The Mysterious Substance Of Mediums - Alternative View

The Mysterious Substance Of Mediums - Alternative View
The Mysterious Substance Of Mediums - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Substance Of Mediums - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Substance Of Mediums - Alternative View
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Not only ordinary participants in spiritualistic seances, but also certified scientists studying the paranormal, have observed how sometimes during "communication with spirits" a certain substance of unknown origin was released from mediums through the mouth, nose or ears. In appearance it was viscous and light and in its consistency to some extent resembled molten paraffin. At the same time, during the session, the medium could quite easily form the hands, face and other parts of the human body from the ectoplasm. In occultism and parapsychology, this substance is called "ectoplasm" (from the Greek. Ektos and plasma - "materialized substance").

According to the definition given to ectoplasm by the famous parapsychologist and psychoanalyst Nandor Fodor (1895-1964) in the Encyclopedia of Psychical Science, it is “a form of matter, intangible and invisible in its initial state, but then capable of assuming gaseous, liquid and solid states. It smells like ozone and has very strange properties."

In addition, Nandor noted that “to the touch this substance is sometimes wet and cold, sometimes viscous and sticky, but sometimes dry and hard. It moves: sometimes slowly, like a reptile, sometimes swiftly, like lightning."

Sometimes suckers or claw-like formations appear on the outgrowths of ectoplasm in order to cling to objects and grow in all directions.

It is also described as "a luminous dense foggy layer, barely distinguishable in the dark, which slowly oozes out of the medium's mouth," or as "vapor emanating from the pores of his body and in the form of tiny droplets falling onto the carpet of the room."

The English writer Conan Doyle, who was allowed to take the ectoplasm in his hands during the sessions of the famous medium Eve K., felt that in his hands was "living matter, which reacted and contracted from his touch."

And the French physician Gustave Jelay noted: “This substance adds to its sensitivity a kind of natural instinct, somewhat reminiscent of the one that mollusks demonstrate. This is reminiscent of the mistrust of an unprotected being or being whose only escape route is to escape into the body of the medium."

One of the researchers claimed that he saw with his own eyes how a luminous matte column formed in front of him, from which a luminous hand emerged - perfectly formed, of life size, and quite friendly stroked his forehead several times.

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American missionary James Curtis wrote that in 1878, while in Australia, he attended a spiritualistic seance of the medium Slade and watched as his body released "vaporization in the form of a gray cloud, which thickened and changed shape, preparing for the formation of a complex materialized figure." …

The famous evolutionary biologist Alfred Wallace also described how, in a session by the famous spiritualist Dr. Monk, "the white ribbon gradually turned into a cloud-pillar."

In general, according to Nandor, ectoplasm can appear from various parts of the medium's body: from the crown, nipples, fingertips, but it usually comes from the mouth. Moreover, it can take the form of threads, strings, rigid ray formations, membranes and tissues of indeterminate patterns and configurations.

Sometimes the ectoplasm completely envelops the medium, like a cocoon, or stretches after him like a veil. The color of ectoplasm is mostly white, gray, or black. However, white is predominant in this range. However, perhaps it is simply more noticeable. But sometimes three colors appeared at the same time …

The amount of ectoplasm secreted by the medium depends on a variety of factors, often unrelated to each other. Its mass can, in particular, be influenced by the mental state of the medium and those around. But usually the medium released from 4 to 7 kilograms of this substance in one session. A well-known researcher of the "ectoplasmic" phenomenon, the Englishman Crawford, recorded a case when the medium lost more than 20 kilograms of weight. But as soon as the ectoplasm disappeared, the medium's weight was restored.

And yet, despite the fact that this substance has been observed by many people, and quite well-known, few believe in its real existence.

The first scientist who seriously took up the study of ectoplasm was the French physiologist, later the Nobel Prize winner Charles Richet. In the Annals of Psychic Science, he describes a man named Bien Boa, created from ectoplasm by the medium Eva K.

This materialized structure, according to the scientist, was almost no different from the earthly man. She “walked, talked, moved and breathed like a human being. Her body was elastic and had a certain muscular strength. It was not a mannequin or a doll, not a vision reflected in a mirror, but a living being, a living man. There was every reason to dismiss two hypotheses at once: either a ghost with all the signs of life, or a living person playing the role of a ghost."

Richet also observed the disappearance of the materialized spirit. The physiologist described this process as follows: “Bien Boa tried, as it seemed to me, to pass between us, but a limp indecisive gait prevented him. I can't say with certainty whether he walked or slid. At some point, he almost fell, stumbling with one leg, which, it seemed, did not support him at all (this is my personal impression). Then he went to the window to open the curtains, but did not have time to do it. He suddenly fell off and seeped through the floor. At the same moment, I heard the chomping sound of a bog that swallowed up a human body.

During one of the sessions, Charles Richet cut off a lock of hair from a ghostly woman, who was called the "Egyptian queen."

“I keep this lock; it is very beautiful - silky, with a lively shine. Microscopic examination showed that this is natural hair; I was told that a wig made of that hair costs a thousand francs. The medium's hair was very dark and she wore a haircut, Richet wrote.

Studied Eva K. and Baron A. von Schrenck-Notzing. During these observations, he found that ectoplasm reacts negatively to light. If he managed to pinch some part of the ectoplasm, then the medium responded to these actions with a loud cry.

When the researchers, with the permission of the medium, cut off a small piece of ectoplasm and placed it in a cup, it disappeared like snow, leaving behind only a droplet of liquid substance. Microscopic studies have shown the presence of leukocytes and epithelial cells in this wet trail.

In numerous photographs taken during the sessions of Eva K., it was noticeable that at first the figures formed from ectoplasm were flat, as if cut from a sheet of paper, and then became voluminous.

After many years of observing the appearance of ectoplasm and its multifaceted study in 1923, 30 physicians, among whom there were nineteen of the world renowned, signed and published testimonies confirming their complete conviction in the truth of mental manifestations, which they had the opportunity not only to observe, but also to control. This, in turn, meant that the phenomenon of ectoplasm was recognized by a part of the world scientific community.

Bernatsky Anatoly