Scientists from the Salka Institute in La Jolla (USA) have developed a method to delay the aging process. This is possible due to reprogramming of the cell, which results in organ regeneration and rejuvenation of the body, informs Cell.
The results of the experiment are very good, although so far such an experiment has been carried out only on mice. During the experiments, the cells were reprogrammed, from which the mice showed signs of rejuvenation, this could extend the life of the rodents from 18 to 24 weeks.
Juant Belmonte of the Salka Institute in La Jolla says research work with colleagues shows that the aging process can not only be stopped but also reversed.
From the point of view of science, stem cells are practically immortal, as they can divide an unlimited number of times. Whereas the cells of an adult lose their ability to divide with age. This happens after 40-50 cycles, after which aging occurs.
Huant and his colleagues realized that aging can be turned off by turning on the genes responsible for division in embryonic and stem cells Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and cMyc.
It turns out to "turn on" such cells for a not too long time, from two to four days. This period is quite enough for rejuvenation and just not enough for uncontrolled cell division, which would lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.
The experimental results stunned scientists. This is a really big breakthrough in science. Indeed, using such gene therapy, it was possible to extend the life of old mice by 30%, to rejuvenate the muscles, internal organs and skin, returning them to a state of young age.