Spanish Scientists Know The Secret Of Eternal Youth - Alternative View

Spanish Scientists Know The Secret Of Eternal Youth - Alternative View
Spanish Scientists Know The Secret Of Eternal Youth - Alternative View

Video: Spanish Scientists Know The Secret Of Eternal Youth - Alternative View

Video: Spanish Scientists Know The Secret Of Eternal Youth - Alternative View
Video: Forever young: Secret of eternal life revealed by Russian science? 2024, July

Spanish scientists reported that they know the secret of eternal youth, they for the first time in the history of mankind have come close to a recipe that will prolong youth for many years.

On the existence of products and individual substances or components that allow you to keep human organs in good shape and full health for some time. But according to the researchers, they are one step away from creating a vaccine of youth and immortality.

We are talking about telomeres - protein endings that are in every living organism, and are constantly updated. But in the process of renewal, telomeres become shorter and shorter each time, and, as a result, they simply end. As a result of the disappearance of these endings, the cell ceases to be able to work and, as a result, an irreversible aging process begins.

Scientists decided to act on protein endings in order to prolong their renewal through an epigenetic mechanism that allows the genes in DNA to be kept active.

Scientists are confident that after they manage to improve the method of lengthening telomeres, they will be able to defeat old age, because the mechanism provides for the constant renewal of protein endings. The experiments were carried out on rodents and the results were very successful, as mice with elongated telomeres lived significantly farther than normal, non-modernized rodents.

Irene Morozova