old girl from throat cancer (newspapers wrote about this, as a great miracle, far beyond Kenya's borders). Twice - in 1996 and 2001 - he was in the Congo, in Kinshasa, and there he managed to cope with the Ebola fever.

The monastery, which was hiding in the jungle, was not easy to reach. And then I also had to wait two weeks, until the monks decided that Mary could meet with Rev. Singh. The journalist was told that Singh spends all his days in deep meditation and keeps fasting, gaining spiritual strength for a new "exit". Finally the woman was led into a dim room. where stone statues of Hindu deities towered against the walls. Four burning lamps illuminated the monk, who was lying on a thin mat. He wore only a loincloth from his clothes. Mary, who saw Singh in the photographs, immediately recognized this thin, wrinkled face, gray hair and gray beard. As a result of the long fast, Singh became very emaciated. In order for the doctor to look at the guest, the monks had to support his head.

Promotional video:

Mostly a journalist spoke. She asked the monk to go to Haiti as soon as he could, because there are a lot of people there who need urgent treatment. Singh nodded almost imperceptibly, answered rarely and in a whisper. At the end of the conversation, he promised his guest that he would definitely come to Haiti and try to do something for these unfortunates.

Is man able to heal himself?

In her essay, Mary wondered: what are these treatments that allow Dr. Singh to achieve such results? It turned out that the method is far from new, it has been known in India since ancient times (the first information about individual scientific works dates back to 1500 BC). This is Ayurveda - a system of natural healing of the body and maintaining its health, based on the belief that the key to control our body is our consciousness.

According to legend, Ayurveda was a part of the revelation of the holy sages who gained comprehensive knowledge about the Universe about seven thousand years ago.

Now many people, including scientists, are convinced that Ayurveda is the medicine of the future, when everyone can become their own healer. This conviction is based, among other things, on recent discoveries in the field of psychosomatics, which are fundamentally changing our traditional ideas about consciousness. The fact is that an amazing fact has become the property of science: in the human body, it turns out, there is a truly wonderful "internal pharmacy" containing a full range of drugs for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases. We are talking about peptide hormones - the link between the mind and the body. Peptides. which, under the influence of emotions, are produced by the endocrine glands, are perceived not only by the brain, but also by other organs: the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen (this, by the way,corresponds to the ideas of ancient Chinese medicine that too violent joy harms the heart, anger harms the liver, anxiety to the spleen, grief to the lungs, fear to the kidneys, etc.).

These "drugs" are much more advanced and effective than those created by pharmacists. The human body is able to produce substances that relieve pain no worse than morphine; fall asleep without fear of side effects typical for sleeping pills; to produce tranquilizers, antibiotics and even … stop the growth of cancerous tumors in the required quantities.

This amazing property of the human body was used by Rev. Singh in his medical practice. His treatment is based on the so-called "transcendental meditation" - the main method of Ayurveda. Translated from Latin, "transcendental" means "going beyond." During such meditation, a person's consciousness, as it were, expands its usual framework, breaks out of everyday life into the sphere where silence, peace and tranquility reign. A person's consciousness and his body are freed from everything harmful and superficial and come to the restoration of disturbed harmony.

In addition to meditation, Ayurveda uses hatha yoga exercises, as well as massage that affects a person's biologically active points. Ayurveda has in its arsenal and methods of treatment unusual for a Western person: aromatic. color, taste and music therapy. According to eyewitnesses. In the clinic of Reverend Singh, healing Ayurvedic hymns were constantly sounded, which are believed to correspond to various cosmic rhythms and are capable of evoking the psychophysical states necessary for their healing in people. Singh widely used medicinal plants in his practice.

The main thing is confidence in the victory over the disease

Mary Wayntworth asked Dr. Deepak Chopra, a physician and famous writer who has published many books on alternative medicine, to comment on this treatment. In addition to meditation, according to D. Chopra, Singh's main treatment was psychotherapy. He managed to instill in his patients the firm belief that their disease is nothing more than a ghost. mirage. As a result, the patient fell into a kind of prostration, his consciousness seemed to turn in the right direction and entered a completely new area, where there was simply no place for fear and despair, as well as for illness. Indeed, at first there was relief, and after a while, the patient's complete recovery!

“The results of Reverend Singh's work in Caracas are truly phenomenal,” says Dr. Chopra.

Healing over seventy incurable patients in eight months - so few people succeed!

I received a Western education and studied classical medicine for a long time, - the doctor continues.

“But many years of medical experience have shown that, despite all the undoubted achievements, she is unable to answer a number of fundamental questions. First of all, on this: is the healing process due to some objective reasons? What is the impact of the subjective factor on this process? In my practice, as, indeed, in other doctors, there were many cases when patients doomed to die unexpectedly and inexplicably recovered. The point is. that the ability to heal itself is inherent in each of us, you just need to let it manifest.

I do not deny the success of modern medicine, - the doctor finishes, - but I think that the prevailing models of man, health and disease have largely exhausted themselves. Medicine needs to get rid of narrow-mindedness, develop a new outlook on a person and a healing process that allows the active influence of consciousness on matter, that is, on our body."

Igor Voloznev. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 32 2010