Conscience - Instrument Of Spirit And Soul - Alternative View

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Conscience - Instrument Of Spirit And Soul - Alternative View
Conscience - Instrument Of Spirit And Soul - Alternative View

Video: Conscience - Instrument Of Spirit And Soul - Alternative View

Video: Conscience - Instrument Of Spirit And Soul - Alternative View
Video: CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive. (English subtitles) 2024, September

Let us dare to plunge into this elusive "mystery of being" and try to explore it.

The root of conscience

The conscience is called upon to evaluate our actions. Therefore, it is an identity. After all, the Soul does not evaluate anything. Conscience is the judge of human morality and the morality of society. But her verdicts are not based on ethics, which is different in every socio-psychological group, for example, a thief, a scientist, a monk, a politician. And not on the ideal image of oneself, which is formed in the subconscious; and to please others, the person puts on artificial masks prompted by this image.

Conscience rests on the ideals that are in our Divinity, and their root is one for everyone and for everyone. Because conscience is the Power of the Spirit and the Purity of the Soul. And they are initially the same for everyone, regardless of gender and nationality, social status and profession. Therefore, conscience as “an element of all moral phenomena” in its essence is invisibly present in every act of any person, even if it is a rapist or a hired killer. As a special messenger of the Soul and Spirit, she is created by the masculine and feminine principles in a person. Yang forges in her that inflexibility and invincibility when she can neither be bribed, nor seduced, nor seduced. And Yin grants her evaluations purity and sublimity.

And if Yang is not strong? Then the conscience is shaky and it is not difficult to seduce it. And if, on the contrary, the unbending Yang prevails over Yin so much that it suppresses it? Then conscience punishes with excessive harshness and severity. And when is Yin weak? Or is it so superior to Yang that it “erodes” and levels it out? Then instead of conscience there is lack of will and deceit, sometimes posing as flexibility. Any imbalances in the masculine and feminine beginnings affect the qualities of conscience.

Who will stand the hardships and who will break

Promotional video:

Why is English conscience both conscience and consciousness? The one whose consciousness is at low frequencies and the Divine Essence is fast asleep, his conscience is changeable and unreliable. Such a person is at the mercy of external situations, does not realize how the mind-ego controls him, and if he is possessed by a thirst for career, money, honor, power and the shortest path to this is deception, cunning and meanness, he does it without a twinge of conscience. And the advanced consciousness, directed towards the Creator, will not take a step against God in itself and in other people. Moving towards the goal, it will rely on its internal resources, in case of failure, penetrate into its cause and overcome weaknesses and either increase requirements for itself, or correct its too high demands, honestly admitting that they do not correspond to its capabilities.

Therefore, difficulties, obstacles and extreme circumstances, when some, feeling sorry for themselves, break down, while others, tormented and suffering, do not betray their conscience, become a test of the development of consciousness. Let's imagine that a plane crashed and four people ended up on a desert island. They are stunned, exhausted, and hungry. The strongest and bravest goes to inspect the area and finds the remains of someone's food. Eat them or take them to your comrades and share with them? The hurricane intensifies, but after a while they are noticed by a helicopter, which can only take two passengers on board. And the way these people manifest themselves is a manifestation of their insides - both conscience and consciousness.

But where do those who stand up in emergencies get strength? Purity of thoughts and openness to God (Feminine Principle) activate the power of the Masculine Principle in a person. And it builds a vertical energy core in it, through which the person receives from the Spirit as much energy, that is, strength, as he can receive. Then he, "strong in Spirit", is able to overcome fear and violence and remain faithful to conscience. And his Yin spreads this energy along the horizontal vector in space, and it becomes a support to others.

When the flame of striving to transform oneself burns in the heart of a person, a channel of communication with the Descending Evolutionary Energy is formed on this rod, which makes global changes in it. He may not feel them, but the contact with the Force is clear and conscious, as it becomes his protector, advisor and healer.

Conscience is an instrument of Spirit and Soul

One, substituting a friend, celebrates his success and lives with a clear conscience - the subconscious ideal image of the person is not too hurt and self-respect does not suffer. And the other in the same situation does not enjoy the takeoff, but is tormented by a sense of guilt and remorse. But it is in these sufferings that something very important happens: at the moment of a person's maturity, the silt raised by the conscience from the depths of her subconsciousness, they turn into a Force that helps her spiritual transformation. And they illuminate the path of individuals, placing beacons on it - the ideals of conscience. They, like its very vibration, are present in the consciousness of every cell of the physical body, in the consciousness of every subtle body. And, starting with remorse, these ideals lead a person to God.

How the ideals of conscience guide the individual towards the development of consciousness

1. The ideal in the physical and etheric bodies is perfect health and immortality. So that our conscience does not torment, if we bring problems to our loved ones because of our ailments, this becomes one of the motivations to take care of our body. But the ideal here is not just taking care of it, strengthening and dissolving energy blocks in the etheric body. Here the Spirit-Soul propels the person towards more: to honor the body as a sacred temple, as an opportunity to realize its Divinity. And for this - to acquire another material form with a new physiology, energy and cellular consciousness of the immortal Man. And since you cannot make such global changes yourself, this ideal motivates you to that inner work - silence, balance, non-involvement, dissolution of the ego … which establishes a connection with the Descending Energy that carries out all transmutation.

2. And for this Energy to be fixed in the personality, the lower energy layer of the emotional body must be cleansed. Therefore, when a person shows animal instincts of greed, aggressiveness, cruelty, violence, lies, uncontrolled sexuality, at some moments the Spirit-Soul makes him feel remorse. In this way, they help him recognize how destructive these low-frequency energies are and direct him to free himself from them. Because, ideally, the lower sphere should dissolve and connect with the middle layer of the astral body.

3. The middle layer of the astral body is very rich, diverse, and here the roots of any energy can be different. For example, the vibration of ambition might come from pride, or it might come from enterprise and the ability to get things done. The pursuit of a career is based both on ambition and on the awareness of one's talent, which one wants to make the property of people. Leadership is either for the sake of selfhood, or as a realization of organizational skills, the ability to lead people and take responsibility for it. Faith as fanaticism or as unswerving adherence to the chosen path. Activity as fussiness and haste or as active non-doing - the achievement of silence, awareness, actions on the impulses of the Soul …

The list is endless. And so that these energies are directed not by the ego, but by conscience, Spirit and Soul help a person through the ideal of honor and dignity. Thus, honor calls to realize the root of one's desires and cut off those that go against conscience, and therefore against God. And this requires uncompromising honesty, when in every act, in every relationship, everything is based on the truth. Any attempts of the ego to embellish or denigrate something, to distort something to please someone, to betray someone are removed. There is nothing that would compel honor to change the Creator in itself or incline others to it.

This is also sincerity, when realizing how the false "I" manifests itself in actions, there is no self-indulgence and self-justification. Honor is strengthened by dignity. This is not a virtue that does not allow anyone to humiliate and violate someone else's conscience. Not the highest tact of true intellectuals, which does not allow anyone to offend or hurt someone's honor. Not the nobility that aristocrats passed on genetically from one generation to another. This is the pinnacle of respect. Himself and others. It is a quiet, non-manifest greatness. It begins with a sense of a clear conscience and, in the process of spiritual growth, grows to the Presence of God in itself. And silently honors the Creator in all that exists. All this is possible when there is no ego. Then the central part of the astral is cleansed and vibrational rises to its upper layer. This is what the ideal calls for.

4. In the higher sphere of the astral there are the frequencies of exalted feelings. Ideally, they should be so active that they fill the daily routine. For example, this kindness, which is in abundance and which must be shared. Gratitude is not only as a response to this kindness, help, a conscientious act or someone else's work, but as a response of our Heart to God for giving everyone a part of Himself and giving us the opportunity to live and love, develop and create. Mercy as "mercy to the fallen", a helping hand for the weak, support for those who stumbled, revival of faith in people in people. Tenderness and care as a manifestation of love for neighbors, radiation of joy as sharing them with happiness, and compassion for ignorance as a willingness to share their knowledge and skills with those who want it …

Then the conscience rejoices, the consciousness rises, and the Soul, responding to such feelings, gradually awakens (without this there is no Evolution). And it becomes clear that the Ideal of conscience at the frequency of higher feelings is selflessness. And its highest vibration becomes a bridge to our Nature - the Divine Soul.

5. Mental. When a person realizes that his distorted views and assessments, false beliefs and erroneous conclusions lead to problems, troubles and suffering, conscience manifests itself as a feeling of guilt. But her ideal here is not replacing old beliefs with new, more advanced ones, but liberation from them altogether. Together with lies and ignorance. This is pure consciousness and the vibration of Truth reigning in it. And the way to this is simple: in the silence of the mind, connect with a person / situation / object / space - with anything, comprehend his energy information and support only that which resonates with your conscience and which the Soul responds to.

6. Conscience has a special role in the causal body. Since all actions of the person are recorded there, if conscience is suppressed in them, it means that the Spirit is oppressed. And that includes the vibrations of "nurturing karma." And when in trials and difficulties a person does not go against conscience, that is, against the Creator, he not only does not accumulate new karma, but also changes something in the accumulated one. The ideal here is overcoming karma and getting out of the cycle of samsara. And this is staying at the frequency of the Soul.

7. Buddhic body. Soul. In the awakened Soul, the frequency of conscience is connected with the vibration of Love. Love, softening a person and guiding him to treat everyone conscientiously, as to himself, restrains the conscience from punishing Yanskaya rigidity or excessive severity. And conscience helps Love to manifest itself as severity towards those who deserve it. In the True Self, everything is true and everything is wise. Here the ideal of conscience is Beauty and Harmony.

But beauty is not only as an aesthetic feeling, which is nurtured by culture and education, when a person is able to admire a blossoming flower, a sunset or a painting in a museum. It is a high frequency of beauty and harmony in the motives for action and in the reasons for the relationship. And they are where a clear conscience is. A clear conscience is where there is no ego, and a liberated Soul, merging with reality, acts as the moment prompts. Therefore, everything emanating from her is beautiful, harmonious and wise. Doesn't such an ideal impel a person to overcome the false “I” and open the Soul, that is, the True Self?

8. At the frequency of the Atmanic body The ideal of conscience is creativity. If the conscience reproaches a person when it manifests trivial information, when it hides behind knowledge or mental thinking that has no practical application, this is a call of the Spirit to connect with that Stream from which original thoughts, bold ideas and the possibilities of their solution come. Today, with the activity of the descending Cosmic energies, this is available to all who are devoted to God and who have a pure Heart.

Like everything true, the Flow addresses its information to the individual at the same time, when these insights become for her and take off, and an incomparable creative joy, and society, which is enriched with new revelations. Let us perceive the ideals of conscience as the message of the Spirit and Soul, as the Love of God for us. And their implementation is like our response to the Creator and real steps to connect with Him.

Esther Gerber
