In some languages there is such a thing as "witch hour" or "hour of the devil". This belief originates from European folklore, which says that at certain times of the night, various supernatural entities like witches, demons, and ghosts become especially powerful, and black magic is most effective.
Many believe that this is the opposite time to when Jesus Christ died. That is, the Savior went to heaven at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 3 o'clock in the morning, all kinds of devilry are allegedly roaming the world.
Be that as it may, 3 o'clock is exactly the time when many inhabitants of the Earth wake up every night. A person suddenly opens his eyes in the middle of the night, looks at the alarm clock, realizes that it is too early for him to get up, and again falls asleep (at best). Nevertheless, such a strange pattern begins to seem curious or even frightening to him.
What do doctors say about it
Some of the doctors assume that the polyphasic pattern of sleep is to blame, in which sleep is strictly divided into several periods, and at 3 am there is a change from one phase to another. The depth of sleep, they say, decreases, and the person wakes up (not everyone, of course). A person's biological clock can be very accurate, so that awakening will occur clearly at the same time.
Other doctors argue that around 3 a.m. the darkness becomes especially dense, which is why melatonin in the human body regulates and switches the state of sleep, and the individual can escape from the embrace of Morpheus every time.
Third healers will tell you that at 3 o'clock in the morning a person's liver and gallbladder begin to work hard, purifying the body. They say that they tear the owner away from rest.
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Maybe it's still mysticism?
Whatever the reason, people wake up in the witch hour from time immemorial. Therefore, many legends appeared that at this time dark forces dominate the Earth. They begin to appear at midnight, and by 3 o'clock their activity reaches its climax. It was then that some imp runs into your bedroom, briskly jumping on your chest, causing the person to wake up.
The Hour of the Devil is a special time in the occult and esotericism. It is believed that a knowledgeable person can do a lot during this period: turn to dark forces for help, talk to the dead, damage someone, tell fortunes, and perform other magical rites. Sensitive people can not only wake up suddenly at witch hour, but also experience real horror and observe strange visions.
What not to do in the hour of the devil
There are a number of prohibitions on actions in the hour of the devil. For example, at this time it is strictly not recommended to leave the house, and even more so to be away from your home - you can simply not go back.
Swimming at 3 am is also not worth it: neither in the shower, nor in the bath, nor in the sea. It is believed that in this way a person will wash away fate from himself. Even dirty dishes, if such are lying around in your sink, it is better to leave it until morning.
According to ancient beliefs, a person born at the witch hour will be unhappy and sick all his life. The woman who gave birth to him will also become ill and unhappy.
Combing or cleaning at this time is also not advisable - otherwise, you can attract the attention of unkind entities.