Trance: Immersion In Another Reality - Alternative View

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Trance: Immersion In Another Reality - Alternative View
Trance: Immersion In Another Reality - Alternative View

Video: Trance: Immersion In Another Reality - Alternative View

Video: Trance: Immersion In Another Reality - Alternative View
Video: Another Reality (Katrin's World Remix) 2024, September

Plunging into a trance has been known since ancient times. It was believed that priests or shamans, entering an altered state of consciousness, can agree with the gods, convey to the ancestors the requests of ordinary people. What exactly is trance and what is it for?

The nature of the phenomenon

It is proved that during a trance a person forms an internal focus of attention, and the corridor of perception of external information is significantly narrowed (he reacts only to a certain stimulus). Magnetic resonance imaging and an electroencephalogram record changes in brain activity at such moments: the appearance of theta waves.

A mild state of trance in everyday life can arise spontaneously as a way of self-defense against information overload, fatigue, or when doing monotonous things every day. This is how the psyche protects itself from excessive stress. A person seems to be disconnected, and those around him have a feeling that he is hovering somewhere.

Entering a trance involuntarily, the body relaxes and gets a respite, and even better than during sleep.

You can also enter a trance by performing religious rituals, chanting mantras, hypnosis, listening to meditative music.

Promotional video:

Trance is different …

Researchers distinguish between three types. With an "everyday", involuntary trance, a person seems to be dreaming, deeply immersed in his sensations, passing from sleep to wakefulness and back, or automatically performing habitual actions. A hypnotic trance is usually induced with the participation of a specialist whose task is to deliberately enhance and prolong this state. In the case of the deepest, somnambulistic trance, the person does not reveal his unusual state in any way: his behavior, facial expressions, facial expressions - everything looks as if he is awake.

The trance state allows psychics and healers to receive the necessary information about a person from the information egregor, to see a picture of his illnesses, and makes it possible to study an object of interest (thought, task, problem) even in the absence of complete information. This property of trance has been used since ancient times. When the usual energy of a person or a group of people was not enough to solve a certain personal or collective task, they turned to a shaman who, using a trance, discovered the missing resource in his own subconscious or joined the necessary information egregor. And soon the general features of the problem were overgrown with missing details and details, and everything became clear.

Of course, imagination is also able to recreate situations, but at the same time intuition overcomes the resistance of consciousness with great difficulty. Trance, on the other hand, does not create obstacles to intuition, gives it complete freedom, so that access to the necessary resources is open.

Thus, trance states open up for a person ample opportunities for self-knowledge and contact with his true self, which is difficult to manifest in society due to many limitations. Trance allows you to enter the space of another reality, join a new type of sensation and come to a clear awareness of yourself and the world around you.

Finding yourself

It is usually recommended to consult a specialist for immersion in trance. However, in some cases, for example, if you need to find the optimal solution to a problem and you feel that you are able to do this, you can enter yourself into a light trance on your own. There are many safe techniques that can be used without outside help.

First you need to prepare: make sure that no one bothers you, turn off phones and other means of communication. If, for example, the ticking of a clock annoys you, take it to another room. If on the contrary (let's say you noticed that their sound calms down, helps to sleep), leave.

The best time to go into a trance is in the early morning, when you are barely awake; Or in the evening, when you are already tired enough and feel a little sleepy.

First of all, you need to relax. If you want, turn on meditative music, light incense sticks or a lamp with essential oils that help you to relax. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and begin to breathe slowly and deeply, at the same time counting down: ten, nine, eight … When you get to zero, imagine yourself on a flower meadow, on the seaside or at your dacha - the main thing is that your “shelter »Evoked extremely pleasant emotions and associations. Now concentrate on your question and look around. What surrounds you? Perhaps there are some clues? When you find your "key", mentally take it with you and return: one, two, three … Having come to a normal state, try not to forget anything, write down everything that you remember about your journey,and in the morning or after a good rest, analyze what you saw.

Magazine: Oracle Advisor # 9. Author: Margarita Aristarkhova