Why Do We Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night? - Alternative View

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Why Do We Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night? - Alternative View
Why Do We Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do We Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do We Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night? - Alternative View
Video: Why You Keep Waking Up at the Same Time Every Night 2024, September

Many people are aware of sleep problems. Someone finds it difficult to fall asleep, someone takes too little time to sleep, someone wakes up in the middle of the night. Regardless of the nature of the problem, there is one caveat. The longer you suffer from one of these symptoms, the more you forget what a normal sleep pattern should actually look like.


But even if you are not aware of such problems, all of a sudden you may wake up in the middle of the night. Just like that, for no apparent reason. However, forced wakefulness does not in any way affect the further quality of sleep. Everything looks as if this pause in the mode was foreseen. This phenomenon can be logically explained if you study the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.


What is a "biological clock"?

According to the ancient tenets of traditional Chinese medicine, human internal organs work like a clock. This phenomenon is reflected in the energy meridians. In fact, these are a kind of energy highways that store and transport Chi energy, blood and fluid throughout the body. As the ancient Chinese believed, Qi energy is cultivated everywhere, coming to Earth from outer space. When a person is healthy, it flows freely along the meridians, but when he is sick (physically or emotionally), stagnation occurs.


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Chi flow intervals

A complete turnover throughout the entire organ system occurs in two hours. It's like biological tides. When one of the body's organs reaches its energy peak, the other, which is located on the opposite side of the clockwise, reaches a critical decline. For example, from one to three in the morning, the liver approaches its peak functional state. At this time, the blood is purified in the body.

On the opposite side of the hour hand (we will talk about the diagram a little later) is the small intestine. This means that nutrients are poorly absorbed in the two-hour interval starting at 1 am. This is why night is not the best time for a snack. During the midnight meal, the small intestine works at its lowest level, at its maximum capacity. Vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed, but this is not so bad. The small intestine (at the instigation of its host) is doing the liver a disservice by making it harder for the body to detoxify.


Brief classification

In addition, each organ is associated with an element representing the receipt of energy (Yin), expressing energy (Yang), as well as with the elements of Earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Elemental elements are also used to classify general emotions. For example, the Earth is responsible for empathy, compassion, for giving gifts and receiving them. Metal is a symbol of grief and loss, while water is responsible for fear and anxiety. The forest symbolizes anger, disappointment and resentment, while fire is the source of love, hate and happiness.


Hours of peak activity of the meridians

From 11 am to 1 pm, the heart enters the peak activity phase. This is a great time to take a nap or have lunch. During this period, the person has the lowest heart rate. If your cardiovascular system is out of order, you may feel sad.


From one to three in the afternoon, the small intestine works best. The body perfectly assimilates the food eaten at lunch. If you want to avoid indigestion or bloating, try to maintain a calm mood during this period.

In the next two hours (from 15 to 17), the bladder comes to the fore. Salty foods, miso soup and vegetable broth stimulate this organ. Problems with this organ are felt in the form of a burning or tingling sensation.


From 5 pm to 7 pm, the kidneys start working. This is the optimal time to have dinner. Unhealthy kidneys are responsible for fear and emotional exhaustion.

From 19 to 21 hours of peak activity, the reproductive sphere reaches. This is the best time to communicate with your partner, have sex and conceive. Lack of intimate relationships and diseases of the reproductive sphere will lead you to the desire to eat something tasty.

In the next two hours, the thyroid gland and larynx enter the phase of peak activity. This is a great time to calm down before bed and get your blood vessels in optimal condition. Endocrine disorders lead to headaches.

From 11 pm to 1 am the gallbladder works. This is the perfect time to go to bed. Sleep will be serene and sound if you get rid of anxiety. Otherwise, regularly thinking about the bad will contribute to the formation of kidney stones.


As we already know, from one to three in the morning, the liver enters the phase of peak activity. This is the time for deep sleep.

From 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning the lungs are filled with Chi energy. Impaired airway function causes a cough, indicating poor nutrition.

From 5 am to 7 am is the ideal time for the colon to work. A system failure causes constipation. To avoid this, drink plenty of water.

From 7 to 9 am the stomach has peak activity. This is the best time to eat breakfast. Acid reflux can occur when eating cold foods.

From 9 am to 11 am the spleen works best. It's time for lunch. Problems with this organ give a feeling of anxiety.


Chi is turned inward during sleep

When we sleep, Chi is turned inward. This is necessary to recharge the body. However, the events that occur in our lives often affect sleep. If we correctly use the knowledge about the hours of activity of the meridians, we can easily regulate the night mode.

How can the symptoms be eliminated?

For example, if a sudden awakening occurs between 11 pm and 1 am, the gallbladder is active, responsible for disappointment and resentment. Try to learn to forgive, and you will stop waking up during this period.


A break in sleep from one to three in the morning is associated with the maximum accumulation of Yang energy. Drink a glass of cold water to calm the liver associated with anger and resentment.

If a sudden awakening is noted from 3 to 5 in the morning, the lungs are at the peak of energy, which are responsible for sadness and grief. Getting rid of the forced break will help getting rid of negative emotions and connecting with the Higher Self. Sometimes this is a sign of spiritual awakening.

If you often wake up in the early morning, in the interval from 5 to 7 o'clock, the Chi energy moves to the large intestine, associated with emotional fatigue, guilt and stress. Drink plenty of water and do stretching exercises to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Inga Kaisina